
the israeli-palestinian conflict has spilled over again. the israeli army raided syria, and iranian and russian targets were within the strike range.


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israel launched a cross-border raid, with special forces descending from the sky to blow up a neighboring country's military factory, capture four military experts, and fight against the russian army as well.

the israeli-palestinian conflict began to spill over. israel never seemed to know what it meant to "quit while it was ahead" and brazenly launched a surprise attack on its neighbor syria, causing huge losses.

the purpose of the israeli attack this time was very clear. they first blew up a military factory in central syria, killing at least 14 people and injuring 43. according to syrian media reports, the bombed area was very critical. it was where the syrian government and the iranian army cooperated to manufacture missiles.

[israeli special forces benchmark against the us navy seals]

then in another direction, the israeli "kingfisher" commandos rappelled from a helicopter to the ground and engaged in a battle with the garrison. three syrians were killed and two to four iranians were captured. it is said that these iranians were not ordinary people and were military advisers and missile experts sent to syria.

this is not the end. according to foreign media reports, a russian communication center in the area is also one of the main military targets of the israeli operation. it seems that israel has become so arrogant that it does not even take the russian military's threat seriously.

the israeli side also had no intention of concealing the operation and directly disclosed the entire process of the operation, stating that the israeli army launched 15 precision-guided long-range missiles for cover in this operation, and 3 helicopters transported special forces to the destination, broke into the syrian military base, and abducted iranian officers and confidential documents.

this israeli military action is a huge blow to the cooperation between syria and iran, and poses a huge threat to the close ties between the two countries that began during the iran-iraq war.

as one of the few arab countries that openly supports iran, syria has provided iran with valuable political support. iran regards syria as a key link in its "resistance axis" and hopes to join forces with syria and lebanon's hezbollah to form a front against israel.

in order to achieve this goal, iran has provided syria with all the support it can, such as large amounts of ammunition, missiles, drones, etc., which are sent to syria for free to help government forces maintain their combat effectiveness.

[israeli army bombed the iranian embassy in israel]

for example, the quds force of the iranian revolutionary guard corps often sends military advisers and combat personnel to directly participate in battlefield command in syria and train the syrian army and militia forces.

in addition, although iran's own economic situation is not optimistic, it still helps the syrian government maintain economic operations and military spending through direct financial assistance and preferential loans.

with the support of iran, the syrian government has created a great "miracle", maintaining its military initiative under multiple pressures at home and abroad, gradually recovering lost territory and stabilizing the domestic situation.

iran has achieved its goal by expanding its geopolitical influence in the middle east through its military presence in syria, consolidating its ties with hezbollah and enhancing its deterrence against israel.

russia's military presence in syria

the "military alliance" between iran and syria is regarded as a "thorn in the eye" by israel, and naturally it will create trouble for both sides as soon as it finds an opportunity.

it is worth noting that according to foreign media reports, the israeli army specifically informed the united states of the situation before organizing this operation, and the white house did not object. it is difficult to say what role the united states played in this operation. in addition, the israeli army either intentionally or unintentionally attacked russian military facilities during the operation, which seemed to be testing russia's bottom line.