
the national development and reform commission made a major statement: china's door to opening up will only open wider and wider


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on september 19, the national development and reform commission held a press conference for september. at the meeting, jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission, responded to hot issues such as the current economic situation, stimulating private investment vitality, and stabilizing prices and ensuring supply of people's livelihood products during the national day holiday. let's take a look at the key points:

1. we have the conditions, capabilities and confidence to achieve the annual economic and social development goals and tasks.

2. strengthen policy pre-research and reserve, and timely launch a batch of incremental policy measures that are highly operational, effective, and accessible to the public and enterprises.

3. continue to actively create conditions and remove barriers to entry. on the premise of fully respecting the investment intentions of enterprises, adhere to the principles of fairness, openness and justice to attract more private capital to participate in the construction of major projects such as nuclear power and railways.

4. opening up to the outside world is china's basic national policy. china's door to the outside world will not only not be closed, but will only open wider and wider.

5. the national development and reform commission will improve the implementation promotion mechanism and cooperate with relevant departments to study and propose specific policy measures such as household registration system reform, provision of basic public services in permanent places of residence, compulsory education for children of migrant workers, and accelerated construction of affordable housing.

6. based on a comprehensive analysis of all aspects, there is a solid foundation for ensuring supply and stabilizing prices during the national day golden week.

we have the conditions, capabilities and confidence to achieve the economic and social development goals and tasks for the whole year

"as macroeconomic policies continue to be effective and reform measures continue to be implemented, positive factors and favorable conditions in economic operations are also accumulating. we have the conditions, ability and confidence to achieve the annual economic and social development goals and tasks." jin xiandong emphasized.

increasing the intensity of macro-control is one of the key focus areas in the future. jin xiandong pointed out that in the future, macro policies will be moderately strengthened and more precise, and counter-cyclical adjustments will be strengthened.

specifically, we need to speed up the full implementation of the determined policy measures, coordinate the "hard investment" of project construction and the "soft construction" of policies, planning, mechanisms, etc., promote the construction of government investment projects such as "double heavy" as soon as possible and form physical workload; promote the implementation of the "two new" policy measures as soon as possible to ensure that the real money benefits reach enterprises and people. at the same time, strengthen policy pre-research and reserve, and timely launch a batch of incremental policy measures that are highly operational, effective, and accessible to the people and enterprises.

at the same time, we must further implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, accelerate the cultivation of a complete domestic demand system, improve the mechanism for promoting investment implementation, and improve the long-term mechanism for expanding consumption.

in terms of investment, the focus is to give full play to the guiding and driving role of government investment in social investment, improve the long-term mechanism for private enterprises to participate in the construction of major national projects, continue to promote high-quality projects to private capital, actively and steadily implement the new mechanism of cooperation between the government and social capital, promote the regular issuance of infrastructure reits, and further stimulate the vitality of private investment. in terms of consumption, the national development and reform commission will work with various departments and localities to implement the employment priority policy in depth, increase residents' income through multiple channels, and continuously improve residents' consumption capacity; make good use of ultra-long-term special treasury bond funds to increase support for the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones, further promote the quality and expansion of cultural tourism, education, medical care, elderly care, childcare, housekeeping and other service consumption, actively create new consumption scenarios, and cultivate new growth points for consumption.

the settlement rate of issues reported by private enterprises reached 56%

in june last year, the national development and reform commission established a regular communication mechanism with private enterprises.

data shows that as of the end of august this year, the national development and reform commission has received a total of 1,031 issues and demands from private enterprises, including 348 policy recommendations, 229 infringement disputes, 206 overdue accounts, 118 factor support items, and 130 legal and litigation-related items. so far, 56% of the matters have been completed.

smooth investment and financing channels for private enterprises is an important aspect of promoting their development and growth.

on the investment side, in september 2023, the national development and reform commission established a national platform for promoting projects to private capital, actively promoting high-quality projects in areas such as infrastructure that have been sorted out and reported by various regions, and continuously attracting private capital. jin xiandong introduced that as of august 31 this year, the platform has attracted a total of 1,963 projects involving private capital.

"recently, we have organized relevant parties to focus on eight major areas with great potential for private investment and high enthusiasm of private enterprises to participate, including transportation, water conservancy, energy, environmental protection, agriculture, social undertakings, new infrastructure, warehousing and logistics, and screened out 400 projects for key promotion to private capital, involving a total investment of 815.9 billion yuan." jin xiandong said that after this batch of projects were launched, they received widespread attention from private enterprises, and one or more companies have begun to contact many projects.

the five nuclear power projects recently approved by the state council executive meeting each offered 10% of their shares to attract private capital participation. jin xiandong pointed out that this fully reflects the determination to support the sustainable and healthy development of private enterprises. in the next step, the national development and reform commission will continue to actively create conditions and remove barriers to entry, adhere to the principles of fairness, openness and justice, and attract more private capital to participate in the construction of major projects such as nuclear power and railways while fully respecting the investment intentions of enterprises.

on the financing side, in june this year, the national development and reform commission and the financial regulatory administration jointly issued a notice requiring the establishment of a sound national integrated platform network, improving the financing convenience of small and micro enterprises, and promoting the transformation of the "credit easy loan" work from "expanding scale" to "improving quality".

jin xiandong pointed out that "credit easy loan" is a policy tool to solve the financing problems of enterprises, especially private small and medium-sized enterprises. its purpose is to promote the realization of "the better the credit of the enterprise, the easier it is to get a loan."

data shows that as of the end of july, banking institutions across the country had issued a total of 28.8 trillion yuan in loans through the national integrated platform network, of which 22.7 trillion yuan was issued to private enterprises, accounting for 79.1%.

jin xiandong said that in the future, it is necessary to further strengthen the optimization and integration of platforms. in principle, a province will only retain one provincial platform, and no more than one platform will be established at the municipal and county levels to ensure that the integration task is completed before the end of the year. at the same time, strengthen information collection and sharing, and promote timely and high-quality sharing of 17 categories and 37 items of credit information such as key personnel information, various qualification information, and import and export information of enterprises. increase the "total to total" sharing efforts at the national level and strengthen collaborative governance of data quality. in addition, it is necessary to strengthen in-depth cooperation between financial institutions and financing credit service platforms to transform data value into financing advantages. further deepen the pragmatic cooperation between local platforms and banking institutions in information sharing, system docking, data governance, joint modeling, etc., and truly transform credit information into a means of credit enhancement for enterprises.

china's door will only open wider

the national development and reform commission and the ministry of commerce recently jointly issued the "special management measures for foreign investment access (negative list) (2024 edition)". the new version of the negative list, the national negative list for foreign investment access, has deleted the remaining two restrictive measures in the manufacturing sector, and the restrictive measures on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector have been completely cancelled.

"this fully demonstrates china's positive willingness to expand mutual benefit and win-win results and its clear attitude of supporting economic globalization." jin xiandong said that it is necessary to further emphasize that opening up to the outside world is china's basic national policy, and china's door to the outside world will not only not be closed, but will only open wider and wider. the national development and reform commission will intensify its efforts to improve the high-level opening-up system and mechanism, improve the construction of the policy and rule system, and promote the high-quality development of foreign investment.

in terms of policy, jin xiandong revealed that the national development and reform commission will implement an action plan to attract and utilize foreign investment with greater efforts, accelerate the implementation of the 2024 version of the national negative list for foreign investment access, and solve the problems of foreign investment in china in a targeted manner, and further improve the level of foreign investment liberalization and facilitation. at the same time, the national directory of industries encouraged for foreign investment will be studied.

there is a solid foundation for ensuring supply and stabilizing prices during the national day golden week

the state council recently issued the "five-year action plan for deeply implementing the people-oriented new urbanization strategy", which clearly states that in the next five years, four major actions must be implemented, including a new round of urbanization of rural migrant population, improving the urbanization level of potential areas, cultivating modern urban agglomerations, and renewing cities and improving safety and resilience.

jin xiandong said that the national development and reform commission will improve the implementation promotion mechanism and cooperate with relevant departments to study and propose specific policy measures such as household registration system reform, provision of basic public services in permanent residence, compulsory education for migrant children, and accelerated construction of affordable housing.

in terms of policy support, jin xiandong said that the national development and reform commission will work with relevant departments to speed up the improvement and implementation of fiscal, financial, land and other policies to support new urbanization, coordinate the use of central budget investment, ultra-long-term special government bonds, and local government special bonds, and increase support for key new urbanization construction projects such as compulsory education schools, general high schools, public hospitals, affordable rental housing, renovation of old communities, renewal of urban gas pipelines, and waterproofing and drainage facilities.

mid-autumn festival and national day have always been the traditional peak consumption seasons for important daily necessities such as grain, oil, meat, eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables in my country.

jin xiandong said that during the mid-autumn festival, the supply of important livelihood commodities was sufficient and the prices were stable. at present, the production capacity of live pigs, poultry and eggs is sufficient, and the market supply is guaranteed; the area of ​​vegetables in the field is at a high level, and the prices are generally stable. the prices of cucumbers and rapeseed, which rose sharply in august, have fallen recently.

jin xiandong pointed out that based on comprehensive analysis of all aspects, there is a solid foundation for ensuring supply and stabilizing prices during the national day golden week.