
another revelation: lng has really found toothpaste, just waiting for approval! external network opposition: lng leasing cannot be allowed


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i thought the offseason before the world championship would be boring, but i didn't expect the lpl to be full of gossip. of course, the hottest gossip recently is that scout can't participate in s14. although it has not been determined yet, combined with various revelations, the possibility of scout going to the world championship is very small, so lng should make second-hand preparations and consider renting other mid laners. not long ago, after han yi broke the news that lng found toothpaste, another well-known whistleblower lianlian hongcha also confirmed that lng did borrow toothpaste.

the original text of lianlian hongcha's revelation is as follows. she revealed: lng really borrowed toothpaste, and now it only needs to be approved by riot. however, lianlian hongcha also added that: riot passing this step is the most difficult, and if it passes, it will face great pressure from public opinion.

this is similar to what hanyi revealed before, saying that lng rented toothpaste, but riot is still reviewing it, and hanyi also thinks that it is unlikely that riot will pass the review. obgg has also listed toothpaste in the list of lng mid laners and noted "approval".

the information from several whistleblowers is similar. this matter is most likely true. due to the regulations, players cannot be loaned from the top 6 teams, so lng has a very small range of choices. toothpaste is also one of the more outstanding mid-lane players. he has participated in many world championships and has rich experience in major competitions. he is the best choice.

it is very difficult to get riot to approve it, because the lawsuit between scout and edg had new progress in april. at that time, they were banned from leaving the country. it has not been resolved for such a long time, which affects the participation in the world championship. if other teams follow suit and use this rule to strengthen in the world championship, it will be difficult to compete in the future. it should be illegal according to the rules, unless riot approves it. but if it approves it, there will definitely be a big public opinion storm. because there are former lck commentators on the internet who publicly oppose lng renting the mid laner, because this matter is the fault of lng and scout. they knew about this matter a few months ago, and they cannot set a precedent for this.

so if the loan is successful, it is not fair to other teams. but if it is not successful, lng will either have to pay a high deposit for scout to participate in the world championship, or let the team's substitute jungler or top laner temporarily switch to mid lane to participate in the world championship. at present, the first method seems unlikely, and the second method is also a disguised way of giving up this world championship. the efforts of the other four teammates and the entire coaching team for a whole year are actually in vain. it feels difficult to deal with it now. all parties should still be communicating, and more reliable news should be announced in a few days.

so, do you have anything to say about this matter? welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.