
"looking forward to more high-quality cooperation with china" (high-level interview)


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this article is reproduced from [people's daily online];
"the forum on china-africa cooperation has become an important platform for collective dialogue between african countries and china," said ugandan vice president alupo in a recent interview with our reporter. "the 2024 beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation will draw a new blueprint for the development of china-africa relations in the new era. through this summit, we will further deepen cooperation with china in various fields."
alupo said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1962, the relationship between uganda and china has become increasingly close, and the depth and breadth of cooperation between the two countries have continued to expand. "trade between uganda and china has continued to grow rapidly, with bilateral trade volume increasing from about us$600 million 10 years ago to more than us$1.3 billion in 2023. as china continues to promote high-level opening up, we plan to expand exports of goods and services to china."
"china is the largest source of foreign direct investment in uganda. the uganda investment authority has listed china as a 'priority country' for investment promotion. chinese companies have invested in and set up factories in uganda, which has not only improved uganda's industrial production level, but also promoted the development of the service industry and infrastructure construction." speaking of the practical cooperation projects between the two countries, alupo said that there are about 200 chinese companies in uganda. the two hydropower stations, karuma and isimba, invested and built by chinese companies, help meet uganda's growing energy needs; chinese companies helped upgrade and expand entebbe international airport, and the airport's passenger throughput increased from 1.3 million passengers per year to 3 million passengers, and its cargo capacity increased to more than 100,000 tons; the highway from kampala, the capital of uganda, to entebbe international airport, built by chinese companies, greatly shortened the time from kampala city to the airport. "the construction of these infrastructures has created jobs and promoted economic growth," said alupo.
"health is one of the important areas of cooperation between the two countries. china continues to send medical teams to uganda, helps uganda build hospitals, provides assistance to uganda during the covid-19 pandemic, provides uganda with anti-malarial drugs, and has been actively supporting the development of uganda's medical and health care." alupo said that the two countries are also actively promoting cooperation in the field of education, and thousands of ugandan students have received scholarships to study in china.
"china's modernization drive has achieved remarkable results." alupo said that uganda has drawn valuable experience from china's modernization drive, and development plans such as "uganda vision 2040" are inspired by china's economic reforms. "we are very concerned about china's comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation through chinese-style modernization. we hope to learn from china's successful experience, follow a development path that suits uganda's national conditions, and realize our own modernization development goals as soon as possible. the 2024 beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation provides new opportunities for african countries, including uganda, to achieve modernization."
"uganda highly appreciates and supports president xi jinping's concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, global development initiatives, global security initiatives and global civilization initiatives. we look forward to conducting more high-quality cooperation with china to improve people's well-being," said alupo. "this year, uganda takes over the rotating presidency of the non-aligned movement and the group of 77. against the backdrop of multiple challenges facing the world, uganda and china hold similar positions on international issues. as a country in the global south, we support equal treatment of all countries, advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world, and are committed to promoting the development of the global governance system in a more just and reasonable direction. to achieve these goals, uganda will further deepen cooperation with china."
people's daily (page 03, september 17, 2024)