
xiangyang organizes the "9.18" air defense alarm test and national defense mobilization education activities


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (hubei daily online) (reporter fei zhenlun) from 9:00 to 9:19 on the morning of september 18, the air defense alarms were sounded simultaneously in the urban area of ​​xiangyang city and all counties (cities). the local national defense offices ensured the successful completion of the air defense alarm test through various types of air defense alarm equipment such as electroacoustic alarms, electric alarms, manual alarms, and multimedia alarms. during the test, production, life, and social activities in the city proceeded as usual in an orderly manner.
the air defense alarm was tested. photo provided by the correspondent
while testing the air defense alarms in various counties (cities), relevant publicity and education drills were actively carried out in streets, communities and schools. laohekou city and gucheng county carried out national defense publicity and education in schools and organized teachers and students to conduct air defense evacuation drills. zaoyang city organized volunteers to distribute publicity materials to citizens on the streets, explaining how to identify and respond to air defense alarms. in conjunction with the "national defense education month", xiangzhou district carried out theme activities related to national defense education for all, centering on the theme of "carrying out national defense education in accordance with the law to improve the national defense literacy of all people", and distributed more than 200 brochures. baokang county distributed a total of 2,086 copies of the textbook "people's air defense knowledge" to students in the county, further enhancing students' national defense concepts and awareness of civil defense. since 2013, the city has held air defense alarm test activities on september 18 every year, aiming to expand and deepen the people's cognition and understanding of advance warnings, air raid alarms, and alarm cancellation signals, remember history, be prepared for danger in times of peace, keep the alarm bell ringing, strengthen the sense of crisis, and enhance the concept of national defense.
drill activities. photo provided by the correspondent
the relevant person in charge of xiangyang municipal national mobilization office said that the test of air defense alarm is not only necessary for the general public to be familiar with and understand the air defense alarm signal, and to enhance the concept of national defense and awareness of air defense and disaster prevention, but also necessary to test the performance of air defense alarm equipment, improve reliability and preparedness, and make all citizens remember history, remember national humiliation, and be prepared for danger in times of peace. in the next step, xiangyang municipal national mobilization office will further enhance the ability of air defense alarm to sound, effectively adapt to the needs of combining peacetime and wartime and the transition between peacetime and wartime, and safeguard the safety of people's lives and property.
national defense propaganda and education. photo provided by the correspondent