
industrial internet ecosystem construction driven by policies and ecosystems - from policy to practice: how does the industrial internet lead the manufacturing industry to new heights?


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in 2024, the focus of the global manufacturing industry will be on shenyang, china. the convening of the global industrial internet conference marks the entry of the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry into a new historical stage. as the theme of this conference, "renewing the old with the new with intelligence" not only conveys the firm determination of the transformation of traditional industries to intelligent manufacturing, but also demonstrates china's ambition in the construction of the global industrial internet ecosystem. the participating companies not only demonstrated the latest innovative technologies such as intelligent inspection robots and unmanned intelligent kitchens, but also conducted in-depth discussions on topics such as how to achieve industrial chain collaboration, green manufacturing and service innovation through the industrial internet.
behind these new technologies and new concepts is the industrial digital upgrade strategy that the chinese government and enterprises are jointly promoting. today, with the support of policies and the joint drive of market demand, the global manufacturing industry is undergoing profound changes, and china is accelerating this transformation process with its powerful industrial internet platform and technological advantages. this article will focus on the core topics of the global industrial internet conference, from policy support, technological innovation to green and sustainable development, and deeply analyze how the industrial internet reshapes the global manufacturing landscape, and provide new ideas for future industrial upgrades.
1. policy drive and market demand: the driving force behind the rise of the industrial internet
1. the power of policy support
the development of the industrial internet cannot be separated from policy support. in china, the government has always attached great importance to the development of the industrial internet, and has promoted the rapid popularization and application of the industrial internet through policy guidance and financial support. for example, the "opinions on innovating the management of the information and communication industry and optimizing the business environment" issued by the ministry of industry and information technology proposed to build a multi-level and systematic industrial internet platform system to improve the modernization level of the industrial chain and supply chain. in addition, the state has established a special fund to support the construction and technological innovation of the industrial internet platform. with the support of these policies, many companies have been able to accelerate the pace of digital transformation and further promote the intelligent development of the manufacturing industry. for example, in the automobile manufacturing industry, the government encourages companies to adopt industrial internet technologies, optimize production processes, and improve production efficiency through subsidy policies. this policy promotion has laid the foundation for the widespread application of the industrial internet and provided a strong guarantee for the technological innovation of enterprises.
the policy not only provides support for the promotion of industrial internet technology, but also promotes the formulation of industry standards through institutional guarantees. unified industry standards enable different companies to achieve data interconnection and interoperability when adopting industrial internet technology, thereby improving the collaborative efficiency of the entire industry. in the future, with the further improvement of policies, the industrial internet will be applied in more industries and promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.
2. market demand and driving force of industrial upgrading
as the digital transformation of the global manufacturing industry accelerates, enterprises' demand for the industrial internet is increasing. the market demand for intelligent production and flexible manufacturing has provided a strong impetus for the development of the industrial internet. through the industrial internet platform, enterprises can better adapt to market changes, reduce production costs, and improve production efficiency. in the manufacturing industry, enterprises have realized the intelligence of production processes through the industrial internet. for example, technologies such as intelligent inspection robots and unmanned intelligent kitchens demonstrate how to improve production efficiency and optimize resource allocation through the industrial internet. these innovative application scenarios not only help enterprises improve production efficiency, but also promote technological upgrades in the entire industry. at the same time, consumers' demand for personalized products has also driven enterprises to accelerate the adoption of industrial internet technologies. through the industrial internet platform, enterprises can carry out customized production according to customer needs and realize large-scale customized services. this flexible production method has won more market opportunities for enterprises.
3. dual-wheel drive of policy and market
the rapid development of the industrial internet not only relies on policy support, but also benefits from the continuous growth of market demand. the dual drive of policy and market has promoted the large-scale development of the industrial internet. for example, in the field of new energy vehicles, the government has introduced subsidy policies to promote the popularization of new energy vehicles. at the same time, the increasing market demand for new energy vehicles has prompted automobile manufacturers to accelerate the application of the industrial internet and optimize production processes. through the industrial internet platform, automobile manufacturers can monitor the operation of the production line in real time and adjust the production rhythm according to market demand. this intelligent production management not only improves production efficiency, but also significantly reduces resource waste. this interaction between policy and market not only promotes the digital transformation of enterprises, but also brings new development opportunities to the entire industry.
2. global industrial internet conference: a bridge for innovation and cooperation
1. gathering of global wisdom and display of innovative achievements
the 2024 global industrial internet conference provides an important platform for companies and experts from all over the world to showcase their innovative achievements and share development experiences. at the conference, cutting-edge technologies such as intelligent inspection robots and unmanned smart kitchens were unveiled, demonstrating the innovative applications of the industrial internet in various fields. for example, unmanned smart kitchens use internet technology to achieve automated cooking and can complete large-scale catering delivery in a short period of time. this technology demonstrates how the industrial internet can empower the traditional catering industry, improve efficiency and reduce labor costs. through this conference, companies not only showcased their latest technological achievements, but also conducted technical exchanges with experts from all over the world, promoting technology sharing and cooperation in the global industrial internet.
the global industrial internet conference also provides an opportunity to strengthen international cooperation. through the conference, companies from various countries shared their research results in the field of industrial internet and discussed future cooperation directions. for example, the cooperation between china and germany in industry 4.0 and industrial internet strategy is one of the key topics of the conference. this international cooperation not only promotes technological progress, but also provides more learning and reference opportunities for global companies. through cooperation with international peers, chinese companies can absorb international advanced technologies more quickly and enhance their market competitiveness. in the context of globalization, this cross-border cooperation will become an important force in promoting the development of industrial internet technology. the conference also promoted the construction of the global industrial internet ecosystem through a series of exhibitions and seminars. enterprises, governments and scientific research institutions jointly discussed how to build a more complete industrial internet ecosystem through the conference platform. for example, the combination of intelligent inspection robots and data centers demonstrated how to achieve intelligent equipment management through data sharing. this ecosystem not only promotes technological progress, but also provides opportunities for cooperation and communication for global companies. through this cooperation, companies can develop new products more efficiently, optimize production processes, and reduce operating costs. with the improvement of the ecosystem, the industrial internet will further promote the digital transformation of the global manufacturing industry.
2. the intersection of traditional industry and digital innovation
the theme of the 2024 global industrial internet conference, "smart manufacturing, old renewal", fully demonstrates the key role of the industrial internet in promoting intelligent upgrading and digital transformation. "smart manufacturing" emphasizes the widespread application of intelligent technology in the manufacturing industry. through the in-depth application of technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing and big data, the manufacturing industry has not only achieved improved production efficiency, but also promoted the intelligent management of the production process. for example, by introducing digital twin technology and intelligent equipment management systems, manufacturing companies can monitor production processes in real time and remotely maintain and dispatch equipment based on data analysis. this process not only improves the flexibility of production lines, but also reduces downtime caused by equipment failures. this intelligent upgrade has injected new vitality into the traditional manufacturing industry, enabling it to cope with increasingly complex market demands and production challenges. "old renewal" highlights the new vitality given to traditional industries through innovation. the industrial internet has not only promoted the transformation of production methods through technological innovation, but also promoted the reconstruction and optimization of industrial chains and value chains. for example, the traditional automobile manufacturing industry is transforming to intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing through the empowerment of the industrial internet.
this transformation is not only reflected in the improvement of production efficiency, but also promotes the intelligent upgrading of the entire industrial chain. for example, vehicle manufacturers have realized the digital management of the supply chain by sharing data with parts suppliers. this data sharing model reduces inventory pressure, improves the transparency of the supply chain, and makes the entire production process more efficient and accurate. the theme of the conference also emphasizes the concept of integration of the old and the new, and demonstrates the symbiotic relationship between traditional industry and modern technology. the industrial internet is not only a tool for digital innovation, but also respects the history and culture of traditional industries, and rejuvenates traditional industries through innovative technologies. for example, in the manufacturing industry, enterprises combine traditional production processes with modern intelligent management systems by using industrial internet technology, forming a production model with historical precipitation and innovative vitality. through this integration, not only the competitiveness of traditional enterprises is improved, but also a new way to inherit industrial culture is provided. this collaborative development model is not only fully demonstrated at the conference, but also provides a new idea for the digital transformation of the global manufacturing industry.
3. symbiotic development of industrial culture and modern technology
the venue setting of the global industrial internet conference fully reflects the exhibition concept of "integration and symbiosis of the new and the old", showing the historical context of traditional industries and the cutting-edge achievements of modern science and technology. this way of display not only allows exhibitors to feel the heavy history of industrial development, but also see the innovation and vitality brought by the industrial internet. for example, the exhibition hall displays both classic manufacturing equipment from the last century and modern intelligent manufacturing equipment combined with industrial internet technology. this comparative display method allows exhibitors to look back on the glory of traditional industries while looking forward to the broad prospects brought by the industrial internet. this exhibition concept of "integration of the new and the old" has far-reaching symbolic significance for exhibitors, industry enterprises and even the entire industrial internet industry. it shows that traditional industries should not only not be forgotten in the process of digital transformation, but should continue to play a role as the basis for innovation. by showing the integration of traditional industries and modern science and technology, enterprises can better understand the path of digital transformation and draw experience from it. the exhibition concept combines the history of traditional industries to inspire enterprises to think more about digital transformation, allowing them to see how past accumulation can be reborn with the blessing of modern technology. this display method provides companies with a more three-dimensional perspective, allowing them to understand the far-reaching impact of the industrial internet from the dual dimensions of history and the future. through the exhibition design of "integration of the old and the new", the industrial internet conference not only shows the world the inheritance and innovation of industrial culture, but also allows exhibitors to have a deeper understanding of future industrial development. the conference shows how traditional industries can be reborn through modern technology. this is not only a technological innovation, but also a respect for culture and history. for example, the combination of manual skills in traditional manufacturing and modern industrial automated production provides the industry with a more diversified production model choice. through this exhibition concept of integrating the old and the new, exhibitors can better understand how the industrial internet combines traditional industries with modern technology to form a more comprehensive industrial ecosystem.
3. green development and sustainable future of industrial internet
1. innovative applications of energy internet
at this conference, technologies such as intelligent inspection robots, unmanned intelligent kitchens, and "normal and emergency dual-use" battery swap stations were impressive. these technologies not only represent the application of industrial internet in different fields, but also reflect the "grand scene" of industrial transformation and upgrading.
intelligent inspection robots can monitor equipment around the clock, significantly improving the efficiency and accuracy of inspections. this type of robot transmits and analyzes data in real time through the industrial internet platform, greatly reducing the risk of equipment failure. at the same time, the unmanned smart kitchen demonstrates the combination of the internet and the catering industry. it realizes efficient and standardized catering services through intelligent food production and distribution systems. these technologies demonstrate the transformation and upgrading of different fields under the empowerment of the industrial internet.
the "normal and emergency dual-use" battery swap station is another typical example of the integration of the industrial internet and the energy sector. this type of battery swap station can not only complete battery replacement in just 90 seconds, but also reverse power supply in an emergency to ensure the stability of energy supply. the application of this technology in the field of new energy vehicles not only solves the problem of battery life, but also improves the flexibility of the energy system.
this innovative application demonstrates how the industrial internet can promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the energy industry, and also provides new solutions for optimizing future energy structures.
with the in-depth development of the industrial internet, the future business model and industrial ecology will also change accordingly. for example, intelligent manufacturing services will become one of the main trends in the future. enterprises are not limited to producing products, but will also provide services such as remote maintenance, equipment monitoring and predictive maintenance through the industrial internet platform, thus forming a new industrial ecology. through data sharing and analysis, enterprises can grasp market demand more accurately and provide more customized services. in the future, the synergy effect of the industrial chain will be more significant, and the cooperation between enterprises will be closer, jointly promoting the digitalization and intelligent upgrading of the manufacturing industry.
2. technical support for green manufacturing through the industrial internet
green manufacturing is an important direction for the development of the industrial internet. driven by environmental protection policies, manufacturing enterprises can monitor energy consumption and emissions in the production process in real time through the industrial internet platform, and optimize management through data analysis. for example, enterprises can automatically adjust the operating status of equipment based on the energy consumption data of production equipment, thereby reducing energy consumption and emissions. this data-driven energy management not only helps enterprises save operating costs, but also improves the environmental protection and sustainability of production. through the industrial internet, enterprises can more accurately grasp the energy consumption in the production process and take timely measures to make adjustments, providing technical guarantees for achieving green manufacturing goals. in addition, the industrial internet also provides strong technical support for the environmental protection and energy management of enterprises. for example, the logistics industry optimizes transportation routes through the industrial internet platform, reducing energy consumption and emissions during transportation. this green supply chain management model improves the operational efficiency of logistics companies and contributes to the green transformation of the entire economy. in the future, with the further popularization of industrial internet technology, more industries will achieve green transformation through digital technology and promote sustainable development of the entire industry.
3. data-driven green innovation
data is the core resource for the development of the industrial internet and the key to achieving green manufacturing. through accurate analysis of energy consumption data, enterprises can better manage resources and improve energy utilization. this data-based energy optimization can not only reduce the energy costs of enterprises, but also help enterprises achieve environmental protection goals. the industrial internet provides enterprises with a clearer energy management solution, ensuring that enterprises minimize energy waste during the production process and promote the development of the manufacturing industry in a low-carbon and environmentally friendly direction. this green innovation lays the foundation for the long-term sustainable development of enterprises and injects new vitality into the future industrial ecology.
source: china daily