
a man jumped from the third floor to escape and became the only victim of the hefei earthquake? official rumor refuted


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at 20:08 on september 18, a magnitude 4.7 earthquake occurred in feidong county, hefei city, anhui province (31.98 degrees north latitude, 117.60 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 12 kilometers.

rumor 1: a post on toutiao account "wang's study notes" said that after the anhui earthquake, cracks appeared on bridges, roads and buildings, and the post was accompanied by relevant pictures.

after investigation, it was found that the information was a rumor. the gaps in the bridges and between the buildings in the accompanying picture were all expansion joints of the buildings and were not caused by the earthquake. no cracks were found on the road surface in many places due to the earthquake.

rumor 2: the tiktok account "dnz" posted a message saying that cctv30 reported that on september 18, when an earthquake occurred in hefei, a man decisively jumped from the third floor to escape, and ended up becoming the only victim of the earthquake, and the message was accompanied by a relevant video.

after investigation, the information was found to be a rumor and no injured people were found who jumped from the third floor due to the earthquake.

the public security organs will resolutely investigate and deal with illegal acts such as deliberately distorting facts, fabricating and spreading rumors, and disrupting social order online in accordance with the law!

we solemnly remind all netizens that the internet is not a lawless place. do not publish false statements, actively resist online rumors, do not create, believe or spread rumors, and work together to build a clear and clean online home.