
attention all international students in changsha!


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studying in changsha: legal and safety tips to help you easily adapt to your new life
Study in Changsha: Legal and Safety Tips to Help You Easily Integrate into Local Life
dear international students, welcome to changsha! to help you adapt to life in changsha, the population and exit-entry administration branch of the changsha public security bureau has prepared a detailed legal and safety guide for you to ensure your safety during your study in china.
Dear international students, welcome to Changsha! To help you quickly adapt to life in Changsha, the Population and Exit-Entry Administration Division of the Changsha Municipal Public Security Bureau has prepared a detailed legal and safety guide for your time in China, ensuring a safe and worry-free stay.
01interpretation of the exit and entry administration lawUnderstanding the Exit-Entry Administration Law
according to the exit and entry administration law of the people's republic of china, international students holding x1 visas must apply for a residence permit within 30 days of arriving in china to ensure legal residence.
According to the Exit-Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China, students holding an X1 visa must apply for a residence permit within 30 days of arrival in order to legally reside in China.
visa and residence permit:x1 visa is issued for students who want to study in china for a long time. after arriving in china, you need to go to the population and exit-entry administration hall of changsha public security bureau to apply for a residence permit, accompanied by your school teacher. make sure to apply and renew your residence permit on time to avoid delays that may affect your studies.
Visa and Residence Permit: The X1 visa is issued to students for long-term study in China. Upon arrival, you must visit the Population and Exit-Entry Administration Hall with a school official to apply for a residence permit. Ensure timely application and renewal to avoid overstaying, as this could negatively affect your studies.
residence registration:if you choose to live off campus, you must register your residence information with the local public security agency within 24 hours of arrival. for international students living in hotels, the hotel will handle it on your behalf, but you need to confirm that the registration information is correct.
Residence Registration: If you choose to live off-campus, you must register your residence with the local police station within 24 hours of arrival. For students living in hotels, the hotel will handle this, but you must ensure the registration details are correct.
off-campus internship:according to the law, international students in china must apply for permission before they can do off-campus internships. unauthorized work will violate the regulations of the study visa and may result in the cancellation of the residence permit or face penalties such as fines.
Off-campus Internships: According to Chinese law, international students in China must apply for permission before engaging in off-campus internships. Unauthorized work will violate visa conditions and may result in the cancellation of your residence permit or fines.
legal liability:violations of the exit and entry administration law, including overstaying, illegal work, and failure to promptly register residence, will result in heavy fines, detention, or even deportation.
Legal Liability: Violations such as overstaying, illegal work, or failure to register residence on time can result in substantial fines, detention, or deportation.
02traffic safety tips Traffic Safety Tips
changsha has a well-developed traffic system and obeying traffic rules is essential to ensure your safety:
Changsha's transportation system is advanced, and following traffic rules is essential to ensuring your safety:
right-hand traffic:china practices right-hand traffic, and this applies to both motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles. international students riding non-motor vehicles such as electric bikes must ensure that their vehicles are registered before they can legally drive on the road.
Right-hand Traffic: China follows a right-hand traffic system for motor and non-motor vehicles. Students riding electric bikes or other non-motor vehicles must ensure their vehicles have been registered to legally operate on the roads.
legal means of transportation:to ensure your safety, we recommend that you use legal taxis or public transportation. when taking a taxi, be sure to get on at designated locations such as airports and stations to avoid taking illegally operated vehicles.
Legal Transportation: To ensure safe travel, use licensed taxis or public transportation. When taking taxis, make sure to board at designated spots at the airport or station to avoid unlicensed vehicles.
public transportation cultureplease get on the bus from the front door and get off from the back door; avoid making loud noises and eating in the subway. these details will help you better integrate into changsha's living environment.
Public Transport Etiquette: Board buses through the front door and exit through the rear; avoid loud conversations or eating on the subway. These details help you integrate better into local life in Changsha.
03preventing telecom fraud Preventing Telecom Fraud
telecommunications fraud is becoming increasingly rampant around the world, and international students are particularly vulnerable to being targeted in a foreign country. please be vigilant:
Telecom fraud is on the rise globally, and international students are especially vulnerable in unfamiliar environments. Remain vigilant:
protection of personal information:do not disclose personal information, such as passport number, bank account number and residential address. beware of unknown phone calls or text messages, especially those claiming to be from the "public security bureau" or "bank".
Protect Your Personal Information: Don’t share personal details like your passport number, bank account, or address easily. Be cautious of suspicious calls or texts, especially those claiming to be from the police or bank.
preventing scams:if you receive suspicious messages or phone calls or emails asking for personal information, please verify the authenticity through official channels first. if you receive a request from a stranger to transfer money or provide a password, please contact changsha public security bureau immediately or seek help from the school.
Avoid Fraud: If you receive suspicious calls or emails requesting personal information, verify their authenticity through official channels. For requests for money transfers or passwords, contact Changsha police or seek help from your school.
04drug policy Anti-Drug Policy
changsha police have a zero-tolerance policy on drug control. possession, use or trafficking of drugs will result in severe criminal penalties:
Changsha police maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards drugs. Possession, use, or trafficking of drugs will face severe criminal penalties:
severe penalties for drugs:any form of drug activity, including possession, use or distribution of drugs, will face serious legal consequences, such as imprisonment, fines, and even deportation. staying away from drugs is the key to ensuring your safety in china.
Strict Punishments for Drug Crimes: Any involvement with drugs, including possession, use, or distribution, will result in serious legal consequences like imprisonment, fines, or even deportation. Avoiding drugs is essential to ensuring your safety in China.
stay alert:during social activities, be cautious and avoid any drug-related behavior or people. changsha public security is always committed to maintaining social order and ensuring the safety of international students.
Stay Alert: Be cautious during social activities and avoid associating with drug-related behavior or people. Changsha police are dedicated to maintaining public safety and ensuring the security of international students.
05life safety tipsEveryday Safety Tips
living in changsha, daily safety is equally important:
In Changsha, everyday safety is just as important:
food and water safety:choose restaurants or canteens with good hygiene conditions to eat, and avoid buying food from unqualified vendors. especially in the hot summer, please pay attention to food and drinking water safety to avoid health problems caused by food spoilage.
Food and Water Safety: Choose restaurants or cafeterias with good hygiene conditions, and avoid buying food from unlicensed street vendors. Especially during the hot summer months, pay attention to food and water safety to avoid health problems caused by spoiled food.
healthy work and rest and sports safety:maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid staying up late and overwork. when doing physical exercise, warm up thoroughly and choose appropriate safety measures to avoid sports injuries.
Healthy Routine and Exercise Safety: Maintain a healthy routine, avoiding late nights and exhaustion. Warm up properly before exercising and take appropriate safety precautions to prevent injuries.
06emergency assistance and police reportingEmergency Help and Reporting
in changsha, if you encounter any emergency, you can call 110 for help. when calling the police, please accurately describe the location, time, people involved and nature of the incident. if you are not familiar with the surrounding area, you can provide significant buildings or landmarks to help the police find you quickly.
In Changsha, if you encounter any emergency, you can call 110 for assistance. When reporting, clearly describe the location, time, people involved, and nature of the incident. If you are unfamiliar with your surroundings, you can provide nearby landmarks to help the police locate you.
the population and exit-entry administration detachment of the changsha public security bureau will provide you with assistance at any time to ensure that your study and life in changsha are safe and worry-free.
The Population and Exit-Entry Administration Division of Changsha Public Security Bureau will always be available to assist you, ensuring your safety during your stay in Changsha.
we hope these legal and safety tips can help you better integrate into the living environment in changsha. i wish you a happy and fulfilling study abroad time in changsha!
We hope these legal and safety tips will help you better integrate into life in Changsha. Wishing you a pleasant and fulfilling experience during your stay!
population and exit-entry administration division of changsha public security bureau
Changsha Municipal Public Security Bureau, Population and Exit-Entry Administration Division