
there are only two students in this mountain school in anxi, but two teachers insist on protecting them and caring people show their warm care.


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love is holding on in the depths of the mountains
there are only two students in this mountain school in anxi, but two teachers insist on protecting them and caring people show their warm care.
chaobi primary school, located in the mountains of chaobi village, jiandou town, anxi county, carries the beautiful memories of several generations of local villagers. entering the new semester, this school, which was once full of laughter and joy, is rarely seen with students. the classroom that was once full of the sound of reading is now home to only two students, xiaojing (pseudonym) in the fourth grade and xiaojin (pseudonym) in the preschool class. in the silence, the principal zheng heping and the mathematics teacher zheng haibin are still at their posts, silently accompanying the two children in their learning and growth.
chaobi primary school is also a school sponsored by the quanzhou evening news southeast charity "love lunch" project. for 11 years, people from all walks of life have been providing warm care and companionship to the left-behind children in the school. during the mid-autumn festival that just passed, the two teachers and two children received holiday condolences and blessings again.
□ quanzhou evening news media reporter zhang xiaoling gong cuiling gao yun chen mingxiang text/photo
special classroom, watching over growth
walking into the only classroom in use at chaobi primary school, there are only two sets of tables and chairs placed side by side in the huge space, which belong to xiaojing and xiaojin respectively.
"29 is read as twenty-nine, and four zeros put together represent the unit ten thousand, so 290000 is read as two hundred and ninety thousand..." in the classroom, teacher zheng haibin pointed to the writing on the blackboard and patiently explained to xiaojing how to read the ten thousand base 10,000 numbers. under the podium, xiaojing stared at the blackboard attentively, her expression serious but also ignorant. "her cognitive ability is slightly weak. she can recognize individual numbers, but it is a bit difficult for her to combine them." teacher zheng explained that in order to help xiaojing gradually understand complex concepts, he often reviewed the knowledge of lower grades during class.
teacher zheng haibin is teaching
xiao jin, who was sitting next to xiao jing, was quietly copying his own digital calligraphy. occasionally, when he heard something interesting, he would look up at the teacher. teacher zheng would naturally not ignore this little listener. after teaching xiao jing, he walked over to xiao jin and taught him how to hold the pen correctly. "come on, sit up straight and relax your hands. this way, the words you write will look better." under the teacher's guidance, xiao jin straightened his posture again and wrote down the number "2" stroke by stroke.
"the teaching content for the two children is different, and the classes are usually staggered. when teaching one child, the other will be arranged to do exercises on the side." teacher zheng said that the two children can keep each other company in the class together, but the teaching mode is still one-on-one, and each child can get sufficient attention and guidance.
two students, also need to persist
"last year, the school had 34 students and 10 teachers. this year, most of the students have transferred to jiandou central school. as there are less than 30 students, the number of teachers has been adjusted to 2." principal zheng heping introduced that chaobi primary school was founded in 1969. in recent years, due to the villagers going out to work and the decrease in school-age children, the school has fewer and fewer students. at the same time, with the planning and construction of the baise water conservancy project, chaobi village needs to be relocated. many villagers have moved out one after another, and the children have also gone to other schools. in the new semester this fall, there was only one student left in chaobi primary school, xiaojing. based on the principle of nearby care, the school later accepted xiaojin from the preschool class to teach together.
principal zheng heping giving a lecture
"the economic conditions of the two children are difficult, and the adults are in special situations, so they can't be taken care of. if they transfer to jiandou central school, the distance is more than 10 kilometers, and who will pick them up and whether they can do it for a long time is a problem." zheng heping introduced that xiaojing's parents are physically disabled and the family relies on disability subsidies to make a living. xiaojin's parents are mentally ill, and the family relies on their uncle and grandfather to work outside to make a living. the grandmother has to work on the farm at home and take care of the two adults and children, which is not easy.
"the two children can't leave here for the time being. if we leave too, what will happen to them?" zheng heping said that they can't let the children lose the opportunity to receive education. even if there is only one student, they will not give up. he and teacher zheng are both from the village. he graduated from the normal college in 1987 and has been teaching in the village for 37 years. teacher zheng has also taught in chaobi primary school for 15 years.
the reporter learned that over the years, zheng heping and zheng haibin had many opportunities to teach in other better schools, but out of a sense of responsibility for the children in the mountainous areas, they finally chose to stay. today, the families of the two teachers have also moved to other places to work and live with most villagers, but they still stick to the village for teaching, running back and forth every week to reunite with their families. "this year may be our last year at chaobi primary school, and we will definitely stand our last shift." zheng heping said firmly.
love lunch, accompanying for 11 years
"i wish all the students progress in their studies!" "thank you teachers for your hard work. happy mid-autumn festival!" recently, southeast charity volunteers once again came to chaobi primary school and distributed scholarships, milk, snacks and other love supplies to xiaojing and xiaojin. at the same time, they sent holiday greetings and blessings to teachers zheng heping and zheng haibin.
southeast charity volunteers send holiday love
the person in charge of southeast charity said that although the school has undergone great changes, the "love lunch" will continue to protect the needy students of chaobi primary school.
11 years ago, southeast charity first entered chaobi primary school and sent a batch of school supplies, sports equipment and books to the children. the school had 7 classes and 188 students at that time. among them, more than 30 children were sent to nearby farmers for lunch. they were malnourished and often had a bowl of white rice with cold dishes brought from home, and some even had no dishes. in may 2013, the civilization office of quanzhou municipal party committee, quanzhou evening news, quanzhou southeast charity association and others jointly launched the "love lunch" at chaobi primary school, so that the students who were sent to farmers for lunch could eat nutritious meals with meat, vegetables and hot soup.
since 2019, southeast charity has launched the "dream music classroom" volunteer service in the school, organizing professional music teachers in quanzhou city to provide high-quality music lessons to the children...
zheng heping said that the "love lunch" has been carried out in chaobi primary school for 11 years. it not only provides tangible material assistance, but also opens a window for the children, giving them unlimited possibilities for the future. "no matter where the students go, i believe they will remember the help of the "love lunch" and the care and warm companionship from all walks of life."