
taiwan affairs office: lai ching-te's administration is constantly militarizing and training troops for "independence", which will inevitably lead to its own destruction


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q: the us department of defense's security cooperation agency recently announced a military sale worth about us$228 million to the taiwan region of china. the democratic progressive party authorities said this would help taiwan improve its self-defense capabilities and "asymmetric combat power." what's your comment on this?

chen binhua, spokesman for the taiwan affairs office of the state council, replied: the basis for the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and the united states is the one-china principle, that is, the united states recognizes that the government of the people's republic of china is the only legitimate government of china, recognizes that there is only one china in the world and taiwan is a part of china; the premise is that the us government accepts the three principles of establishing diplomatic relations proposed by china, namely "breaking off diplomatic relations, withdrawing troops, and abolishing the treaty". the united states has repeatedly sold weapons to the taiwan region of china, which seriously violates the principles of establishing diplomatic relations between china and the united states, seriously violates the provisions of the three sino-us joint communiqués, especially the "august 17 communiqué", and seriously infringes on china's sovereignty and security interests. the ministry of foreign affairs has strongly condemned and expressed its firm opposition, and announced sanctions against nine us military-industrial enterprises. we express our firm support for this and urge the united states to immediately stop arming taiwan, immediately stop sending wrong signals to the "taiwan independence" separatist forces, and fulfill its promise of not supporting "taiwan independence" with practical actions.

"taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace in the taiwan strait. it is the biggest threat to peace and stability in the taiwan strait and the main source of chaos in the asia-pacific region. since the lai qingde administration came to power, it has stubbornly adhered to the separatist position of "cooperation for independence" and attempted to "seek independence by force" and "resist reunification by force". it has continuously escalated the confrontation between the two sides of the taiwan strait, constantly flattered and sought help from external forces, and constantly engaged in militarism and military training to prepare for "independence". the vast majority of taiwan compatriots must recognize the nature of the lai qingde administration, which is called "protecting taiwan" but is actually "harming taiwan", recognize the danger of "taiwan independence" that will inevitably lead to war, and resolutely oppose and stop its actions.

we have the firm will, full confidence and sufficient ability to crush the provocation of "taiwan independence" and the interference of external forces. no one or any force should dream that we will swallow the bitter fruit of undermining our national sovereignty, security and development interests. we warn the lai ching-te administration not to misjudge the situation and dare to take risks: they will surely bring about their own destruction.