
the german navy sent ships to sail through the sea in a foolish and provocative act, which will only bring shame upon itself in the western pacific.


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why do you think the germans suddenly became obsessed? in our impression, the germans are very methodical, rigorous and serious in doing things, but in the past two years, germany has become more and more "anti-intellectual" in international affairs.

(data map: "baden-württemberg" and "frankfurt am main")

recently, the german navy has come to our doorstep again to do stupid things. according to reports from the global times and other media, on september 13, two german navy warships passed through the taiwan strait. western media also publicly hyped this up, saying that this was a signal from berlin that it supports its allies in abiding by international rules.

of course, some people say that this is a blatant provocation by the german government. of course, the whole world knows how sensitive the taiwan strait is. sending two warships through it is clearly a provocation and will definitely be met with a strong counterattack from us. in my opinion, the germans did this, in addition to provocation, which is completely self-defeating and stupid.

(data map: a german navy frigate passing by)

let's see what the germans say about this. german defense minister pistorius explained that the german warship was going from south korea to the philippines, and crossing the taiwan strait was the "shortest route." he also added, "considering weather factors, this is the safest route. this is international waters, so we have to sail through it."

the german defense minister gave three reasons: the distance was short, the weather on other routes was bad, and it was international waters, so there was no harm. what do you call this? this is self-deception, and i guess they don't even believe it themselves. what is the german's purpose in doing this? let me do the math for the germans.

(data map: air china's german supply ship)

they can show off their "power" by sailing two warships through the sea. this is definitely a joke to the world. these two warships are a frigate and a supply ship. the frigate has a large displacement of more than 7,000 tons, but it is just a large armed yacht. in addition to a 127mm naval gun, two helicopters, and short-range air defense missiles, its armament is absolutely ordinary, and its combat capability is far inferior to our 1,000-ton 056 frigate. with the german navy's limited assets, it dares to come to our doorstep to show off. in fact, it is making things difficult for itself. it is estimated that it was beaten up by us during this passage.

(not long ago, german chancellor schulz visited china)

what else can you do? to cooperate with the american western pacific strategy. you just come here temporarily, what effect can you have?

furthermore, is it possible to have a say in the western pacific region in the future? how is this possible? with germany's influence in the world, especially in the western pacific region, it can have a say by relying on these two large armed yachts. if the germans really think this way, isn't it a bit stupid?

(eight chinese navy ships once surrounded the us aircraft carrier)

in fact, the current german government is really a bit stupid. germany's economy is so bad now, and the domestic business community has been demanding to strengthen economic and trade cooperation with china. when scholz visited china, he brought a large number of entrepreneurs with him, just to strengthen economic and trade exchanges. this time, the german ministry of defense actually sent warships to provoke. are your german ministry of defense and the chancellery the same? or is your german government really stupid.

moreover, the german government has done a lot of stupid things in the past two years. for example, the conflict between russia and ukraine has lasted for more than two and a half years, and one of the countries that has been hurt the most is definitely germany. germany has always been working closely with russia. german industry plus russian energy is a good cooperation model, and it is also a good foundation laid by merkel during her 16 years in power. but the new german government insists on following the united states and going against russia.

(a cartoon mocking germany's passage through the taiwan strait)

now, germany's economy is declining, and russia's cheap natural gas is gone. it has to spend several times the price to buy it from the americans. the nord stream pipeline was blown up, but they dared not complain. they were scolded for giving less military aid to ukraine. the great european locomotive is bullied every day and has no status as a great power. now they have to cooperate with the americans and follow the wind to join in the fun in the western pacific. not only do they not get any benefits, but they have also ruined their relationship with us.

there is really something wrong with the germans' brains now.