
guangzhou huadu district market supervision department responded to the investigation of the company involved in the meicheng mooncake incident


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recently, the "hong kong meicheng mooncakes" promoted by xiao yangge and the anchors of three sheep were questioned for false advertising. on september 15, the customer service of the "meichengli official flagship store", the merchant involved, responded to the inquiry and said that the meicheng brand was registered in hong kong, and "the brand genes and r&d team are all from hong kong."

on the evening of the 15th, the huadu district market supervision bureau gave the latest response to the guangzhou daily new flower city reporter, pointing out that after noticing the situation on september 13, the bureau immediately conducted an investigation on the company involved, guangzhou meicheng food co., ltd. in response to the public's concerns about "whether it is registered in hong kong" and "whether it is a hong kong brand", the company provided the business registration information of hong kong meicheng food group co., ltd. registered in hong kong, and issued relevant certificates of hong kong meicheng food group co., ltd.'s registration of the "meisun", "meicheng" and "hong kong meicheng mooncake" trademarks in hong kong, and also provided documents such as the trademark use authorization between the company and hong kong meicheng food group co., ltd.

regarding the issue of whether it involves "false advertising", because it involves a wide range of areas, the companies involved and the sales company (hefei three sheep network technology co., ltd.) are from different regions, and cross-regional verification requires coordination with multiple local regulatory departments. the huadu district market supervision bureau will speed up the verification progress, handle it in accordance with the law, and respond to the concerns of the public and the media in a timely manner.