
many universities have similar actions in adjusting their internal institutions, including the closure and merger of alumni offices.


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heilongjiang university’s newly established domestic cooperation and development center has been unveiled to the public.

on the afternoon of september 11, wang junlin, president of the heilongjiang university alumni association, wang shenghong, secretary of the party committee of the school of electronic engineering, wang chaowei, deputy director of the domestic cooperation and development center, and liu mingliang, deputy dean of the school of electronic engineering, visited the alumni enterprise harbin jintai group. it is reported that president wang junlin thanked alumnus li xinyu on behalf of the alumni association for his long-term support for the work of the association. he and deputy director wang chaowei jointly stated that in the future, they will continue to be committed to building various collaborative innovation platforms for alumni enterprises, providing full-factor services to support the success of alumni careers and support alumni and their alma mater to create win-win situations, and strive to promote the integration of school and enterprise development and write a new chapter.

in august this year, the cpc heilongjiang university committee's "decision on the adjustment of some internal institutions" proposed: abolish the alumni service center and establish a new domestic cooperation and development center. the domestic cooperation and development center is established as a teaching and auxiliary institution at the level of a director. after its establishment, it will promote communication and exchanges with alumni and all sectors of society in accordance with the overall development goals of the school, take the lead in promoting strategic cooperation between the school and the government, enterprises, institutions, and social groups, and expand the channels for the school to raise resources; gather the strength of alumni, rely on the alumni association and the education development foundation platform, effectively integrate various social resources, and provide support for the development of various undertakings of the school; strengthen communication and exchanges with alumni, continue to serve and support alumni, and promote the common development of alumni and the school.

in recent years, in order to promote social cooperation and strengthen alumni ties, internal institutions of universities have been frequently adjusted.

the alumni association of qingdao university of science and technology issued a document in may this year, introducing that in order to improve the modernization level of the school's governance system and governance capabilities and promote the accelerated and high-quality development of the school, the school party committee merged the original cooperation and development office with the alumni work office from the perspective of better focusing on the common development of alumni, formed a new cooperation and development office (alumni work office), and adjusted the functional departments to the local service office, project management department, alumni work department and foundation secretary department.

the guilin university of technology alumni association published an article in september 2023 stating that the alumni and domestic cooperation department was established in accordance with the school's internal institutional reform plan. its responsibilities are composed of the responsibilities of the former alumni office and the former party office (school office) domestic cooperation office. the alumni and domestic cooperation department will be co-located with the party office (school office). the alumni work office will be abolished. the alumni and domestic cooperation department (education development foundation) is the functional department of the school to promote social cooperation, gather educational resources, expand educational space, and strengthen contact, cooperation and exchanges with alumni, local governments, enterprises, institutions, and social groups. at the same time, it performs the functions of the school alumni association secretariat and the school education development foundation secretariat.

in addition, the domestic cooperation and development office and alumni affairs office (joint office) of soochow university was established in 2022, which was formed by merging the domestic cooperation office and the development committee office. the organization consists of the general affairs department, cooperation and development department, foundation management department, and alumni affairs department.

according to soochow university, as one of the windows for the school's external exchanges and cooperation and a bridge and link to all sectors of society, the domestic cooperation and development office and the alumni affairs office (joint office) study and analyze the feasibility of cooperation between the school and ministries, commissions, local governments, enterprises, institutions, research institutes of universities, and industry associations in accordance with the school's overall development goals and the actual situation of local economic and social development, coordinate the school's human resources, scientific and technological resources, cultural resources, equipment and other educational resources, and take the lead in promoting strategic cooperation between the school and the government, industry, enterprises, and research institutes. at the same time, closely relying on the alumni association and the education development foundation platform, through the effective integration of various social resources, actively build a social cooperation platform, improve the social cooperation system, and provide support for the development of various undertakings of the school in the process of expanding service areas and improving service capabilities.

shangluo university established the alumni association office·education development foundation in november 2015, and changed its name to domestic cooperation and alumni affairs office·education development foundation in september 2021. it consists of two departments: domestic cooperation department and alumni affairs office.

its main responsibilities include: being responsible for broadening the channels and fields of exchange and cooperation between the school and government departments, enterprises, institutions, scientific research institutions and other universities, as well as the signing, coordination and management of domestic strategic cooperation agreements;

keep abreast of and actively publicize the school's development plans, major event information, and industry-university-research achievements, and promote cooperation between the school and all sectors of society in scientific research and technical services, talent training and exchange, strategic consulting and services, etc.;

make full use of resources inside and outside the school, attract investment in school operation, promote donations from alumni, social groups and people of insight, and strive for more social donation projects;

responsible for the daily work of the alumni association, guide and coordinate the construction and work of alumni associations in various places, give full play to the advantages and extensive influence of alumni, make suggestions for the reform and development of the school, use alumni resources to jointly promote win-win cooperation between the school, the local area and alumni, and enhance the social influence of the school.

chongqing technology and business university also published an article in 2020, introducing that the school has set up a domestic cooperation and development department (alumni affairs office) to strengthen all-round contact and cooperation with all sectors of society and alumni, stimulate the vitality of running schools, gather educational resources, and comprehensively enhance the school's ability to serve economic and social development. the establishment of the new department fully reflects the school's party committee and administration's high attention to domestic cooperation and alumni work.

the school mentioned that the domestic cooperation and development office (alumni affairs office) is a functional department that promotes social cooperation, gathers educational resources, expands educational space, and represents the school to strengthen contact, exchanges and cooperation with alumni, local governments, enterprises, institutions, and social groups. the department will focus on the school's central work, accurately connect the two advantageous resources inside and outside the school, serve the school's connotation development and economic and social development, coordinate and promote school-local, school-enterprise, and school-school cooperation, continuously deepen alumni work, do our best to do targeted poverty alleviation work, and earnestly perform the functions of the alumni association secretariat and the school education development foundation secretariat.