
from the first order of goods to the first batch of enterprises, zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone has created a "r&d and innovation" featured comprehensive bonded zone


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recently, zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone welcomed the first batch of eight companies to settle in. from the approval of the state council in may last year to the formal acceptance of zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone in april this year, this country's first comprehensive bonded zone featuring "r&d and innovation" has demonstrated the functional characteristics of "bonded r&d" step by step from facility construction to closed-off operation.
what are the policy advantages of zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone, and what kind of enterprises has "bonded r&d" attracted to settle in? with these questions, the reporter recently visited zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone.
on april 26, beijing zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone passed the formal acceptance. photo by beijing news reporter pu feng
no blocking of customs clearance, 90% of the space is customized for technology r&d companies
at 10:35 on august 28, zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone welcomed the first batch of goods entering the zone after formal acceptance. the truck carrying the "first-line" imported experimental carrier net of beijing xingu technology co., ltd. successfully completed the customs clearance and entered the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone.
the first batch of goods entering the zone came from beijing engu technology co., ltd. this batch of goods is "electron microscope grids" imported from overseas, which are important consumables for cryo-transmission electron microscopes. the electron microscope grids are the size of rice grains and are only about 25 microns thick. they are ultra-thin carbon film products. they play a key role in the process of protein structure analysis.
this batch of important high-tech materials was picked up at the capital airport at 8:30 that day. as the whole process was under customs supervision, it only took about 2 hours for the goods to enter the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone.
in addition, the innovative customs supervision model of the r&d-based cbz pioneered by zhongguancun cbz has also greatly improved customs clearance convenience. during the entry of this cargo into the zone, the cargo vehicles were not blocked or stopped in the middle, and it only took a few seconds to enter the zone.
the first comprehensive bonded zone in china featuring "r&d and innovation" not only has convenient customs clearance procedures, but also takes the needs of r&d enterprises into full consideration in the construction of hardware facilities. of the 660,000 square meters of industrial space, 90% is specially customized for scientific and technological research and development. zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone is currently stepping up the construction of the "special articles inspection platform" and the "ultra-clean inspection platform", which are expected to be completed by the end of november.
the "special item inspection platform" and "ultra-clean inspection platform" under construction are located on the third floor of the customs inspection center in zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone, covering an area of ​​over 1,700 square meters. among them, the ultra-clean inspection platform is for integrated circuit and testing companies to purchase chips, wafers and other goods that have high cleanliness requirements for the storage environment, providing inspection and temporary storage space.
ma xiaoman, a laboratory designer and deputy general manager of huinod (beijing) technology co., ltd., introduced that the ultra-clean inspection platform filters the fresh air outside and sends it indoors through orderly airflow organization. "it has reached the requirements of cleanliness level 1000, just like the operating room in a hospital, which is sterile and dust-free," said ma xiaoman.
technology companies "bonded research and development" enjoy multiple policies such as bonded and tax-free
graphene valley technology is one of the first eight companies announced to settle in zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone. it is a wholly-owned subsidiary of beijing graphene research institute co., ltd. established in zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone last month. the "electron microscope grid" imported, processed and improved by them is a manifestation of the innovative breakthroughs of my country's science and technology enterprises.
what is an electron microscope grid? what is the use of protein analysis? lu weijun, vice president of beijing graphene institute co., ltd. (bgi), told reporters that, for example, g protein is the largest protein family in the human body, with more than 800 members, and plays the role of "sensor" in cell signal transduction. the analysis of g protein will help develop "targeted drugs" to overcome malignant tumors. among the more than 800 g protein targets in the human body, only 134 have been developed so far, and their development level is closely related to the current level of protein analysis.
when researchers use cryo-tem to analyze protein structures, they need to drop frozen protein stock onto the "em grid". lu weijun explained that the "em grid" supports the sample and provides conductivity. in layman's terms, the relationship between cryo-tem and em grid is like that between a printer and toner.
"germany is the main producer of high-end cryo-em grids. the world consumes about 2 million electron microscope grids each year, with the chinese market accounting for about 15% to 20%, and heavily relying on imports." lu weijun said that the "em grids" produced in germany also have some problems, such as uneven thickness, thin in the middle and thick on both sides when the protein stock solution is dropped onto the "em grid", which is not conducive to data analysis; in addition, there are problems such as poor conductivity and easy accumulation of charges. after importing the "em grids", graphene valley technology uses graphene materials to improve them, which helps to achieve high-resolution imaging and structural analysis.
benefiting from the policy advantages of bonded, tax-free, tax refund and certificate-free featuring the "bonded r&d" feature of zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone, "after the 'electron microscope carrier' enters the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone, it remains in a bonded state. we can directly conduct r&d and processing of imported materials in the comprehensive bonded zone and temporarily postpone the payment of the 14% import tariff." lu weijun said.
create a "3+1" supervision system of "electronic fence + intelligent channel + electronic fence" and "digital supervision auxiliary platform of comprehensive bonded zone"
technology and innovation are the foundation of zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone.
why can goods entering the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone pass customs so quickly and conveniently? fang tao, assistant to the general manager of beijing zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone operation service co., ltd., told reporters that the physical checkpoints for vehicles entering and leaving the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone have been upgraded and transformed into intelligent channels to create a new customs supervision model of "no blocking unless necessary".
there is no barrier at the entrance of the cbz, so vehicles can enter directly. the barrier at the exit remains raised, so there is no unnecessary blocking, which improves customs clearance efficiency. only when the system identifies a problem with the vehicle will the barrier at the exit fall down to prevent the vehicle from leaving.
in addition to the smart channel, zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone has actually built a "3+1" supervision system of "electronic fence + smart channel + electronic fence" and "digital intelligence supervision auxiliary platform of comprehensive bonded zone". the "informationized fence" composed of isolated green shrubs and high-definition video surveillance system is eye-catching.
fang tao introduced that zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone is the first comprehensive bonded zone in my country to be managed in the "electronic fence" mode. it replaces the original physical perimeter isolation facilities and physical checkpoints with the "electronic fence + intelligent channel + electronic fence". this is the biggest highlight of the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone.
however, if the physical fence is removed, how can imported goods in bonded status be supervised to prevent them from leaving the bonded area without permission?
in the hedge at the boundary of zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone, a black "light pole" can be seen every 20 meters. these "light poles" are not only equipped with street lights, but also with two ai smart high-definition cameras. "this camera can not only capture high-definition images, but also has face tracking function. if someone crosses the boundary of the comprehensive bonded zone, the ai ​​camera will automatically capture three photos, recording all three stages before, during and after the crossing, for later investigation and evidence collection." fang tao said.
in addition to ai cameras, millimeter-wave radars are deployed every 200 meters on the boundary line of zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone. when encountering stormy snow and dense fog with low visibility, millimeter-wave radars can play an auxiliary monitoring role, using millimeter electronic waves to identify and record the behavior of people crossing.
a total of 367 ai high-definition cameras and 41 millimeter-wave radars were installed on the 2,840-meter boundary line of the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone, forming an "electronic fence". the data captured by the cameras and radars are directly transmitted to the digital intelligence supervision auxiliary platform of the comprehensive bonded zone, which can not only display the specific location of the crossing incident on the large screen of the command center, but also issue a personnel crossing alarm to prompt customs personnel to go to the scene for disposal.
if the "electronic fence" is used to identify and collect evidence of people crossing the border of the comprehensive bonded zone, then the "electronic fence" is used to supervise the bonded goods within the comprehensive bonded zone. customs personnel can understand the status of bonded goods by comparing the production and operation data of enterprises, the declaration data of bonded goods and other information.
zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone upgraded the original physical fence and physical checkpoints to electronic fence and smart channels respectively. photo by pu feng, a reporter from the beijing news
focusing on the "2+2+n" industrial positioning, zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone builds a bonded service system
on september 13, at the 2024 china international fair for trade in services - "haidian night" event, the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone announced the latest information, and the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone welcomed the first batch of 8 companies to settle in.
soyne intelligent storage technology (beijing) co., ltd. is one of the first companies to settle in zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone. its parent company, beijing soyne electric technology co., ltd., is a native zhongguancun company. its core product "energy storage converter" has been ranked among the top three in the country in terms of shipments for four consecutive years. the bonded service system of bonded maintenance, bonded testing, and financial leasing built by zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone specifically for r&d companies has become an important reason for soyne electric to settle in zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone.
after entering the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone, as long as the company's self-developed products are not subject to the restrictions of the bonded maintenance product catalog, the scope has been greatly expanded. at the same time, the time efficiency of goods flow can be greatly compressed, and there is no need to pay a deposit. wang shicheng, chairman of suoying electric, said: "this not only saves customs clearance logistics transportation time, but also reduces the company's operating costs in this link. at the same time, it also improves the efficiency of rework and service quality."
the first batch of eight companies, including graphene valley technology, fanzhi international, and soyin smart storage, have completed the registration and filing procedures for entering the zone. these companies are mainly concentrated in the fields of integrated circuits, medical health, new materials, future energy, etc., which are consistent with the "2+2+n" industrial positioning of zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone.
the so-called "2+2+n" means taking integrated circuits and medical health as the core, artificial intelligence and technological services as the focus, and expanding n bonded service formats such as headquarters economy, cross-border e-commerce, and financial leasing.
"as the core area of ​​beijing's science and technology innovation center, the 'ballast stone' of the capital's economy, and the 'experimental field' of the national science and technology system reform, haidian district has obvious innovation advantages." hei yu, deputy director of the comprehensive bonded zone department of the zhongguancun science city management committee, said that based on the country's major strategies, haidian district proposed the idea of ​​applying for the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone to create the country's first comprehensive bonded zone featuring "r&d innovation."
zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone is not close to the airport, but is closer to the metropolitan area, with a strong scientific and technological atmosphere around it. in terms of space, 90% of the space in zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone is designed for scientific and technological research and development. the floor height of each industrial building is 4.8 to 6 meters, and some buildings can reach 7 meters in part. r&d companies can conduct small and medium tests in the comprehensive bonded zone and carry out various r&d businesses.
according to hei yu, the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone is being built in three phases. at present, the first phase of the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone has been completed, with a total construction area of ​​about 170,000 square meters, including the main building for innovation and research and development, the customs inspection center, the warehouse, and the office area outside the fence of the comprehensive bonded zone. the second phase of the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone has started construction, with a construction area of ​​about 280,000 square meters, supporting enterprises to carry out research and development to pilot operations. subsequently, the third phase of the zhongguancun comprehensive bonded zone will also be constructed, with a large conference center, bonded exhibition space, etc.
beijing news reporter wu wei
editor zhang qian proofreader yang li