
12 billion yuan → 39.9 trillion yuan! let’s check the “report card” of china’s manufacturing


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over the past 75 years, china's manufacturing industry has achieved leapfrog growth, from "unable to manufacture" to "able to manufacture" and then to "manufacture well". its product output leads the world, and its industrial added value has increased from 12 billion yuan in 1952 to 20.5 billion yuan in 2023.39.9 trillion yuan
the overall scale has ranked first in the world for 14 consecutive years;
the world's most comprehensive industrial categories and the most complete industrial system;
among the 500 major industrial products, more than 40% of them rank first in the world in terms of output;
a manufacturing powerhouse is taking great strides towards becoming a manufacturing powerhouse.
many indicators of equipment manufacturing industry show good growth
since the 18th cpc national congress, the added value of china's equipment manufacturing industry above designated size hasaverage annual growth rate of 8.7%in 2023, the added value of equipment manufacturing will account for 33.6% of the added value of industries above designated size, an increase of 5.4 percentage points from 2012.
china's manufacturing industry continues to make breakthroughs in high-end innovation
high-end innovation in manufacturing continues to make breakthroughs.
manned space flight, lunar exploration, quantum communication, manned deep-sea diving, radio telescopes, supercomputersand other scientific and technological achievements continue to emerge;
big data, cloud computing, internet of thingsnew generation information technologies are deeply penetrating into the manufacturing industry.
china's manufacturing intelligent transformation is advancing
the intelligent transformation is being advanced in depth.
industrial internetit has achieved full coverage of major industrial categories, the total computing power ranks second in the world, and the installed capacity of industrial robots accounts for more than 50% of the world's total.
key industrial enterprisesdigital r&dthe penetration rate of design tools reached 80.1%, and the cnc rate of key processes reached 62.9%.
large aircraft, new energy vehicles, high-speed trainsthe product development cycle of demonstration factories in fields such as these has been shortened by approximately 30%, and production efficiency has been increased by nearly 30%.
the “three new things” of new energy industry are growing rapidly
the new energy industry performed well.
new energy vehicles, solar cells, lithium-ion power batteries for automobilesthe output of products related to the "new three things" grew rapidly, increasing by 30.3%, 54.0% and 22.8% year-on-year in 2023 respectively.
high-speed production of renewable energy related equipment products, 2023,hydro-turbine generator sets, wind turbine generator sets, charging pilesgreen energy-related products such as the industrial chain grew by 35.3%, 28.7% and 36.9% year-on-year respectively.
innovation capability becomes the core competitiveness of enterprises
innovation capability has become the core competitiveness for the development and growth of enterprises.
among the industrial enterprises above designated size nationwidethere are 176,000 companies with active r&d activities, a 9.2-fold increase over 2000, accounting for 37.3% of industrial enterprises above designated size, an increase of 26.7 percentage points over 2000;
industrial research and development above scaleexpenditure: rmb 1,936.2 billion, an increase of 38.5 times compared with 2000.
data from the ministry of industry and information technology shows thatchina’s 5g standard essential patent declarations account for 42% of the world’s total, providing a chinese solution for the global 5g construction. 1g blank, 2g follow-up, 3g breakthrough, 4g parallel, 5g leading, the development of the mobile communication technology industry is a microcosm of the rise of chinese manufacturing.
become the world's largest international patent applicant
in 2023, the world intellectual property organization determined thatchina is the world's largest international patent applicantin terms of information and communication technology, china's patents account for 14% of the world's total. as of july 2024, china holds more than 190,000 valid patents related to robots, accounting for about two-thirds of the world's total.
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