
gymnastics goddess zhang doudou: she became famous for her chest-lifting photos, refused to enter the entertainment industry, and officially announced her marriage to show her happiness


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who would have thought that a "chest-up photo" would make him a legend in the gymnastics world?

the name zhang doudou once became popular on the internet because of a photo, but she used her strength to prove that she is more than just "breasts".

from a "little bean sprout" on the gymnastics field, to a top student, and then to a coach of the national team, zhang doudou has used his life to interpret what it means to "live up to the youth."

now, her marriage news to olympic champion sun yang is all over the news again. let us take a look at the wonderful life of this "dark horse" in the sports world.

what makes her remain true to her original aspiration despite the temptation of fame and fortune?

speaking of zhang doudou's growth process, it is simply a real-life version of an "inspirational blockbuster"!

do you remember the gymnastics goddess mentioned in the previous chapter who became famous for her "chest-lifting photo"?

let's take a look today at how she went from a little girl to the "big heroine" in the gymnastics world.

doudou has been a "little fairy" since she was young, and her beauty is simply a gift from god.

seeing that she was pretty, her parents wanted to cultivate her and sent her to a dance class.

who would have thought that this step would directly rewrite doudou's life trajectory!

the dance teacher took a liking to doudou at first sight and felt that this girl was tailor-made for rhythmic gymnastics.

doudou's flexible body and agile movements make her just like an elegant little swan.

in this way, doudou embarked on the road of rhythmic gymnastics in a daze and started her "soaring against the wind" mode.

at the 2006 zhuhai national youth rhythmic gymnastics championships, doudou emerged like a "dark horse".

her wonderful performance directly made the judges' eyes light up, and they exclaimed: "this girl is definitely a treasure!"

not only did she make it into the top four, she also won the "best appearance award", which is a double blow of strength and appearance!

how could the national team's scouts let go of such a good talent?

without saying a word, he took doudou under his command.

now doudou has jumped from a "little fairy" to a "little bean sprout" of the national team.

after joining the national team, doudou was not spoiled.

the training intensity is simply "devil" level!

i trained like a top every day and was so tired that i couldn't even walk straight.

but our doudou is not easy to mess with.

her stubborn eyes seemed to say: "don't think this can defeat me, i have 'mysterious powers'!"

in this way, doudou gritted his teeth and persevered, watering his own "spring" with sweat.

in 2013, doudou led the team into the french rhythmic gymnastics grand prix.

the scene was just like "invincible from the east" parachuting into the west, stunning the whole audience!

winning the silver medal in the team all-around event allowed the whole world to witness the strength of chinese gymnastics.

in the same year, doudou and her teammates made another stunning debut at the world rhythmic gymnastics championships.

the good result of sixth place is a loud slap in the face to those who look down on asian players.

doudou's performance made the coach couldn't help but give her a thumbs up: "this girl has a bright future!"

after reading this, you may think that doudou’s life is just a cheat.

but the real test is yet to come!

how did this "little bean sprout" stay sober and live a wonderful life after becoming an internet sensation?

okay, let’s continue with the story of doudou that we talked about last time.

as mentioned earlier, doudou is very successful in the gymnastics world, but life always has some big twists and turns.

2014 is simply a "watershed moment" in doudou's destiny!

it was originally just a participation in an ordinary charity event, but who would have thought that it would turn into a phoenix after this trip.

that day, doudou was wearing the national team uniform and had a high ponytail, and she looked so young that water could be squeezed out of her.

but what really caught everyone's attention was not her face.

a "chest-lifting photo" directly turned doudou from a "little transparent" in the gymnastics world into a "top star" in the internet world.

now doudou’s social media fans are increasing rapidly, even faster than a rocket.

various entertainment companies heard the news and took action. the scene was even more lively than the spring festival gala.

doudou’s phone is about to explode with calls. i heard that an agent even said he would buy her an island as a birthday present. this is simply too good to be true!

everyone thought that doudou would definitely take advantage of the opportunity to enter the entertainment industry, after all, it was a good opportunity to "monetize traffic."

who doesn’t want to be a rich and good-looking internet celebrity?

but doudou's reaction made everyone drop their jaws.

she directly gave a "three-consecutive refusal": refusing hype, refusing the entertainment industry, and refusing to give up her gymnastics dream.

this operation is truly a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry!

doudou is going against the wind. he is really a person who "does not play by the rules".

some people say doudou is silly and think she missed a good opportunity to "get rich".

some people also say that doudou is aloof and believe that she is pretending to be pure to win favor.

but doudou has her own ideas. she said: "my dream is not to be a star, but to bring glory to my country."

these words really inspire respect!

i have to say that this little girl doudou is really proud.

she used her actions to tell everyone that she is not a vase who relies on her breasts to make a living.

doudou retired in 2017.

everyone thought that she would finally become a good person now, right?

as a result, doudou performed another amazing move.

not only did she reject the invitation from the entertainment industry again, she also resolutely applied to be a graduate student at beijing sport university.

this operation is simply telling everyone with practical actions: "learning is the real taste!"

doudou is going to be on the path of becoming a top student and there will be no turning back!

doudou's choice made many people exclaim "i don't understand".

but time will tell.

how far can this girl who is not burdened by her "breasts" go?

last time we talked about how doudou rejected the olive branch from the entertainment industry and resolutely embarked on the path of becoming a top student.

this action really surprised many people, and they speculated whether she was possessed by the devil of "learning".

but our doudou is not a vegetarian!

studying and living at beijing sport university was a piece of cake for her.

after all, anyone who has been able to work in the gymnastics world for so many years must have great willpower.

doudou has proved through her actions that she not only has good looks and a great figure, but she also has a first-rate brain.

her enthusiasm for studying was even more intense than when she was training. she stayed up late to read, like a "female version of kong yiji".

the classmates all said: "doudou is going to read the book as 'tofu'!"

after graduating with a master's degree, doudou performed another amazing move.

she chose to return to the national team as a coach, which was a brilliant move!

by perfectly combining what he has learned and experience, doudou is about to make a "comeback as the king" in the gymnastics world!

doudou said: "i want to pass on my experience to more young girls so that they can avoid taking detours."

these words are truly the epitome of a "teacher"!

i have to say that doudou, this "little cotton-padded jacket", really warms the hearts of the national team!

but doudou’s story doesn’t end there.

just when everyone thought doudou would devote herself to her career, her love life quietly made new progress.

this "new development" is simply a "blockbuster bomb" for the paparazzi!

it turned out that at a party, doudou met sun yang, who is also a sports celebrity.

the two of them hit it off immediately and had a lively conversation.

sun yang was moved by doudou's frankness and sincerity, and it felt like being shot in the heart by cupid's arrow.

doudou was also attracted by sun yang's gentleness and thoughtfulness, as if she had found her "true love".

in this way, the two of them began their sweet love, and it was simply the birth of "'dou yang' cp"!

the relationship between doudou and sun yang can be said to be high-profile in a low-key way.

although the two of them don't show their affection publicly, their occasional interactions on social media still give fans plenty of sweet things to enjoy.

netizens all said: "this is so much dog food, we singles are almost full!"

finally, on july 20, 2024, the news that doudou and sun yang officially announced their marriage shocked the entire sports and entertainment circles.

when this news came out, it was like a "nuclear bomb", blowing up the entire network!

netizens said: "the combination of this 'fairy couple' is simply a real-life 'sports fairy tale'!"

after reading this, do you think doudou is a winner in life?

she has a successful career, is beautiful, and has found her ideal husband. this is simply a life full of luck!

but doudou’s success is by no means accidental. what kind of enlightenment does her story bring us?

after reading doudou’s story, do you feel like you are watching a real-life version of the "cinderella" fairy tale?

but don’t think that she has reached her current status by luck or good looks. you are totally wrong!

doudou's success is simply a vivid "life planning lesson" for everyone.

every move she made was like a carefully planned chess game.

from rejecting the temptation of the entertainment industry, to devoting herself to study and then returning to the gymnastics world as a coach, doudou has demonstrated with her actions what it means to "stay true to one's original aspiration."

think about it, if it were you, facing so many temptations of fame and fortune, could you stick to yourself?

most people may have been blinded by the "money power" and just lay down and become internet celebrities.

but doudou is like a "tumbler", standing firm in the storms of fame and fortune. this kind of composure is simply a model in the "bean world"!

when it comes to choosing between study and career, doudou is like a "super brain" contestant.

she was not carried away by her temporary success, but chose to continue recharging. this move is simply a loud slap in the face to all those "lying down" people!

doudou tells us through his actions that learning is the eternal truth and knowledge is the most solid "moat".

as for love, doudou is a textbook example.

she was not blinded by fame and appearance, but found a partner who truly appreciated her inner beauty.

this "'douyang' fairy tale" is simply a shot of confidence for all the singles: a good marriage still depends on fate, don't worry, your "true love" will always appear!

doudou’s story tells us: life is not a play in the eyes of others, but a movie directed by yourself.

don't be bound by other people's expectations, and don't be influenced by worldly views.

keeping your original intention, continuing to learn, and daring to try are the correct ways to realize your self-worth.

finally, let us cheer for doudou and sun yang’s happy life!

i hope their love will be as graceful as gymnastics and as lasting as swimming.

let’s work together in the arena of life to create more wonderful things!

doudou's story is like a stream of clear water, bringing us a touch of coolness in this impetuous society.

she uses her own experience to tell us: true success does not lie in how many fans you have or how much money you make, but in whether you are loyal to yourself and whether you are realizing your own value.