
sichuan's largest light rare earth resource base achieved a major breakthrough in increasing reserves and production, and was integrated into china rare earth group last year


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recently, china rare earth group held a seminar in liangshan on building a strategic hinterland for the national rare earth industry and increasing rare earth resources reserves and production in panxi region and announced that since its establishment, the group has orderly promoted the work of increasing reserves and production, and has made positive progress and significant results. this includes a major breakthrough in liangshan, sichuan, with an expected increase of 4.96 million tons of rare earth resources (reo).
the reporter of the paper found that the above-mentioned major breakthrough was mainly based on the yakniuping rare earth mine of china rare earth (liangshan) co., ltd. during the seminar that day, the leaders and experts present conducted a mid-term assessment of the yakniuping reserve and production increase project. the expert group checked the original field data and the completion of the overall project goals and tasks through listening to reports and on-site surveys. they believed that the project carried out field work in accordance with the contract, the approval opinion of the implementation plan and the adjustment plan, completed the phased tasks, and achieved outstanding prospecting results. it is expected that the resource volume will increase by 4.96 million tons (reo), and the phased results are remarkable. the mid-term results are evaluated as excellent.
the content released on the official account of the sichuan provincial bureau of geology and mineral exploration and development (hereinafter referred to as the "sichuan provincial geological bureau") shows that the yakniuping rare earth mine reserve verification (deep prospecting) project is undertaken by the first geological brigade of the sichuan provincial geological bureau (hereinafter referred to as the "first brigade"). this project is the largest single geological exploration project of the sichuan provincial geological bureau.
the sichuan provincial geological bureau said that since the signing and commencement ceremony of the project between the first brigade and zhongxi (liangshan) rare earth co., ltd. in december 2023, the provincial geological bureau has attached great importance to it and included the yakniuping rare earth mine reserve verification (deep prospecting) project in the key project supervision. the first brigade has promoted the implementation of this project as the "no. 1 project" and invested more than 30 geological professionals of various types and 22 drilling rigs. at the peak period, the total number of project team members was nearly 200.
it is worth mentioning that china rare earth (liangshan) rare earth co., ltd. changed its name in february 2023. it was previously sichuan jiangxi copper rare earth co., ltd. according to previous news from china rare earth group, in early january 2023, the integration and management takeover of sichuan jiangxi copper rare earth co., ltd. was completed; in early march 2023, it cooperated with china rare earth group to complete the takeover of liangshan continental trough no. 2 mine; on march 20, 2023, china rare earth (liangshan) co., ltd. completed the industrial and commercial changes and registration of the new company and officially became a member of china rare earth group, which is of great significance for promoting the high-quality development of sichuan rare earth.
the yaoniuping rare earth mine owned by zhongxi (liangshan) is the second largest light rare earth resource base in my country and the largest in sichuan.
china rare earth group said that since its establishment, the group has resolutely served the national strategy and implemented the key work arrangements of the ministry of natural resources and the state-owned assets supervision and administration commission of the state council on increasing exploration and development and increasing reserves and production. focusing on the goal of "solidifying the basic foundation of the main responsibilities and main business and ensuring the safe supply of national strategic resources", the group has orderly promoted the work of increasing reserves and production, and achieved positive progress and remarkable results.
first, we will plan from the overall perspective, make moves at key points, coordinate the implementation of resource integration and industrial collaboration, complete the integration tasks in full ahead of schedule, and further enhance the industry's control capabilities; second, we will vigorously promote the work of increasing reserves and production, obtain a new batch of mining rights, increase exploration investment to "increase reserves" to support sustainable development, accelerate the construction of a new security structure for the development of my country's rare earth resources, create a strategic hinterland for rare earth resources and industries, and make major breakthroughs in the new round of increasing reserves and production in liangshan, with an expected increase of 4.96 million tons of rare earth resources (reo); third, we will carry out international cooperation and build a new international competition structure; fourth, we will increase the research, integration and technical engineering of green exploration and development technologies to form a process combination with different resource endowments and different geological characteristics.
on september 13, ao hong, party secretary and chairman of china rare earth group, went to xichang for a working meeting with yu ping, party secretary of liangshan prefecture. ao hong pointed out that since 2023, the group has focused on quality improvement and upgrading, potential tapping and transformation in liangshan enterprises. the production capacity of rare earth concentrate, praseodymium-neodymium metal, and smelting increased by 26.32%, 12.04%, and 4.05% year-on-year respectively; the recovery rate of rare earths in mines increased by 7.74% year-on-year, reaching a historical high.
ao hong said that the group company attaches great importance to the development layout in liang, and a number of projects to increase reserves and production are being planned and implemented, and the company's appearance has changed significantly. in the next step, the group company will play the role of industrial driving, steadily promote the construction of projects in liang, cooperate with the state party committee and state government to jointly promote the extension of the rare earth industry and investment promotion, and promote the transformation of rare earth resource advantages into industrial advantages.
sichuan province also issued the "implementation opinions on promoting the high-quality development of the rare earth industry in sichuan province" in january 2023. the opinions pointed out that by 2027, the province's rare earth industry will achieve innovative development, the industry as a whole will enter the middle and high-end, and it will become an important national rare earth industry base and a strong province with core competitiveness in the rare earth industry. three billion-level enterprises will be formed, 2-3 new national and provincial scientific research and innovation platforms will be added, and the overall scale of the rare earth industry will exceed 100 billion yuan. reporter he liping
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)