
the student was fat and slow in skipping rope, so his pe teacher broke his collarbone? the local police have filed a case and the teacher involved has been suspended


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"why is this teacher so cruel? my son was a little fat and skipped slowly, so he kicked him in the neck, causing his shoulder to be broken and fractured. when he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, clear shoe prints could be seen on his neck."

on september 12, the parent from ju county, rizhao city, shandong province confirmed that his son's injury was assessed as a second-degree minor injury.

on september 14, a reporter from the huashang daily dafeng news confirmed from the ju county education and sports bureau that the physical education teacher involved had been suspended.

【send to hospital for treatment】

"my son lay in bed, unable to sleep for nights because of the pain"

the parent posted a video introducing that his son was studying at the liuguanzhuang town central primary school in ju county and that the incident happened during a physical education class on the morning of may 11.

"because the child was overweight, he skipped rope slowly, so the pe teacher kicked him, causing his shoulder to be broken and fractured. when he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, clear shoe prints could be seen on his neck."

the parents showed the x-rays taken at the hospital, "for more than two months, my child's father and i stayed with him in the hospital. the doctor said that he had an upper shoulder injury and should not turn over or move around. we took turns to take care of him day and night. he lay straight in bed and couldn't sleep for nights because of the pain."

【injury assessment】

blunt force caused clavicle fracture, constituting a second-degree minor injury

after the incident, the parents called the police. "the injury has been assessed and it is a second-degree minor injury, but the police did not take any action against the physical education teacher."

the "appraisal" issued by the technical squadron of the criminal investigation brigade of ju county public security bureau shows that on june 6, a 3.4 cm long oblique suture wound was found in the middle of the left clavicle, and a 1.2 cm long oblique suture wound was found in the left sterno-clavicular joint, both of which were caused by surgery. according to the analysis of the injury characteristics, it is consistent with blunt force.

according to the medical records and forensic examination, the left clavicle fracture was caused by trauma. according to the "human body injury degree assessment standards", the assessment opinion is that the injury is a second-grade minor injury.

【alarm processing】

suspected of intentional injury, the local police decided to file a case for investigation

the liuguanzhuang police station of ju county public security bureau issued a "notice of filing of administrative case" on may 13, indicating that the case of intentional injury by jia moumou reported by the parents had been filed.

on september 14, the reporter contacted the liuguanzhuang police station, and the police officer in charge said that it was inconvenient to disclose the case, "you need to contact the publicity department of our county bureau for this matter."

when asked by the reporter whether any measures were taken against the teacher involved in the incident, the police officer responded: "i can't say these things."

the parents said they called the citizen service hotline and transferred the case to the ju county education and sports bureau. "but the education and sports bureau replied that they had called the police and told them to contact the police station. the police station said they were investigating and going through the process. from may 11th to now, we have been waiting for the results of the police investigation. we hope that the law can give our child justice."

【school response】

the physical education teacher involved had never physically punished students before

according to the parents, after the incident, they asked the school to punish the teacher who beat the child. "jia is the director of the moral education department and a physical education teacher, but the school has not suspended him because it has not found a replacement teacher."

the parent said: "the child's homeroom teacher is the sister of the teacher who beat the child. after the incident, the first thing she did was to warn the child's classmates not to tell anyone at home and to keep their mouths shut."

on september 14, a reporter from huashang daily contacted liuguanzhuang town central primary school, and the school office staff replied: "i don't know the details yet. you can consult the leader and ask him directly."

when asked by the reporter whether teacher jia was in the school, the staff said they did not know. when asked whether teacher jia had ever physically punished students before, the staff said, "he had not done so before."

the reporter called the school leader's contact information provided by the staff several times, but the other party did not answer.

【survey by the education and sports bureau】

participating in mediation, the physical education teacher involved has been suspended

on september 14, the reporter contacted the ju county education and sports bureau, and the staff responded: "our bureau's security management department is investigating and handling the matter."

the staff of the security management department of the bureau told reporters that the physical education teacher involved has been suspended and "is currently under investigation. the police station and the local education department are involved in mediation."

in addition, the reporter contacted the liuguanzhuang town government of ju county several times, and the staff responded to the reporter after understanding the relevant situation.