
beijing yizhuang plans to develop six future industries, with a focus on planning 6 million square meters of industrial space


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on september 19, the beijing municipal government information office held a series of themed press conferences on "celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of new china". reporters learned that the beijing economic and technological development zone is focusing on building four national strategic task industrial clusters, laying out six future industries, and building a future industrial development space pattern of "one corridor, one belt, multiple centers, open and co-creating characteristic parks".
a number of featured industrial parks were listed, and a number of cutting-edge technological breakthroughs were achieved
kong lei, deputy secretary of the beijing economic and technological development zone working committee and director of the management committee, said that the economic and technological development zone is focusing on building four national strategic task industrial clusters, namely, creating a national integrated circuit industry highland, accelerating the construction of a high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone, enhancing the agglomeration efficiency of the national information and innovation base, and creating a data infrastructure system pilot zone and a full-domain artificial intelligence city.
kong lei said that the economic development zone is the only area in the city that has a comprehensive layout of future information, future health, future manufacturing, future energy, future materials, and future space. in the field of commercial aerospace, it has gathered more than 50 commercial aerospace companies, and the number of private rocket research and development companies accounts for more than 70% of the country. at present, it is making every effort to build beijing rocket street and aerospace district to create the main position for the development of china's commercial aerospace.
in the field of future health, the economic development zone supports the development of gene therapy product development companies and gene sequencing technology development companies, and continues to promote projects such as jinlan gene. in the field of humanoid robots, the economic development zone supports the construction of the ubtech humanoid robot headquarters project and the xiaomi robot demonstration project. the beijing embodied intelligent robot innovation center and beijing robot industrial park will be built to further maintain the leading edge in the field of robots.
"in the next step, we will speed up the introduction of policies for a number of sub-sectors such as synthetic biology and new energy storage, list a number of characteristic industrial parks, achieve a number of cutting-edge technological breakthroughs, attract a number of key projects, and systematically promote the leading development of future industries." kong lei said that the economic development zone will focus on the layout of 58 spatial carriers with more than 6 million square meters of industrial space to accelerate the development of advantageous fields.
optimizing the business environment, a large number of new industries and new formats are growing rapidly
kong lei introduced that the economic development zone has continuously optimized the business environment around industrial development, improved corporate satisfaction and sense of gain, and a large number of new industries and new formats have grown rapidly. for example, the economic development zone has strengthened institutional innovation, and 14 "two districts" construction cases have been promoted nationwide. at the same time, the scale advantage of yizhuang guotou's investment and management of hundreds of billions of funds has been brought into play, and the bank consortium has been organized in batches to add 1 trillion yuan of credit to support the real economy. the first batch of 4 banks have signed contracts to provide financial liquidity for the innovative development of enterprises.
in addition, the economic development zone deepened high-level opening up to the outside world, pioneered the "group going abroad + overseas investment promotion" model in the city, and introduced international organizations such as the british 48 group club and the sino-german chamber of commerce. recently, the beijing yizhuang comprehensive bonded zone was approved by the state council to create the country's first comprehensive bonded zone with the cultivation and development of new quality productivity as its core.
released the 2.0 version of the "ten measures for talents", gathering over 400,000 talents of all kinds
the economic and technological development zone focuses on the talent needs of young people and industries, continuously improves the attractiveness and absorption capacity of talents, and releases the 2.0 version of the "ten talents" policy, attracting and gathering more than 400,000 talents of all kinds. a total of more than 4,100 "yicheng talents" have been identified, forming a talent goose formation represented by hundreds of top and outstanding talents, thousands of industry leaders, and tens of thousands of young scientific and technological talents and outstanding engineers.
at the same time, the economic development zone has built a more suitable industrial environment, created a full life cycle service system from incubation and cultivation, growth support to promotion and expansion, and has more than 420 research and development institutions at or above the municipal level, forming a "small giant - specialized, sophisticated, new - innovative small and medium-sized enterprises" echelon. at present, the number of specialized, sophisticated, new and small and medium-sized enterprises in the economic development zone is 918, including 154 national-level specialized, sophisticated, new "little giant" enterprises, ranking among the top national-level economic development zones in the country.
kong lei introduced that the economic and technological development zone has accelerated the construction of the new campus of beijing children's hospital, and promoted the construction of seven primary and secondary schools, including the east campus of beijing no. 2 middle school, the branch of beijing primary school, the branch of beijing no. 8 middle school, and six major central supporting schools. this year, more than 4,400 new primary and secondary school places will be added.
foreign-invested enterprises account for nearly 70% of the total industrial output value
li quan, member of the beijing economic and technological development zone working committee and deputy director of the management committee, introduced that in the 30 years since beijing yizhuang was approved as a national-level economic and technological development zone, it has gathered more than 1,300 foreign-funded enterprises from 62 countries and regions around the world, and 103 fortune 500 companies have invested in 158 projects. a quarter of the fortune 500 companies in germany and the united kingdom have chosen yizhuang. foreign-funded enterprises in the district contribute 69% of the total industrial output value and nearly 50% of the tax revenue.
in the first half of this year, beijing economic and technological development zone actually utilized foreign capital of us$294 million, a year-on-year increase of 16.1%; imports and exports reached rmb 88.52 billion, a year-on-year increase of 7.8%. at the 2024 services trade fair, the economic and technological development zone signed the "global partnership agreement" with six units including the china-france, china-germany, and china-switzerland chambers of commerce, further expanding international exchanges and cooperation.
li quan introduced that since last year, beijing yizhuang has established a "2+x" policy support system for foreign-invested enterprises. "2" refers to the nine policies on foreign investment and 20 policies on services, and x refers to the list of foreign investment support items. for example, in the 20 services for foreign enterprises, from the five aspects of "dense ecology, strong supply, optimized interface, improved environment, and promotion of suitable business and living", the high-end service industry is promoted to open up and develop, and key open areas are supported to take the lead in trial. the "2+x" foreign investment policy and service package ensures "extremely simple approval" and "excellent service" for foreign-related services, paving the way for foreign-invested enterprises to deepen their presence in the chinese market.
beijing news reporter wu tingting
edited by bai shuang proofread by zhang yanjun