
400 missiles rush to japan's aid, the united states intervenes in the taiwan strait with force, and has one more "helper"


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the united states has a "helper" in its intervention in the taiwan strait situation. 400 missiles with a range of 1,600 kilometers have been installed on ships, and their range directly covers china's hinterland. a military contest without the smoke of gunpowder has quietly begun in the asia-pacific region.

400 missiles shipped to asia-pacific, the us has a "helper" in intervening in the taiwan strait

japanese media reported thatjapan will spend a huge amount of money to transform the "kongō-class" guided missile destroyer so that it can be equipped with tomahawk cruise missiles, improve long-range strike capabilities.

if the effect is satisfactory, japan will renovate and upgrade the existing eight destroyers of the same type to further enhance the strength of the japan maritime self-defense force.400 tomahawk cruise missiles purchased by japan are about to be delivered, which made the outside world smell a hint of something unusual.

(japanese kongo-class guided missile destroyer)

whether it is the transformation of warships or the receipt of tomahawk cruise missiles, the essence is to enable japan to obtain long-range attack capabilities.

over the years, japan has closely followed the united states and has become an important chess piece in its fight against china. after the outbreak of the russia-ukraine conflict, with the tacit approval of the united states, japan has vigorously sought military ties and has taken a series of actions to enhance its military strength.