
alibaba cloud drive can see strangers' photos. official response: fixed


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interface news reporter | cui peng

interface news editor | wen shuqi

9moon14dayeveningthere are multiplenetizensexistsocial platformspostsayalibaba cloud diskappearBUGuserif onlycreateonenewfolders, and then select pictures in the category to load a large number of photos of other users, including selfies, landscape photos, travel photos and other types.

regarding this product accident, alibaba responded to interface news and said: alibaba cloud disk experienced a short-term service anomaly, and alibaba cloud technicians repaired it as soon as possible.

testedat presentalibaba cloud diskfunctionuse normalfaultalreadyquiltexclude

alibaba cloud diskthe business is a cloud storage product developed by the alibaba cloud team, which mainly provides cloud services to individual users.public betaat2021yearearlyand inyear 2roll outpaymentmemberserve

2022yearyoutubecloud albumserveshutdownafteralibaba cloud disk receivedthatpartuseranddocument2023yeardingtalk announcedwillnailplateofprivate file storageserveclosureandadjust todepend onalibaba cloud disksupply

this year2moonalibaba cloud diskannouncewillrightcapacityusebeyondrestrictedaccountimplementnew policiesinvolvedto use online playback, upload, transfer, download, share, and quick transfer functions, users need to open an alibaba cloud disk svip membership or purchase a large-capacity package, or actively clean up excess files.

according topublicdataat presentalibaba cloud diskhaveexceed2100 millionregisteruserthatsecurityandstabilityshouldgetassurebutexistrecentin two yearsalibaba cloud disk was onceexposurepassmultiple technical glitches.

on the evening of february 3, 2023, alibaba cloud disk had a system failure and could not be used normally. later, at 23:50 that night, alibaba repaired the failure and said that it would not affect users' data and subsequent use.

same year7moon22dayalibaba cloud diskbecausesystemjitterofreasonappearno accessofconditionthe app, web page, pc client, and tv client are all unable to load content.20minutes lateraliwillthe faultrepair

cloud servicesincludenetwork diskofprivacy and securityhas always beenmajorplatformkey particularalong withAIandcloud services are gradually gaining popularitymass usersmiddleuniversal, user's datasafetywhether sex can be guaranteed will alsobecomedecidecloud servicesuserscaleofmost importantfactorone
