
the perfect image of 68-year-old chow yun-fat collapses, and the true face behind the "son of hong kong" is exposed


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he is synonymous with the golden age of hong kong movies and a heroic idol in the hearts of countless people. from xu wenqiang in "the bund" to mark in "a better tomorrow" and gao jin in "god of gamblers", every role he has portrayed has become a classic and also made him a legendary "brother fa". he is chow yun-fat.

chow yun-fat, who shed the halo on the screen and returned to his true life, chose a completely different lifestyle. he had no luxury cars or mansions, no bright lights and wine. he lived a simple and low-key life, like an uncle next door, shuttling through the streets and alleys of hong kong and mingling with the common people.

this huge contrast makes people wonder: what is the real chow yun-fat like? what unknown twists and turns has he experienced in his life? what profound philosophy does his life choice contain?

in 2018, a piece of news pushed chow yun-fat to the forefront of public opinion. he announced that after his death, he would donate all his personal property, approximately hk$5.6 billion, to public welfare and charity. as soon as the news came out, all walks of life were in an uproar, with praises and doubts coming one after another.

some people praised him as "the embodiment of contemporary chivalry" and "the true uncrowned king"; others questioned whether he was "putting on a show" and paving the way for his "posthumous reputation." faced with the outside world's discussions, chow yun-fat remained silent, without making any excuses or refuting, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

perhaps, in chow yun-fat's heart, he has already understood the true meaning of fame, fortune and wealth. he knows very well that nothing can be brought into this world and nothing can be taken away from this world. material wealth is nothing but a passing cloud. only spiritual richness and inner peace are the eternal pursuits.

he chose to give back his huge wealth to society, not for fame, but out of a grateful heart, a heart that wants to help more people in need. this may be his understanding of the value of life, a state of life that transcends material things and returns to the true self.

fate always seems to like playing jokes on people. just when people were speculating on how chow yun-fat would distribute this huge inheritance, he casually revealed a surprising news in an interview: he did not plan to donate all his inheritance.

as soon as these words were spoken, public opinion exploded again, and people accused him of "going back on his word" and "being untrustworthy". the praise he once received instantly turned into doubts and criticisms. faced with the sudden storm of public opinion, chow yun-fat remained calm and composed. he simply explained: "my wife will handle my money."

it's just a short sentence, but it's full of chow yun-fat's deep love and trust for his wife. after many years of marriage, chow yun-fat and his wife chen huilin have always supported each other and gone through the ups and downs of life together.

in chow yun-fat's heart, his wife is the person who has been with him the longest and understands him best. he has no worries when handing over his property to his wife. perhaps, for chow yun-fat, family happiness and his wife's peace of mind are far more important than the evaluation and opinions of the outside world.

he chose to leave his wealth to his family, not because he was stingy, but because he valued kinship and family warmth more, and hoped to provide more security for his family in this way. this is a man's deepest love for his family, as well as a kind of responsibility and commitment.

chow yun-fat's marriage life, like his life choices, is full of legends. his love story with his wife chen huilin is not earth-shaking, but long-lasting, like a trickle, nourishing each other's hearts.

in recent years, rumors about changes in their marriage relationship have been shrouded in mystery. it is said that chow yun-fat and his wife have long been estranged in spirit, and they have only maintained their marriage to protect their public image. it is also said that chow yun-fat has fallen in love with another woman and has an ambiguous relationship with a young actress, which has led to the breakdown of their relationship.

faced with these groundless rumors, chow yun-fat and his wife remained silent, neither admitting nor denying, allowing the outside world to speculate. perhaps, in their view, marriage is a matter between two people, and only they know the ups and downs of their relationship. the outside world's evaluations and opinions cannot influence their feelings and choices.

marriage is like a complicated script, full of joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, ups and downs. every couple interprets their love story in their own way. the marriage between chow yun-fat and his wife is like a cup of tea, which is plain but memorable.

they have no children, but regard each other as the most important people in their lives. they support and understand each other, and have gone through decades of ups and downs in life together. this may be the most beautiful form of love, regardless of age or status. it only matters whether two hearts love each other and whether they are willing to stay together for life.

chow yun-fat's "poisonous tongue" has been a hot topic in recent years. the "brother fa", who once created countless heroic images on the screen, has shown a side in real life that is completely opposite to his screen image.

he dares to speak out, to criticize current ills, and even to challenge authority. his words are sharp and to the point, which makes people look at him with new eyes. chow yun-fat's "integrity in his later years" is his true character, which is the result of many years of accumulated insights and thoughts.

in the entertainment industry, which is a world of fame and fortune, there are not many people who dare to tell the truth. most people choose to live with masks on, say insincere words, and do things against their will. but chow yun-fat is different. he lives truthfully and openly. he dares to tear off the hypocritical mask and show his true self.

his "poisonous tongue" is not for sensationalism or to attract attention, but because he has his own unique insights and thoughts on this society and human nature. he cannot stand hypocrisy, injustice, and even more so, people and things that do whatever it takes for fame and fortune.

he uses his sharp words to expose the dark side of society, criticize bad phenomena, and trigger people's thinking. this may be his sense of social responsibility as a public figure and a reflection of his deep sense of justice.

chow yun-fat's "poisonous tongue" is sometimes like a mirror, reflecting the hypocrisy and impetuousness of the entertainment industry, as well as the complexity and variability of human nature. in his own way, he warns the world and reminds himself to stay sober, independent, and not get lost in the whirlpool of fame and fortune.

the entertainment industry is a place full of temptations and traps. how many people have lost themselves for fame and fortune and ended up in disgrace. however, chow yun-fat has been able to maintain his original intention and stick to his principles in the world of fame and fortune. this is inseparable from his love and pursuit of art.

in his decades in the film industry, chow yun-fat has created countless classic characters and left behind countless popular masterpieces. his love for acting and pursuit of art have always been consistent. he interprets every role with his heart and interprets every work with his life, presenting the audience with one visual feast after another.

he knows very well that an actor's duty is to use his performance to impress the audience, convey emotions and trigger thinking. he never regards acting as a tool to make money, but as his lifelong pursuit and dream.

even though he has achieved success, he still remains humble and low-key, constantly learning, constantly breaking through, and striving to go further on the road of art. he uses his actions to interpret the spirit and pursuit of a true artist.

chow yun-fat's complex personality is also reflected in his attitude towards life. he can create glamorous heroic images on the screen, and he can also return to ordinary life and enjoy simple and pure happiness.

he does not pursue luxury, nor is he greedy for fame and fortune. he lives a simple and low-key life. he likes to take public transportation, go to the vegetable market, chat with ordinary people, and enjoy the little pleasures in ordinary life.

he knows very well that the true meaning of life does not lie in how much wealth one possesses, but in inner richness and spiritual joy. he uses his actions to interpret a life attitude of returning to nature and a life state of being indifferent to fame and fortune.

chow yun-fat's life is like a movie with ups and downs, full of legends. he grew up step by step from a poor boy to an internationally renowned movie star. only he himself knows how much bitterness and sweat he went through.

his life experience is like an inspirational textbook, inspiring countless young people to bravely pursue their dreams and never give up. he tells us with his actions that as long as we are willing to work hard and strive, even if we come from ordinary backgrounds, we can create a wonderful life of our own.

chow yun-fat, a name, a legend. he interprets the meaning of life with his actions and illuminates the hearts of countless people. his life story is worth our careful savoring, from which we can draw wisdom and strength.