
why has the united states been interfering in south china sea affairs for so long? a philippine scholar explains


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on september 13, during the 11th beijing xiangshan forum, cctv reporters interviewed luo wanwei, chairman of the philippine institute for international security studies, and discussed issues such as the south china sea.

"the united states uses the south china sea issue to justify its military presence in the region"

the united states recently announced $500 million in military aid to the philippines, claiming it was to help the philippines counter china's coast guard.

luo wanwei, president of the philippine institute for international security studies, said: "the united states has huge interests in the south china sea and hopes to maintain freedom of navigation in the south china sea. however, in fact, freedom of navigation in the south china sea is not threatened. i think the united states wants to use the south china sea issue as an excuse to justify its military presence in the region."

“china and the philippines need to use the bcm mechanism to rebuild trust”

in the past seven years, the china-philippines bilateral consultation mechanism (bcm) on the south china sea issue has held nine rounds of consultations, but maritime disputes still occur. why does this happen?

luo wanwei believes that the main reason is that mutual trust between the two sides has not yet been fully established. "we need to use this consultation mechanism to rebuild trust and promote mutual respect. during the term of former president duterte, the two sides made breakthroughs through this mechanism, such as discussing practical cooperation matters such as marine fisheries management and oil and gas development. the new government now needs to continue cooperation in these areas and focus more on cooperation rather than conflict."

“the ‘global south’ has a chance to speak out, and china plays an important role”

the "global south" was also a topic widely discussed at this forum. it has attracted everyone's attention in terms of science and technology and economy. the growth in these areas has also led to more and more "global south" countries participating in international affairs, expanding their influence. what contributions have the "global south" countries made in promoting international security governance and world peace and development?

luo wanwei believes that the countries of the "global south" represent the vast majority of the world's population and should have a greater say in shaping the world's destiny. luo wanwei said that in the past, major powers dominated the global discourse, but now the "global south" has the opportunity to make its own voice. china has played an important role in this process, helping the countries of the "global south" to strengthen cooperation and collaboration. the "global south" has played a vital role in promoting world peace and development.