
hualong network's "core question" integrated media assistant was selected into the first batch of digital experience products and support service units in chongqing


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina news (reporter liang haonan) on september 18, the cyberspace administration of chongqing municipal committee announced the "list of chongqing's first batch of digital experience products and support service units". 30 digital experience products from 25 support service units including chongqing group co., ltd. were selected.

according to reports, this selection aims to accelerate the implementation of the national digital literacy and skills improvement action, promote mass digital experience activities, and effectively enhance the digital adaptability, competence, and creativity of the whole people. the products are self-declared by units, recommended by departments and counties, reviewed by industry experts, voted by mass representatives, and the results are announced. finally, 30 high-quality digital products with strong interactive experience and reflecting the application of digital cutting-edge technologies are selected.

take the "core question" media assistant of chongqing hualong network group co., ltd. as an example. this product is a large media industry model independently constructed by the hualong network technical team based on the local regional characteristics and cultural connotations of chongqing, integrating the writing resources of mainstream media and real senior writers. the "core question" large model is the flagship innovation layout of hualong network group in the field of artificial intelligence, and carries the group's cutting-edge exploration of the in-depth development of news intelligence and media integration.

the "core question" model, through in-depth mining and reconstruction of chongqing's massive digital content, creates a deep learning algorithm, and continuously improves its semantic understanding and knowledge reasoning capabilities through continuous iterative optimization. it can not only quickly extract core content, but also analyze key points based on different types of thematic reports with precise algorithms, construct a multi-dimensional narrative style outline, generate news content that is both accurate and high-quality, and effectively promote the standardization and efficiency of the work production process.

from a functional point of view, the "core question" model covers functions such as intelligent title generation, accurate summary extraction, automatic keyword tagging, manuscript assisted writing, and in-depth content expansion. in addition, the model creates intelligent detection capabilities for professional media content in vertical fields, supports natural language grammar proofreading of massive corpus data, as well as information on political figures, review of quotations and slogans, and efficient identification of sensitive and illegal information; it can also capture clues in real time, comprehensively, and accurately, analyze news hotspots in multiple dimensions, monitor audience feedback, and improve communication effects.

at present, the "core question" model has enabled the hualong core smart media integration platform, enabling the entire process of content planning, collection, editing, review, distribution, and feedback in the integrated media business scenario, helping editors to get out of the trivial matters of news editing, and focus more on the planning and execution of in-depth reports, creating higher-quality and more innovative content products. at the same time, the large model has been gradually applied to the "1+41" chongqing client cluster new media matrix, the "1+41" mobile newspaper matrix, and the city's smart digital newspaper reading screen, integrating a variety of comprehensive service businesses with the "smart media +" concept, and providing media expansion services such as government affairs, services, business, party building, and education.

screenshot of the interactive product “hualong ai smart space station”.

it is worth mentioning that during this year's two sessions, used the large model to create an interactive product called "hualong ai smart space station" specifically for reporting on the two sessions. it used cutting-edge technologies such as ai, 3d, and big data analysis, integrating intelligent dialogue, personalized recommendations, poster drawing, and social sharing, creating a new experience of watching the two sessions on an integrated screen, and was recommended by the official website of the china journalists association.
