
his sister is far away in the united states, and his parents have passed away. what happened to ge you, who is now 67 years old and childless?


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mr. ge cunzhuang has been in the entertainment industry for many years, leaving behind countless excellent works. he has also been concerned about his son ge you all his life.

ge you was still single when he was 30 years old. the old man asked people everywhere to introduce him to a girl. he finally married a virtuous wife, and the two insisted on not having children.

what parents hope most is that their children get married and start their own families. ge cunzhuang hoped all his life to have a big fat grandson, but he never got it when he got old.

ge you, who is 67 years old this year, is also at the age of a grandfather. although he has already achieved the achievement of being a movie emperor, he still does not have his own children. does he regret it now?

married a non-celebrity wife and lived as a dink for 37 years

among the major events in life, getting married and having children is definitely one of them. however, although ge you appears to be honest on the surface, he is actually quite rebellious behind the scenes, especially when it comes to emotions, he always likes to go against his parents.

ge you has created many classic comedy characters. people are often amused by his natural sense of humor and think that he must be quite good at pleasing girls in private.

as a result, his personality in real life is completely different from his image on the screen. not to mention expressing himself in front of girls, he is sometimes even shyer than a little girl.

apart from rehearsing his acting all day, he never spends any time on other things. he is not handsome to begin with, and if he is not more proactive, no girl would come to him.

parents of that era all hoped that their children would get married and have children as soon as possible, but ge you was not smart enough. he was still alone at the age of 30, which made his parents very worried.

the old couple mobilized their son at home every day, asking everyone they met to find out which family had single girls of the right age, and they were worried about ge you.

if ge you's colleague had not introduced him to a suitable partner, his bachelor life would probably have ended in an unknown way.

the idea of ​​the older generation is to marry a virtuous wife. a wife does not have to be beautiful, but must be virtuous, filial, and able to manage the household. it would be best if she has a few children so that her life will not be lived in vain.

ge you was quite lucky. although he was an older bachelor at that time, he was still able to wait for a perfect wife, he cong.

he cong is a teacher, a job that is priceless in the eyes of his parents. although he is plain-looking, he is well-educated and has a good temperament, which made him a very "popular" person in that era.

at that time, ge you was working in a culture troupe, which was considered relatively respectable, but he only played minor roles and it was hard to see how he would achieve much. it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was marrying above his station.

who would have thought that ge you, who seemed unromantic, had a special kind of appeal in he cong's eyes.

he cong was a kind-hearted person. she realized that although ge you was not good at speaking, he was sincere and trustworthy. so when ge you invited her out on a date, she went without hesitation.

they went to an art exhibition together. ge you took good care of her and behaved like a gentleman, which immediately won he cong's heart. they became boyfriend and girlfriend.

seeing that their son had finally found his love life, the ge cunzhuang couple urged ge you to get married as soon as possible, fearing that their daughter-in-law would run away.

he did not marry he cong in a hurry. the two dated for two years and got to know each other well. after careful consideration, they entered the marriage hall.

ge you just married he cong, and the old couple wanted to have a grandson. it would have been fine if they hadn't urged them, but when they did, ge you dropped a bombshell: the couple planned to be a dink family.

ge cunzhuang almost died after hearing this. he had always wanted to have a grandson, but his son rejected his request outright. no matter how he tried to persuade him, ge you's mind did not change at all.

even in 2016, he was still thinking about this wish when he was dying. in the end, the stubborn ge you refused to give in and has not given birth to a child to this day.

ge you's rebelliousness is not only reflected in his emotions. when he was a child, he was unwilling to follow in his father's footsteps. if he had not been chosen to feed pigs, he probably would not even have become an actor.

i didn't like acting since i was a child, and i became an actor because i fed pigs

both of his parents are in the entertainment industry, and with them paving the way, it would be easy for ge you to have a place in the circle. however, even with the ready-made conditions in front of him, he remained unmoved.

what he hated most since he was a child was performing on stage. even when the teacher forced him to go on stage in kindergarten, he was too shy to speak. ge cunzhuang could not understand how he could have given birth to such a taciturn person.

they tried every possible means to arouse ge you's interest in acting, but in the end it was a small episode that changed his life.

the "ge you pan" emoticon package named after him became popular not only because of the sense of relaxation, but his thin body was even more eye-catching. at that time, he looked thin and weak, as if he was only hanging on to his breath. in fact, his body has been quite thin since he was a child.

he was even so thin that when he was sent to the countryside to work, while others went to work, he was too skinny to do heavy work, so he could only be assigned to do some leisurely work. finally, he was sent to the pigpen to feed pigs.

although this past event sounds funny, it means a lot to ge you. it was the experience of feeding pigs that gave him inspiration and became his stepping stone to enter the entertainment industry.

life is the best teacher. he put his real experience into the sketch "feeding pigs", and as a result, he stood out in the interview of the all-china federation of trade unions art troupe and was accepted by the art troupe.

it was after joining the art troupe that he met he cong, but the art troupe provided more help to his career.

here he was able to study acting systematically and had the opportunity to get further involved in the entertainment industry, from being an extra in the beginning to gradually having the opportunity to star in his first movie "summer and her fiancé".

the film was shot smoothly, but it didn't make much of a splash after it was broadcast. even ge you seemed to be stuck in a vicious circle. he received many subsequent film offers, but it was always lukewarm.

fortunately, he is a humble person. he is not in a hurry when his career does not improve. he continues to work steadily. no matter whether it is a supporting role or a guest appearance, he is not picky as long as it is an opportunity for him to hone his skills.

it turns out that hard work pays off. at the age of 32, ge you finally got rid of the curse of not being popular.

a film adapted from wang shuo's novel "the troublemakers" pulled him out of the trough. the original novel was a classic and the performance was brilliant. his sudden popularity was almost a natural result, and he was nominated for best actor.

this was the greatest comfort to the unknown ge you, and he devoted himself wholeheartedly to acting. his subsequent works such as "codename jaguar" and "fortress besieged" pushed him to a higher position step by step.

at the age of 37, ge you's achievements in the entertainment industry reached a new level. the role of "fugui" who had a tragic life made him ascend to the throne of best actor.

in this movie "to live", the original novel became mr. yu hua's "retirement insurance", and the movie became the pinnacle of ge you's acting skills.

some people think that he had already achieved success at this time, while some people think that no matter how many achievements he made, it would be useless as he had no children. in fact, ge you is not without children.

the son that fu biao cared about the most before his death became the only symbol of his fatherly love to ge you. he took care of him for 19 years without complaint, and the only reason behind this was that brotherhood was above all else.

brotherhood is greater than heaven

ge you and fu biao are a pair of close friends in the entertainment industry. they have collaborated on many works. it can be said that they started as supporting roles and supported each other all the way into the hearts of the audience.

poor fu biao suffered from a terminal illness in middle age and passed away at the age of 42. before his death, he arranged his wife's career and entrusted his son fu zien to his good friends ge you and feng xiaogang.

ge you, who has no children, treats fu zien as his own son and often helps him in life and career. it was under his guidance that fu zien embarked on the path of being a director.

he has successively released several film and television works directed by himself, such as "our days" in february 2023. this film has a very good reputation. i believe fu biao would be very pleased if he saw it.

ge you still insists on maintaining his output of works in the performing arts field. his new film "hedgehog" held its premiere in beijing on august 19. at the age of 67, his acting skills are still very energetic.

except for the occasional days when he has work to produce, ge you spends all his energy accompanying his wife. he also often pays attention to fu zien's movements, and like a father, he helps him solve his problems and provides all kinds of help.

if fu biao could see how righteous ge you was, he would feel that his friendship was not in vain. i believe fu zien will not let ge you down and will respect him as if he were his own father.