
suddenly exploded! 8-year-old boy suffered more than 30 injuries on his face... just because of this "toy" at home


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"bang~" an explosion

a boy from jinan, shandong

unfortunately, a sudden disaster struck

september 8

8-year-old boy haohao

put dry ice into the glass bottle with a small mouth

constant shaking

causes the glass bottle to explode suddenly

the broken glass splashed into

blood vessels on the left side of his face, head, ear, and neck

"his face was covered with blood

i can’t see the child’s appearance at all.”

glass fragments removed from haohao's body (source: qilu evening news)

in haohao's body

the largest glass shard was about 3 cm

the deepest point is about 2.5 cm


after being rushed to the hospital

haohao underwent a five-hour rescue.

on september 10, when the reporter saw haohao in the ward, the wound on his face had already healed.about 30 wounds of varying sizesat present, haohao has recovered all kinds of behavioral abilities and is in good mental state.

it is understood that haohao's family often uses dry ice to refrigerate and transport and preserve some items. when heated, dry ice will directly sublimate into gas, forming wisps of white smoke, which makesdry ice has become haohao's "toy"

in daily life

dry ice is often used for refrigeration and preservation

but many people don’t know

improper storage and use of dry ice

there will be "hidden murder"

is dry ice ice?

dry ice is solid carbon dioxide, usually a non-toxic and odorless white solid with various shapes. dry ice will directly sublimate into carbon dioxide gas at room temperature and pressure.expansion coefficient is about 800-1000 times, a lot of smoke will be produced when it comes into contact with hot water.

image source: visual china

what are the uses of dry ice?

1. cleaning industry:dry ice can effectively clean stains on the surface of various items such as metals, molds, production equipment, ancient artifacts, etc.avoids corrosion and damage to items caused by chemical cleaning

2. entertainment industry:dry ice is widely used instage, theater, film, celebration, partyit is used to create sea of ​​clouds effects in occasions such as the sea of ​​clouds; it is also often used in table dishes to add smoke effects.

3. fire fighting industry:dry ice can also be used forfire fightingfields, such as fire-fighting files, precision instruments, low-voltage electrical equipment, etc.

4. transportation industry:plasma, vaccines and other special medicineslow temperature transportation, electronic materials, precision deviceslong and short distance transportation, as well as beef, mutton, seafood and other foodsfresh transportationdry ice is also used.

improper use of dry ice

potentially fatal


1. use dry ice in a sealed container:dry ice can be easily converted into carbon dioxide gas at room temperature.causes closed container to explode

image source: guangdong fire department

2. place dry ice in the refrigerator:the sublimation temperature of dry ice is about-78.5℃, while the temperature of the refrigerator freezer is-4℃ to -24℃therefore, when dry ice is placed in a refrigerator, it will continue to sublimate and produce a large amount of carbon dioxide gas.the refrigerator exploded due to excessive pressure inside.

image source: guangdong fire department


the carbon dioxide gas formed after the dry ice sublimates can cause breathing difficulties.suffocation can cause death in a short period of time

the driver almost suffocated while driving, and the culprit turned out to be the cold drinks in the trunk!

recently, the bijiang road police station of the minhang public security bureau in shanghai received a call from a citizen, ms. zhou, saying that her husband, mr. zhangi suddenly felt unwell while driving and almost passed out.afterwards, the police quickly rushed to the scene and sent mr. zhang to the hospital for emergency treatment.

mr. zhang had a box of cold drinks in the trunk of his car. (photo source: minhang police)

it was learned that mr. zhang's car trunk was filled with a box of cold drinks, which were refrigerated with dry ice.due to the evaporation of dry ice, he inhaled excessive carbon dioxide in the closed compartment., causing physical discomfort.

the doctor said that fortunately the rescue was timely, otherwiseasphyxiation due to lack of oxygen is likely to occuretc. at present, mr. zhang has been discharged from the hospital.


the temperature of dry ice is extremely contact with the body can cause frostbite

how can these injuries be prevented?

1. do not buy too much dry ice. the unused dry ice should be stored in a special dry ice bucket in in a well-ventilated place. do not store dry ice incanned food, mineral water bottlesin sealed containers orrefrigeratorinside.

2. take dry icewear antifreeze gloves, or grab it with a clamp.

image source: visual china

3. don’tconfined spaces such as cars and cabinswhen transporting dry ice in a vehicle, the cargo should be isolated from the cockpit or there should be a window near the driver to provide adequate ventilation.

what are the first aid measures?

1. once it appearsgasping or difficulty breathingif you experience symptoms such as excessive carbon dioxide inhalation, you should leave the area immediately.

2. when human skin comes into contact with dry ice and frostbite occurs, the surrounding skin should be treatedapply warm compresses and chilblain creamif the frostbite is severe, seek medical attention immediately.

3. some ice exploded and caused foreign objects to enter the body. while waiting for rescue,do not remove foreign objects blindly., so as to avoid heavy bleeding or more serious organ damage.

4. ifingestion of dry ice, seek medical help immediately.

national emergency broadcast alert

dry ice has a wide range of uses

but its potential harm cannot be ignored

in daily life

always use dry ice correctly

beware of becoming a "deadly killer"