
chengdu jianyang city provides matchmaking and front-line services to help enterprises sell digital city products to inner mongolia


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hou peiru sichuan news network-first screen news reporter xie chuanxia
"that's great! the government's platform has brought opportunities for the development of our company. we will deepen cooperation with local companies in inner mongolia to serve the digital transformation of thousands of industries." liu wu, general manager of lion cloud data (sichuan) co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "lion cloud data"), told reporters happily, "the company can combine ai+ digital city products with local business needs and data resources in inner mongolia for secondary optimization to expand the digital city market in inner mongolia. using the company's ai+ technology system, we will work with industry experts in inner mongolia to incubate artificial intelligence large model products."
the lian technology ai computing park built by lian cloud data is a super-large computing center attracted by jianyang city. it has just been put into operation, and there are many tasks to be done, the most critical of which is business expansion. on september 19, the reporter learned from jianyang city, chengdu that after the jianyang city economic and science and information bureau learned about the actual needs of the enterprise, it immediately took action and invited the research team of the counselor's office of the people's government of inner mongolia autonomous region to conduct research in the enterprise, and exchanged views on the development of the enterprise, the computing industry infrastructure, and the development of the upstream, midstream and downstream of the industrial chain on the spot, and discussed the cooperation and interaction between the two places, and cultivated and developed the green computing industry chain related work, bringing new opportunities for the development of the enterprise.
"as one of the starting areas of the tianfu data center cluster, the chengdu-chongqing national hub node of the national integrated computing network, jianyang has two super-large computing centers and a strong momentum for the development of the digital economy." ma lin, counselor of the people's government of inner mongolia autonomous region and former party secretary and chairman of inner mongolia mining (group) co., ltd., said that by building an exchange platform between inner mongolia's computing power nodes and chengdu-chongqing computing power nodes, it will promote lian cloud data and inner mongolia computing power companies to establish cooperation in many aspects such as computing power collaborative planning, computing power network interconnection, data resource collaboration, and technology research and development cooperation.
enterprises have demands, and the government has responses. "i am very grateful to the municipal bureau of economics, science and technology for building a platform, actively finding ways for the development of our enterprises, and coordinating to solve difficult problems when our enterprises were put into operation, ensuring the normal operation of our enterprises." on the day when the lianyun cloud data built the platform, the jianyang municipal bureau of economics, science and technology visited the enterprise again and revisited the construction of the enterprise's communication network. liu wu told reporters that the lianyun technology ai computing power park can provide high-quality comprehensive computing power services, and the opening of the communication network is an important prerequisite. just when the park was opened, the jianyang municipal bureau of economics, science and technology took the initiative to provide services, and visited the enterprises many times to understand the pain points and difficulties of the enterprises in the promotion of the project. after learning about the enterprise's demand for a dedicated communication line, the jianyang municipal bureau of economics, science and technology immediately linked up with the transportation bureau, the planning bureau and other departments to conduct on-site surveys, and coordinated with relevant construction units to open two communication routes for the enterprise and solve the dedicated communication line, which effectively ensured the smooth opening of the lianyun technology ai computing power park.
at present, the jianyang municipal bureau of economy, science and technology is taking the work of "entering 10,000 enterprises, solving problems, improving the environment, and promoting development" as a new starting point, and using "special teams + specialists" one-on-one services to "solve real problems and truly solve problems" for enterprises, focusing on industrial growth, accelerating projects, and promoting the quantitative and qualitative improvement of jianyang's economy. (photo provided by the publicity department of the jianyang municipal party committee)