
caught in talk show controversy, zhang yuqi was suspected of being replaced by the crew. she posted a message with an eye-rolling emoji: guess what happened? wake up! start working


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recently, zhang yuqi played the "encountering a scumbag" joke on a talk show, and a male star was implicated, sparking heated discussion.

on september 18, after the talk show scandal, a self-media blogger revealed that the female lead of the movie "a red star" had changed from zhang yuqi to deng jiajia.

afterwards, the topic of zhang yuqi being replaced quickly topped the hot search list, sparking a lot of discussion.

on the morning of september 19, zhang yuqi posted: "when i opened my eyes in the morning, hey! guess what? i woke up! start working~"

she also shared a photo of her rolling her eyes when she was asked about her ex-boyfriend wang xiaofei's marriage in an interview, with the caption "i can bear it", showing her toughness.

public information shows that zhang yuqi was born on august 8, 1987 in dezhou city, shandong province. she is a chinese film and television actress and graduated from the 2004 class of the opera school affiliated to shanghai theatre academy. her representative works include "legend of the demon cat", "the mermaid" and "white deer plain".

edit october

[source: jiupai news comprehensive]

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