
the mid-autumn festival box office reached nearly 400 million yuan, with two realistic films leading the way with high scores


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according to the lighthouse professional edition, as of 20:30 on september 17, the 2024 mid-autumn festival box office (including pre-sales) exceeded 380 million, with the top three being "wild child", "avengers" and "determination to run away". among them, "wild child" and "determination to run away" are realistic films, both adapted from real people and true stories. many topics triggered by the films have become hot searches, and "avengers" has become a "dark horse" as a comedy film that is in urgent need of the schedule.
the movie "wild child" has a douban score of 7.1 and has earned 120 million yuan in box office so far. the film is based on the real events of "wandering brothers". the touching story of the mutual protection and redemption of the elder brother ma liang and the younger brother xuan xuan warms the hearts of the audience. the film focuses on the living conditions of marginalized minors, explores the social topic of "birth and raising", and interprets the importance of companionship and love in growth.
the reporter saw that since the release of "wild child", the topic has continued to be hot and has been on the hot search list. the audience gave a lot of praise, and many netizens praised that "the film is full of humanistic care from top to bottom, and they need to be seen by us." the film deeply explored social topics such as "birth and raising", "love and companionship", and "the power of attention", which not only resonated with countless audiences, but also triggered discussions about the group of "children in social difficulties".
the movie "determination to run away", adapted from the real story of 50-year-old aunt su min, also sparked a hot discussion online, with a douban score of 8.6. the movie deconstructs the transformation of su min's awakening of self-awareness. in the movie, li hong (played by yongmei) has been patient for half her life for the sake of her family, and finally at the age of 50, she is determined to truly take control of the steering wheel of her life. the movie presents the seemingly normal but actually sad reality of ordinary middle-aged women, and achieves emotional connection and resonance with the audience in the subtle details of life.
the reporter saw that the prototype character su min also posted on her social account that she was very moved to see her story being put on the screen, thanked the creators for "seeing me", and said that they played the movie so realistically that she felt like she was back in the past, "super real, super restored". many netizens posted that li hong's situation is not an isolated case. "determination to leave" focuses on every living individual in reality, sincerely asks questions to explore the antidote in life, and the right to choose life has always been in their own hands. "just like the ending of the movie, we must be wild in our hearts. we are not born to belong to any place. as long as we move forward boldly, there will always be a way. girls must love themselves well."
comedy movies have once again become a must-have during the schedule, and the northeast revenge comedy "avengers" ranked second at the box office. the film has a strong regional flavor, and the characters portrayed in the film also fit the true nature of northeastern people in real life. some northeast netizens said, "the northeast flavor of the film is so authentic! from the life scenes to the people living in it, they are all very kind. the boss played by qiao shan is a rich character that is worth savoring." qiao shan said that he has played small characters in recent years, "we are the children of ordinary people, and we are very familiar with our lives. i hope that you have seen the people i play around you. i especially hope that the audience has a feeling - this seems to be so-and-so, and it seems that there is a person like this in our neighborhood. every time i create, i follow this mentality."
in addition, "avengers" presents a thrilling revenge farce under the cover of comedy, which contains the universal emotion of "life is not easy and i will never tolerate it" of the little people, and also embodies the warm emotional core of mutual protection between brothers and neighbors everywhere. some viewers said: "it is not just a comedy, but also a family theme of affection, and tells a crime story with complex cause and effect, like a pot of rich and filling northeastern stew, you can taste the sweetness, sourness, bitterness and spiciness." some viewers also said that comedy is not just a seasoning for dull life, but excellent comedy can bring the audience the power of positive life. "we northeasterners are just family matters, firewood, rice, oil and salt, and all kinds of life jokes with fireworks. and this kind of fireworks is also a weapon to soothe negative emotions." as the saying goes, "no matter how difficult life is, we must live our lives as a comedy", conveying the courage to laugh at life, which is also the positive energy that "avengers" brings to everyone.
yangtze evening news/ziniu news reporter kong xiaoping
proofread by tao shangong