
for water accumulation and rainwater backflow points, their "ai video" is on standby all the time.


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typhoon "bebejia" is approaching with great force. in order to effectively carry out defense work and ensure the safe and orderly operation of the city, jing'an district's "one-network management" urban operation platform immediately launched the emergency (flood prevention) command mode, giving full play to the role of digital and intelligent means, online and offline linkage, and human-machine collaboration to help defend against typhoon "bebejia".
in accordance with the mechanism of "integration of peacetime and emergency" and "combination of peacetime and wartime", the district urban management command hall quickly switched from daily operation to emergency (flood prevention) mode, and made every effort to ensure that the flood prevention office, emergency bureau, fire brigade and other departments were stationed in the urban management platform, and carried out coordinated command and comprehensive dispatch in accordance with the plan in a hierarchical manner.
jing'an's "one network for all management" urban transportation platform gives full play to the intelligent discovery function of ai+video and neural sensors, and strengthens video patrols and intelligent perception discovery for points with high-fall risks such as shop signs and overhead lines, points prone to water accumulation on roads such as underpasses and underground passages, and points prone to rainwater backflow in underground spaces. "flood and typhoon prevention scenarios", "smart meteorological refined management scenarios", and "smart transportation integrated management platform" update the latest typhoon paths in real time, refined meteorological forecasts with roads as the smallest granularity, and gather the transfer and resettlement points and material reserves of the entire district, etc., accurately collect, integrate and share, and apply analysis to provide data support for flood control emergency response and assist in decision-making and judgment.
the urban management platforms at the district and street levels, with the basic urban management units as the units, fully mobilized the grid inspection force to conduct full-time, full-coverage, rolling inspections of key areas such as residential areas, municipal roads, high-altitude structures, underground spaces, and construction sites to eliminate various hidden dangers in a timely manner. make every effort to carry out typhoon and flood prevention related work such as outdoor facility safety inspections, self-use equipment safety inspections, and drainage and flood prevention work. jing'an temple street, caojiadu street, tianmu west road street, daning road street, linfen road street, pengpu xincun street, etc. carried out typhoon response work in accordance with the flood and typhoon prevention plan.
the "12345" citizen service hotline strengthened the full-process tracking of the transfer and handling of various types of emergency work orders from citizens and public opinion work orders, especially the tracking and supervision of various flood and typhoon prevention and livelihood demands involving disaster relief, safety hazards, etc. from 5 pm on the 14th to 9 am on the 16th, a total of more than 300 hotline work orders were accepted, including 30 work orders related to flood and typhoon prevention, mainly involving safety hazards such as fallen trees, drainage and silt removal, falling shop signs, and falling clothes and flower racks.
the district's urban transport command hall has increased its manpower and strengthened duty to ensure that flood control information is unimpeded and delivered in a timely manner. it has also provided support for the "city-district-town three-level integrated video conference command system" and arranged for dedicated personnel to be on duty around the clock and at all times to ensure that superior instructions are delivered and deployed in a timely manner.
author: wang wanyi
text: wang wanyi photos: provided by the interviewee editor: zhang xiaoming responsible editor: zhu yue
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