
nearly 20 million in cash hidden under the bed! police announced


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source: "zhoukou evening news" wechat official account

original title: "shock! nearly 20 million in cash hidden under the bed, a family-style criminal gang was destroyed"

on september 13, according to zhoukou evening news, the public security bureau of fugou county, zhoukou city, successfully cracked an online gambling case after many days and many visits.a family-based criminal gang was destroyed, 6 suspects were arrested, and nearly 20 million yuan in cash was seized.

image source: "zhoukou evening news" wechat official account

in july this year, mr. wang, a resident of fugu county, engaged in online gambling by downloading an "18xxx" game app on his mobile phone. the amount involved could be exchanged in the form of "gold coins". it was under such circumstances that mr. wang was "tempted" and couldn't stop, and eventually lost 390,000 yuan.

after receiving the report, the fugou county public security bureau attached great importance to it and quickly set up a special case team with the public security brigade as the main investigative force, and drew elite forces from various police types to adhere to the working idea of ​​"dismantling dens, fighting organizations, breaking networks, arresting principal offenders, and digging deep into the umbrella" for online gambling, and launched a tough attack on this case. the police officers in charge of the case conducted two simultaneous analyses of personnel and capital flows. the criminal suspect and mr. wang were in contact through the internet, and the information they revealed was very little. the case officers could only continue to unravel the mystery and investigate bit by bit without any details.

in order to further obtain the identity information of the criminal suspect, the task force repeatedly traveled to jiangsu, zhejiang, xuchang and xinyang in henan to carry out work, and conducted comprehensive analysis and judgment on a large amount of information such as the case app and capital flow. after nearly two months of tracking and careful investigation by the task force, the police officers in charge of the case have mastered the operation mode of the app, the true identity of the criminal suspect and the trajectory of his activities.

after investigation, it was found that the gang was a family-based criminal gang. for the purpose of profit, they established multiple wechat groups on the internet, organized people to gamble in the form of "fishing" through a certain online platform, and made profits from it.

on september 5, the fugou county police made careful arrangements and organized more than 30 police officers to go to nanjing, wuxi and xinyang to carry out concentrated round-up operations. with the cooperation of the local police, after two days of investigation and tracking, three arrest teams started the operation at the same time, arrested six suspects in one fell swoop, and seized nearly 20 million yuan in cash hidden under the bed, as well as 17 mobile phones and computers used in the crime.

at present, the six suspects involved in the case have confessed to their crimes and have been taken criminal coercive measures by the fugu county police in accordance with the law. the case is under further investigation.