
insight into the business behind "traffic entering the village" from "watching quan hongchan"


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this summer, maihe village in zhanjiang city, guangdong province, the hometown of olympic champion quan hongchan, has frequently been on the hot search list. with the end of the paris olympics, the number of people flocking to maihe village has not decreased, but has increased. in the blink of an eye, maihe village has become "hot" like a rocket.

on september 12, quan hongchan took a bus back to the village. until late at night, there were still many people watching and filming in front of quan hongchan's house. quan hongchan and her grandfather waved and shouted on the second-floor balcony, persuading everyone to leave, and the response they got was that someone shouted for quan hongchan to come down and say hello.

maihe village has welcomed a huge influx of traffic thanks to olympic champion quan hongchan, which has not only brought more opportunities to the local area, but also had a significant impact on the lives of the people involved.

the situation in quan hongchan's hometown is not an isolated case. before this, internet traffic had already penetrated into the originally quiet countryside. from "big coat brother" zhu zhiwen to "second uncle", although they belong to different "tracks" on the internet, they are all real local farmers in reality. what has "traffic entering the village" changed? what kind of business is behind it? upstream news has learned about it.

maihe village:

the front door of quan hongchan's grandfather's house has become a snack street

drone photography of family activities

on july 31, quan hongchan and her partner chen yuxi won her first gold medal at the paris olympics in the women's doubles 10-meter diving platform event.

the next day, a large number of tourists came to quan hongchan's grandfather's house in maihe village to take photos and check in. there was also a vendor from the next village who came to set up a stall. at this time, the flow of people was relatively scattered. since then, as quan hongchan won the gold medal in the single event, more and more tourists have flocked to maihe village.

in front of quan hongchan's grandfather's house. internet photo

on august 13, quan hongchan's brother quan jinhua responded in a live broadcast that he couldn't get into the village, saying that nearly 10,000 people flocked into the village every day, and because there were too many people, he didn't dare to show his face. he didn't expect that his doorstep would become a food street. in the past, he had to walk a long way to eat supper, but now he can get everything as soon as he goes out.

villagers in maihe village said that the recent influx of a large number of tourists into the village has somewhat affected their normal lives, but the impact is not too great, and there are people in the village who specialize in cleaning.

on august 23, some netizens photographed a tourist breaking into grandpa quan hongchan's house. when he was persuaded by volunteers to leave, he still greeted everyone. seeing this, grandpa quan hongchan politely closed the iron gate, waved goodbye to the tourist, and turned back to the house.

on september 12, quan hongchan took a bus back to maihe village. not only did people gather outside her home day and night, but netizens also continued to post videos and live broadcasts. a video of a drone flying over quan hongchan's home and filming her family's activities sparked public outrage, and some people at the scene reported the situation to the police on duty.

after the relevant video was reprinted by many media, it aroused the anger of netizens: "don't go too far, why are you using a drone!" some netizens helped quan hongchan call another olympic shooting champion sheng lihao: "let 'ganfan ge' come and shoot down the drone."

zhulou village:

"big coat brother" is troubled

the whole village became rich

in 2011, zhu zhiwen, a farmer from shan county, heze city, shandong province, became famous overnight with his song "the yangtze river flows east". after that, he appeared on "avenue of stars" and cctv spring festival gala. in less than a year, zhu zhiwen became a star "big coat brother" that everyone paid attention to.

"big coat brother" zhu zhiwen's popularity has not diminished after he became famous. in recent years, with the rise of short videos, many photographers from outside the village have "crowded" at the door of zhu zhiwen's house, disregarding his privacy, filming at will, and trying to take advantage of his popularity.

on april 25, 2020, as the may day holiday approached, a tourist bus drove into zhulou village, shanxian county, shandong province. this was another upgraded version of "watching the big-coat brother" after the door-kicking controversy that year: a travel agency organized a one-day tour to zhulou village.

after zhu zhiwen became famous, zhulou village, as the hometown of big coat brother, attracted many tourists and photographers. the arrival of outsiders naturally brought business opportunities to zhulou village. within 100 meters of zhu zhiwen's home, there are four or five accommodations with signs hanging up. several elderly people stand in front of the "vacant accommodation" signs they hung up, and when they see strangers, they go up to them and ask if they want to stay.

li xiulian, a villager in zhulou village, said that "renting out houses" is a common business in zhulou village nowadays. anyone who has a vacant house will rent it out. the tenants are all outsiders, who come from other places to see the "big coat brother".

"big coat brother" zhu zhiwen. poster news

in this industry chain, "being able to see brother coat" is naturally a prerequisite. in order to meet the tenants' requirements, some landlords even went shirtless with their tenants to brother coat's home and asked zhu zhiwen to come out to meet them.

in addition, since april 2019, small businesses selling fried skewers and drinks have begun to appear near brother coat's home. xiao juan (pseudonym), a business owner, said that she used to sell handicrafts such as earrings and jewelry in qingdao. later, she heard about brother coat's story and found business opportunities in it, so she started a small business. "i used to make about 3,000 to 4,000 yuan a month in qingdao. now i sell fried skewers here and can earn more than 1,000 yuan a month than before. more people come, more sales, and i can also take care of my family."

zhu zhiwen once described that as soon as he opened his eyes every day, he had to be busy and couldn't sleep any longer. he was disturbed by people singing, writing lyrics, borrowing money, shooting videos, traveling, and watching the fun. despite this, zhu zhiwen still stayed in zhulou village.

small mountain village in hebei:

"my second uncle cured me of my mental exhaustion"

“second uncle coin” is cutting leeks

on july 25, 2022, the b station up host @衣戈猜想 released an 11-minute video titled "three days after returning to the village, my second uncle cured my mental exhaustion" and it went viral, making the 66-year-old "second uncle" in the video the focus of public attention.

in the film, @衣戈猜想 recalls the life of the second uncle, saying: the second uncle, who was excellent in academics and was known as a genius boy, had a fever in junior high school. after four injections by a barefoot doctor, his left leg became disabled. later, he taught himself carpentry skills to make a living. the second uncle never got married, adopted a girl named ningning, and used his savings of more than 100,000 yuan to pay the down payment for her house. now, the second uncle lives with his 88-year-old mother.

since the "second uncle" became famous, this quiet little village has become noisy, and people from all walks of life have flocked in. however, the "second uncle" has already left this quiet little village with his mother and adopted daughter ningning.

"these days, reporters, filmmakers, and videographers have all come to the village to look for the second uncle, which has had a certain impact on life, so ningning took the second uncle to the city." the eldest brother of the "second uncle" said. the village cadres also said that since the video went viral, even the village party secretary couldn't contact the "second uncle".

"second uncle". video screenshot

however, the departure of "second uncle" did not prevent others from taking advantage of his popularity.

just after the video about "second uncle" went viral, a user named "second uncle dao" who claimed to be the issuer of "second uncle coin" said that they had launched "second uncle dao" and would donate the funds raised to "second uncle" to provide security for his retirement.

liu changyong, director of the blockchain economic research center of chongqing technology and business university, pointed out in an interview with china news service that this is a typical hot traffic coin that takes advantage of social hot spots and attracts investors with its traffic. investors also understand this logic and believe that hot traffic can attract more investors to take over, so they invest.

liu changyong analyzed that the issuance of this kind of currency does not require any technical content and can be completed in a few minutes and tens of yuan on the mainstream public chain. the key is to discover hot spots, implement them quickly, and then use social platforms to accelerate the spread.

however, the noise inside and outside had nothing to do with the "second uncle".

gulu village:

behind the “overwhelming traffic”

many problems need to be solved

different from the above-mentioned case of "traffic entering the village", the entire village of gulu village in ya'an has enjoyed the benefits brought by the traffic, but is also facing problems brought by the popularity.

earlier this year, gulu village in yongli yi township, hanyuan county, ya'an, which had only gotten rid of its "poor hat" in 2018, suddenly became popular after being dubbed "sichuan's tiger leaping gorge". in particular, the mule and horse trail connecting the village entrance to a group of two residential areas is about 3 kilometers long. along the way, you can not only experience a vertical height difference of nearly 1,000 meters, but also overlook the nearby dadu river canyon, becoming a "check-in point" for many tourists.

gulu village is crowded with tourists. red star news

at the end of the dragon year spring festival holiday, the average daily number of tourists in gulu village was only about 1,000.

march 8 this year was a key moment for gulu village to become popular. on that day, netizens such as "hi ya tong gua" successively posted short videos such as "six major sects conquered gulu village" and "sichuan people have their own grand canyon" on wechat video and douyin platforms, and the number of likes quickly exceeded 50,000. the next day, chengdu douyin blogger "bubble bear" whose real name is xiong yi passed by the mountain pass of gulu village and casually took a video of tourists queuing up the mountain. within a day, this short video received more than 10 million views. since then, the number of tourists in gulu village has remained at around 3,000 from monday to friday, and reached 8,000-10,000 on weekends.

however, local residents are cautious about the future passenger flow in gulu village.

last year, a local named lan ruo invested nearly 600,000 yuan to open the first high-end homestay in gulu village, "alanzhiruo". but even when the flow of tourists was the highest, the income of the homestay was still not enough to break even.

after hearing that his hometown had become popular, ma wenjin, a post-90s, rushed back to gulu village from chengdu. after discussing with his family overnight, he postponed his plan to open a homestay. he believes that the "traffic" in the village is far from being converted into "retention". xiang chengxu, deputy director of the gulu village committee, also said that it is not the tourists' reluctance to spend money, nor the villagers' hesitation. apart from wild boar products and infrequent ethnic song and dance performances, there is really nothing to consume in gulu village.

in addition, the local water supply and electricity supply were not built with the capacity to receive thousands of tourists in mind. the lack of trash cans and difficulty in using toilets also affect tourists' travel experience. falling rocks and lack of safety facilities have led to the failure of gulu village's application to become a national aaa-level scenic spot.

some media commented that in the context of rural revitalization, we should warmly embrace all resources and opportunities that are conducive to rural development. however, in the process, some behaviors that are not conducive to social harmony and violate social ethics should also be resolutely abandoned and stopped.

the drone footage of quan hongchan's family exposed that some people, under the banner of "love", paid excessive attention to and pursued idols, which seriously undermined the normal sense of boundaries and civilized social distance between people, and also had a negative impact on public order, while infringing on the normal life order and privacy of quan hongchan and her family. some people even ignored the feelings of "big coat brother" zhu zhiwen and used extreme methods such as kicking the door to gain network traffic, which is not only annoying but also terrifying. the behavior of "second uncle coin" in the name of "providing security for the retirement of 'second uncle'" is even more despicable.

and like gulu village, more exploration is needed to turn "flow" into "retention".