
nanhua students won 5 national first prizes in the 26th china robotics and artificial intelligence competition


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recently, the 26th china robotics and artificial intelligence competition national finals came to a successful conclusion. this year's competition was held in a hybrid offline + remote online mode, bringing together more than a thousand participating teams and nearly 10,000 students from tsinghua university, harbin institute of technology, zhejiang university and other universities to compete on the same stage.
after 5 months of intensive preparation, the team from the university of south china passed the preliminary school and provincial competitions and finally won 15 national awards (5 national first prizes, 2 national second prizes, 5 national third prizes, 3 national excellent prizes) and 26 provincial awards (7 provincial first prizes, 9 provincial second prizes, 9 provincial third prizes, and 1 provincial excellent prize) in the national finals.
the china robot and artificial intelligence competition was launched in 1999. it is a national academic competition with a long history and wide influence. it has cultivated a large number of compound talents who are "hands-on", "daring to innovate" and "good at collaboration" for our country. the competition has been included in the national general higher education subject competition ranking list and the national general higher education student competition analysis report released by the china higher education society.
the competition was organized by the robotics engineering department of the school of electrical engineering of the university of south china, which mobilized and coordinated the school of electrical engineering, school of computer science, school of mechanical engineering, and school of civil engineering to participate in the robot innovation competition, artificial intelligence innovation competition, smart home appliance innovation competition, new productivity innovation design special competition, robot application competition (baidu apollo urban road autonomous driving), robot application competition (smart agriculture) and other competitions. through training and guidance, teachers and students from participating colleges continuously improved and perfected the entries. students were aware of the various technical points of the works, so they could strategize in the competition and finally lived up to expectations and achieved excellent results. it also demonstrated the innovative spirit and practical ability of south china students. (wang yajun and jiang yan)
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