
2024 observation report on carbon emissions information disclosure by a-share and h-share listed companies in the yangtze river delta chemical industry - green jiangnan


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(1) 36 companies disclosed their carbon dioxide equivalent reduction and carbon reduction measures

in the 2023 annual report, 36 listed companies in the chemical industry in the yangtze river delta region disclosed their carbon reduction and carbon reduction measures, demonstrating their firm commitment and practical actions to reduce carbon emissions. from the carbon reduction data disclosed by the 36 companies, their total carbon reduction reached 10,829,238.02 tons, indicating that these companies have achieved certain results in reducing carbon emissions. however, the carbon reduction differences between different companies are quite obvious, which is related to factors such as the scale of the company and the effectiveness of carbon reduction measures.

disclosure of carbon reduction not only reflects the implementation of transparent governance by enterprises, but also quantifies the actual results of carbon reduction, so that the public, investors and other stakeholders can clearly understand the emission reduction situation of enterprises. these enterprises actively respond to the national green development strategy, and effectively reduce carbon emissions in the process of enterprise operation through diversified means such as renewable energy utilization, energy efficiency improvement, and recycling, setting a responsible example for the industry and beyond.

(2) 66 companies disclosed carbon reduction measures but did not disclose the reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions

66 companies including salt and longpan technology mainly focused on the description of carbon reduction measures, without mentioning the specific amount of carbon reduction. in addition, we also found that the three companies, hong taiyang, bestmei and quanlitai, focused on pollution reduction, while yaben chemical mainly disclosed hazardous waste-related content, which has little to do with carbon reduction.

(3) none of the 39 companies disclosed carbon reduction measures and reductions in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions