
"i'm on zhihu, and i just published a math book for the college entrance exam" zhihu answerer shares the story of publishing a book


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"before publishing a paper, go to zhihu first; after publishing a book, answer questions on zhihu in person." this is the creative atmosphere formed by the active scientific research community on zhihu. on september 12, dylaaan, an excellent answerer of zhihu's mathematics topic, published an article on zhihu titled "six-year zhihu mathematics answerer, just published the first college entrance examination mathematics book", sharing the process behind the publication of his book "exploring the derivatives of the college entrance examination" and recounting his growth process with zhihu.
according to the answerer dylaaan, "exploring the derivatives of the college entrance examination" organizes different types of derivative questions and explains the basic solutions to derivative problems. "written in the style of zhihu articles, using professional latex typesetting, and focusing on real college entrance examination questions" are the three innovative points of this book. "this book is essentially a compilation of my zhihu articles. compared with the boring teaching aids, the writing style of this book is close to the writing style of my articles on zhihu and is easier to read," dylaaan said. this is a mathematics book with a strong zhihu style.
in 2018, dylaaan began to answer math-related questions on zhihu, which laid the seeds for the publication of "exploring the derivatives of the college entrance examination" in the future. in 2021, dylaaan began to recruit students on zhihu. after the college entrance examination in 2022, dylaaan, who was already in college, found that there were no useful teaching materials when he was tutoring students for the college entrance examination part-time, so he decided to write one himself. "combined with the articles published on zhihu, i wrote a lecture script myself. in the next two years, i used this lecture script to teach derivatives to many high school students." in 2024, this lecture script born on zhihu evolved into the book "exploring the derivatives of the college entrance examination".
in this article, "six-year zhihu math answerer, just published the first college entrance examination math book", dylaaan emphasized his long-term relationship with zhihu. in six years, dylaaan has answered 272 answers and published 222 articles on zhihu, gaining 150,000 followers and more than 200,000 collections. zhihu creation has also accompanied dylaaan's study from middle school student to xi'an jiaotong university and then peking university graduate student.
there are a large number of professionals in the foundational science fields of mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, etc. on zhihu, which has accumulated a large number of high-value professional discussions. among them, sharing the experience behind the major achievements by "personally answering" has become a "standard action" for many scientific researchers. not long ago, "wingless-yy", an excellent answerer of biology on zhihu and a doctoral student in biology at the university of oxford in the uk, published his latest paper on a new neurodevelopmental disorder syndrome in the journal nature. the answerer also shared his research experience with zhihu friends by personally answering "what is it like to publish a top-level paper?"
zhihu has always been positioned as a professional discussion platform. a number of experts, academicians, scholars, and scientific researchers in the academic and scientific fields use zhihu as their preferred platform for communicating with the public. there are also a large number of academic researchers like dylaaan who share vertical academic content on zhihu and constantly absorb community nutrients and encouragement in the process of academic sharing. as a result, zhihu has become a "backyard of academics" that is highly welcomed by the scientific research community, playing a huge role in disseminating knowledge and exchanging ideas.