
what signal does this important conference held in hefei tomorrow morning send?


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on september 19, hefei luyang district will hold the 2024 hefei smart sensor industry development conference. this high-end and focused event sends a strong signal that luyang is an "industrially strong district".

in the era of promoting new industrialization and developing new quality productivity, this benchmark urban area did not stay in its own "comfort zone", butwe strive to explore a new path for industrial development and achieve new development through self-breakthrough.

how did luyang do it?

figure | luyang urban landscape


a "difficult but right thing to do"

in the latest released 2024 ccid national top 100 districts list, luyang district ranked 71st in the country, one place higher than in 2023, achieving four consecutive years of advancement.

high-quality development is not only reflected in the ranking of the top 100 list, but also in the economic data. in the first half of the year, the gdp of luyang district was 64.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.1% at constant prices, ranking first among the four districts.

the positive economic data is inseparable from the effective support of the industry. among the main economic indicators, the industrial economy has achieved outstanding results. the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size in the whole region increased by 9.5% year-on-year; the added value of industrial enterprises below designated size increased by 7.1%.the growth rate ranks first among the four urban districts in hefei.

photo | photo taken by cheng zhao at the daheng energy photovoltaic module production site

as the central urban area of ​​hefei,luyang district ishefei is the birthplace of cities, culture, innovation and drinking water.traditional culture and future technology are intertwined here, forming a vibrant and charming luyang. as we embark on a new journey, how can luyang gather momentum in industrial development? this is due to the adjustment of luyang's industrial structure in recent years.

from the perspective of the central urban areas of major cities in china,with the rapid development of urbanization in my country, the central urban areas of large cities generally focus on developing the service industry and vacating the manufacturing industry. however, the rapid decline of the real economy, especially the manufacturing industry, has also led to the loss of tax sources and industrial vacuum in the central urban areas, which in turn has led to the problem of declining competitiveness.

from shenzhen's "industry upstairs" to beijing's promotion of the integration of the two industries, to shanghai's construction of a global manufacturing base of excellence, industry, especially advanced manufacturing, has become a trend in the transformation and upgrading of large cities. at the same time, the integration of manufacturing and productive services is being promoted.promote technological progress and industrial upgrading.

photo: photo by he gang of hefei vanke center

from the perspective of luyang district’s development foundation,here, hefei's high-quality science and technology, talents, education, medical care, and business resources are concentrated: buildings worth hundreds of billions of yuan are rising from the ground, and the "vertical economic belt" is gathering upward; scientific and technological services are precisely deployed, and innovative seeds are competing to germinate; the outward-oriented economy links the future, running at luyang's "acceleration"...these unique advantages provide fertile soil for the development of urban industry and productive services.

gao qiang, secretary of the luyang district committee of hefei city, pointed out that luyang, based on its own advantages and seizing development opportunities, insisted on transformation and upgrading while attracting the best and the strongest, and at the same time promoted the cluster development of high-end productive services with high quality, constantly cultivating new momentum and forming new advantages."this is what the central city needs for development and the direction of reform. we are confident and motivated to promote luyang's industrial development to further breakthroughs, upgrades and reach a new level."

from the perspective of luyang district's industrial track positioning,anchoring“2+3+x” industrial system layoutluyang is focusing on building three major industries: optoelectronics and instrumentation, new energy, software and information technology. at the same time, it is further strengthening and optimizing the two traditional advantageous industries of finance and commerce, and is targeting deep space exploration, fusion energy and other fields to accelerate the promotion of x future industries that are ready to take off. in the development of the "2+3+x" industrial system,promoting the extension of key productive service industries towards specialization and high-end value chains and cultivating and expanding new quality productive forces are undoubtedly important "boosters".

figure | rendering of the "xinluzhou" integrated circuit industrial park

focusing on developing the sensor industry is a vivid portrayal.

luyang district has keenly grasped the opportunity and identified the sensor industry as an important part of the optoelectronics and instrumentation industries.we will strive to build hefei international sensor intelligent manufacturing port, construct seven sensor-related industrial parks, and establish a development pattern of "one port and seven parks"

figure | staff of anhui zhongke terahertz technology co., ltd. are collecting imaging data of active terahertz human body security inspection equipment

sensors are core public accessories in modern industry. they are used in everything from smart homes to automobile manufacturing and environmental monitoring.taking anhui’s automobile industry as an example, a new energy intelligent connected car requires more than 200 sensors of various the level of intelligence continues to improve, the demand for sensors will continue to rise in the future.

photo | production workshop of anhui huachuang hongdu optoelectronics technology co., ltd. photo by zhao ming

at present, hefei city and even anhui province generally lack mid-level supporting enterprises, that is, high-tech enterprises that provide key components for downstream terminal products. among them, sensors are a weak link that needs to be made up in the mid-level supporting enterprises.the development of the sensor industry in luyang not only has broad market prospects, but also helps to strengthen and consolidate the local industrial chain.

through continuous efforts, luyang has gathered many sensor companies such as ruikongxin, zhongke feilong, zhongkezhi, shengmai technology, huachuang hongdu, and dingli network.compositionluyang "sensor matrix"

industrial development depends on projects, and the source of projects depends on investment promotion. how does luyang do a good job in investment promotion around its leading industries?


the planning and layout behind an industry conference

"i can talk endlessly about commercial enterprises, but i know only a little about industrial enterprises." this is the true portrayal of the former luyang district investment promotion cadres. how to solve this problem?

the first step is to create a strong atmosphere for industrial development in the entire region and cultivate cadres' industrial perception.

on april 25, 2023, luyang district held an industrial development conference for the district. this is an important meeting held by luyang district at a critical time to promote the transformation and development of the district and promote the leap of industrial economy.

photo | all students of the 18th youth cadre class in luyang district are conducting off-site teaching

"the purpose of holding the district's industrial development conference is to strengthen confidence and ambition in industrial development and to aim at the goals and chains of industrial development.encourage cadres across the region to shoulder the mission and responsibility of industrial development and create a good atmosphere of catching up with each other and striving to be the best."yang binghong, deputy secretary of the luyang district committee and district mayor, pointed out.

not long ago, a training course for young cadres in luyang district to improve their professional capabilities was held, with special lectures focusing on the effectiveness and practices of hefei's industrial investment promotion, successful cases, etc. such training is now carried out on a regular basis in luyang district, further broadening the horizons of cadres, filling in the gaps in industrial knowledge, and promoting a strong atmosphere and momentum for industrial development in the district.

however, attracting investment requires more than just an atmosphere; it must be backed by a set of effective systems.

luyang district innovates investment promotion guarantee mechanism and establishes"director's waiter, district chief's waiter" mechanismfor projects under discussion, the district mayor in charge is designated as the lead leader and the department head as the contact person; for projects under construction,"one project, one leader, one team, one plan, and follow through to the end""five ones" working method, ensuring the smooth progress of project construction.

luyang district has also formulated a mechanism for regular project consultations and regular scheduling of major projects, refined node tasks, and carried out "competing for stars and flags" assessments and "displaying" competitions for investment promotion results to stimulate enthusiasm for investment promotion.

the third is to innovate techniques, footwork and fighting styles.hefei's investment promotion model of "investment to attract" is talked about a lot, and making full use of the power of capital is also an important means of investment promotion in luyang.

photo: hefei financial plaza, photo by he gang

hefei financial plaza is a financial headquarters cluster built by luyang district and is listed as a carrier of the yangtze river delta g60 science and technology innovation corridor financial technology industry cooperation demonstration zone.the "dongpu lake venture capital district" has currently introduced 25 funds with a total scale of over 25.3 billion yuan.

at the luyang district industrial development conference held in 2023, the hefei luzhou no. 1 industrial fund was also released. the fund has a target scale of 5 billion yuan and focuses on strategic emerging industries such as optoelectronic information, digital economy, and new energy. these industrial funds will attract high-quality projects to settle in luyang and further promote industrial agglomeration.

figure | luyang sunac project capital matchmaking meeting and high-quality development of science and technology financial services

relying on hefei's "venture capital city plan", luyang district regularly carries out capital and scenario the first half of 2024, a total of 20 project matching, roadshow and other activities were completed, 27 industrial projects were assisted in financing matching, 8 projects were signed and implemented, and financing support of 173 million yuan was obtained.

in terms of newly signed projects, in the first half of 2024, luyang district has completed the approval of 47 newly signed projects, with a total agreed investment of 17.42 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 69.6%.

at present, the competition for attracting investment is becoming increasingly gain the upper hand, the key is to extend our strengths and overcome our far as luyang is concerned, the key is to focus on revitalizing industrial space.


a building is an industrial chain

anhui wanxin is a high-tech enterprise integrating data center planning, construction, management, and operation and maintenance. it settled in luyang economic development zone in 2021. wanxin chose to settle in luyang, largely because it can provide sufficient space to ensure the long-term development of the company.

in fact, luyang economic development zone covers an area of ​​only 13.53 square kilometers, making it the smallest urban development zone in hefei.the lack of space for industrial development has been a bottleneck that has long plagued luyang’s industrial development.but why can luyang provide enough space for high-quality enterprises like anxin to settle down?the secret lies in promoting "industry moving upstairs".

photo | a scene in luyang economic development zone, photographed by he gang

in order to overcome the constraint of insufficient space for industrial development, luyang district was one of the first districts in the province to explore the "industry-to-building" model, building buildings that meet the needs of light manufacturing and micro-manufacturing companies, allowing companies to produce efficiently and work conveniently in the buildings, and accelerating industrial agglomeration through vertical division of labor and cooperation.accomplish"going up and down the stairs is like going up and down the stairs.”

if "moving industry to buildings" means expanding incremental space, then promoting the improvement of per-mu efficiency of industrial land means revitalizing existing stock space.

in recent years, luyang district has made every effort to promotereform of “evaluating heroes by per mu per capita”, continuously optimize the allocation of resource factors, promote quality change, efficiency change, and power change, thereby accelerating the pace of enterprise transformation and upgrading.

in 2023, the average revenue per mu of industrial enterprises above designated size in luyang district was 6.175 million yuan/mu, 850,000 yuan/mu higher than the average level of the four urban districts in hefei; the average tax revenue per mu was 338,000 yuan/mu, an increase of 33.6%, ranking first among the four urban districts in hefei. luyang was therefore ranked 11th in the comprehensive benefit list of the "per mu hero" reform of the manufacturing industry in the province in 2023.luyang economic development zone was rated as the leader in per-mu benefits among provincial-level economic development zones in the province in 2023.

figure | industrial investment and innovation park project

so, how can the revitalized land be used more effectively? this is related to the construction of specialized parks in luyang economic development zone. the xinluzhou and smart sensor industrial park under construction in luyang economic development zone are built using the revitalized idle and inefficient creating specialized parks and accurately injecting industrial projects, we can achieve the goal of replacing one bird with another.

at present, luyang economic development zone has built eight parks, including ustc alumni innovation industrial park, gongtou chuangzhi world, gongtou xinglu science and technology industrial park, and luyang big data industrial park. all of them are built in accordance with the 4.0 version of the industrial park model of industrial-city integration to meet the needs of diversified industrial development and life services.

photo: photo by he gang from luyang big data industrial park

it is worth mentioning that the park has diversified operating modes.there are both district-owned platform companies operating the business and private enterprises attracted through market-oriented meet the needs of different industries and types of enterprises.

through a series of combined efforts, the shortcomings in luyang district’s industrial space have been effectively made up, and the industrial carrying capacity has been significantly improved.


a special "addition and subtraction"

in the process of promoting the replacement of industrial enterprises in luyang district, some enterprises with low per-mu benefits have gradually moved to other places. although some enterprises have moved their production bases to other places, they still place their headquarters, r&d centers and sales centers in luyang district.

behind the reluctance of enterprises to move out is the creation of a first-class business environment in luyang district.

figure |goldcolor butlervisiting enterprises in the area

how does luyang create a business environment?

the first thing is to do a good job of “addition and subtraction” in serving enterprises.

on the one hand, we are adding to the optimization of services.for example, in luyang district, many small and micro enterprises are facing the prominent problem of difficulty and high cost of financing. in order to solve the problem, luyang district has set up a "golden post" financial institution service platform and formed a "golden butler" team to visit small and medium-sized market entities and investigate their financing needs. since the beginning of this year, it has helped 46 small and micro enterprises obtain financing of 240 million yuan.

on the other hand, we are doing “subtraction” to simplify the business process.luyang district launched a "one-window" acceptance area in the government service center and established a "full-process agency station" in hefei financial plaza. the "director's takeover day" system is implemented on a regular basis. directors and deputy directors of more than 30 departments in the district take turns to "sit at the window" in the government service hall to experience firsthand the promotion of streamlining of service materials, optimizing service processes, and improving service efficiency.

figure | staff guide citizens inhefei financial plaza "full service agency"self-service terminal equipment for business processing photo by he gang

the second is to establish a “dredging channel” to resolve the difficulties and bottlenecks in business operations of enterprises.luyang district has created a number of platforms and working mechanisms to specifically resolve business problems.

the head of anhui ruikongxin company said at the luyang district "government-enterprise appointment" forum that when the company encounters problems, it needs to deal with multiple departments, which is quite cumbersome.the competent departments of the industry will visit enterprises as soon as possible to investigate the difficulties and bottlenecks in providing services to enterprises and establish a "point-to-point" precise service guarantee mechanism.

figure | organizedluyang district "government-enterprise appointment" forum

as of early september 2024, luyang district has held 23 consecutive "luyang government-enterprise appointment" forums this year.the main leaders of the four major teams of the district received or visited 117 enterprises face to face and coordinated the resolution of 162 specific issues.a series of policy measures were improved through face-to-face communication and listening to suggestions.

finally, it is to cultivate the “hard work style” of cadres. the quality of the business environment is largely reflected in the work style of local luyang economic development zone, there is an unwritten rule that "do not disturb unless necessary, and be there when needed".the staff of the economic development zone try not to attend any activities in the park that are not related to the actual production and operation of enterprises, so as not to leave the impression of frequent disturbances on enterprises. however, when enterprises really face problems that need to be solved, the cadres should be ready to serve at any time.

photo | luyang ustc alumni innovation park

in luyang economic development zone, we provide services to enterprises 24 hours a often call at night, and the officials of the economic development zone coordinate and resolve the issues as soon as possible.a biopharmaceutical company had just signed a contract, and the staff of the economic development zone had already sorted out the relevant policy documents benefiting the enterprise and sent them to the company.

thisa hard-line approach of being on call but not intrusive, which enables enterprises to feel the service quality and effectiveness of the business environment, and also allows front-line cadres to gain the real trust of enterprises.

at present, luyang is passing throughthe cohesiveness of the industrial chain, the carrying capacity of the park platform, the attractiveness of the business environment, and the service capabilities of the cadre team, further building the brand power and influence of luyang’s industrial economy.

"transmit the world, sense the future". the 2024 hefei smart sensor industry development conference held on september 19 will become another opportunity to help luyang's industrial development achieve a leap forward.

as an entrepreneur who invested in luyang said,today's luyang is delightful, and tomorrow's luyang is even more worthy

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the author is a reporter for decision magazine
