
from tenth in the country to third in the country


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know the answer
xu guotao, a thin, bespectacled, and quiet man, could easily be "drowned" in a crowd. who would have thought that such an inconspicuous man would win the third place trophy of the "national competition" for tianjin.
with the referee's order, the network and information security administrator competition was called off. the contestants stood up and walked out of the examination room, but xu guotao sat quietly at his workstation. it was not until his teammates came to find him that they found that he had already started to prepare for a "review". "i will review every game after it ends." xu guotao explained that in recent network security competitions, the requirement of screen recording has been added. although there is no hard and fast rule for this "national competition", he still recorded the screen as usual and prepared to summarize his experience.
xu guotao believes that it is very important to make a timely post-match summary. "sometimes when i successfully answer a question, i feel lucky because i debugged the relevant tools and wrote the scripts in advance, which enabled me to answer the questions smoothly in a short time. without daily accumulation, it would be impossible to answer so many questions efficiently in just 4 hours of competition," he said.
the final game of the competition is vulnerability discovery. the expert judges will rank the contestants according to the total score of the vulnerabilities they have discovered. this is one of xu guotao's daily work and also his strong point. he stares at the massive amount of code flashing on the screen with sharp eyes, and concentrates on discovering as many vulnerabilities as possible, taking every step carefully and fighting for every point. this strategy laid a solid foundation for him to win the trophy and medal.
there is a trick on hand
with the rapid development of information technology, the security challenges in cyberspace are becoming increasingly complex and changeable, placing higher demands on the professional skills and practical capabilities of practitioners.
xu guotao, who is responsible for the it infrastructure operation and maintenance management of sinopec tianjin petrochemical company, has cybersecurity-related content as part of his job. "as a top cybersecurity talent of the group company, i have participated in many major security exercises organized by the ministry of public security, such as the 'network protection', the 2022 winter olympics, and the 'two sessions', as well as 'red and blue team' attack and defense (from the perspective of hacker attacks and security protection) and other tasks." xu guotao said, "our company belongs to the country's important energy industry, with extremely complex sensitive data and information, and businesses that are closely related to people's livelihood. the importance of cybersecurity is self-evident. i am the 'gatekeeper' of corporate security, and it is my responsibility to protect the cybersecurity space."
years of work experience have made xu guotao deeply realize that real attacks are silent, but the consequences are disastrous. therefore, in his work, he must promptly discover loopholes and hidden dangers in the company's network information and eliminate them in the bud. at the same time, he constantly makes up for the shortcomings in the company's network security work, so that the company's network security level has been greatly improved. in this battlefield without gunpowder, xu guotao gradually built an invisible "protection network" for the company.
there is a road under your feet
unlike many tianjin team players who participated in the national workers' vocational skills competition for the first time, xu guotao represented our city in the 7th national workers' vocational skills competition in 2021 and won the tenth place. it took him three years to move from the tenth place in the country to the top three. perhaps only the light on his desk that often stays on until late at night knows how hard xu guotao has walked this long road to winning awards in these more than a thousand days.
but xu guotao did not indulge in victory. on the day he returned to tianjin, he started to study and establish a network security team. "network security requires solid basic skills, including network, operating system, database, information system development and operation, and requires at least one or two common programming languages. at present, network security has more and more requirements for reverse engineering, which is also very important. you need to learn assembly and disassembly, etc." following his thoughts, his notebook was gradually filled. "'lone wolf' is not competent for network security work. i want to try to discover and cultivate more talents in this area." xu guotao said.
(tianjin workers’ daily reporter gao zhujun)
source: china workers network