
deeply cultivate typical "small scenes" and gather transformation "big scenes" - looking at liaoning's "smart" transformation path from the opening ceremony of the 2024 global industrial internet conference


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on september 12, the 2024 global industrial internet conference opened at the china industrial museum.
every meeting is full of anticipation.
on september 12, the 2024 global industrial internet conference arrived as scheduled. since 2019, our province has successfully held the conference for five consecutive years. early in the morning, many guests who arrived early held "informal" meetings. from the casual chats of "old friends", the exchange and docking of technology and inspiration can always collide with delightful "sparks" of cooperation. from the emerging "newcomers" of the industrial internet, everyone lamented the breakthroughs and changes brought by the new generation of information technology to the manufacturing industry.
the conference officially kicked off at 9 a.m. achievements were released, keynote speeches were given, and experiences were shared... at the opening ceremony, industry experts and leading enterprise representatives from around the world witnessed the rapid development of china's industrial internet and felt the new changes in the liaoshen region, which is prospering due to "intelligence" and moving towards "innovation".
investment promotion, demand release, contract signing... at the china industrial museum, the guests immersed themselves in the rich application scenarios of liaoning, shared excellent experiences in riding the "cloud", analyzed the paths and methods of transformation and upgrading, and strengthened their confidence and determination to work with liaoning to seek common development.
"scene" was a "high-frequency word" used by experts and entrepreneurs at the opening ceremony. this is not only the basis for liaoning to deepen its industrial interconnection, but also an important carrier for liaoning manufacturing to move towards intelligent manufacturing. how to support the "big scene" of the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry by building a typical "small scene"? many guests expressed their insights.
the collision between "tradition" and "emergence"
"it's so shocking!" "this is a real 10-ton cupola!" "it's unbelievable that there are so many 'firsts' here" ... similar expressions were heard one after another at the opening ceremony.
the main venue of this conference is located in the foundry hall of the china industrial museum. this was the largest foundry in asia in the early days of the founding of new china, and now it is a national industrial heritage. the strong industrial style and heavy sense of history drew the guests' thoughts into the heavy industrial process of liaoning, expressing the richness and splendor of liaoning's application scenarios.
"liaoning is the eldest son of the republic's industry, with a strong industrial foundation and a complete range of application scenarios with rich forms. this is what we most look forward to seeing and want to understand in depth, and it is difficult for other regions to replicate. this is liaoning's precious wealth and a huge market for the industrial internet." fan jian, chief scientist of china unicom big data, said excitedly.
todd weatherby, ceo of siemens aventis, is also optimistic about liaoning's "foundation". he said: "we have seen liaoning's long and glorious history, and also seen liaoning's beautiful vision for digital transformation. siemens looks forward to devoting itself to this beautiful vision and becoming a better contributor and participant in liaoning's intelligent transformation and digital transformation process."
at this moment, the workshop connects time and space. here, the rich industrial history merges with new technologies, new mechanisms, and new ecology.
huang qifan, executive vice chairman of the academic committee of the national innovation and development strategy research association, believes that liaoning has changed a lot in recent years. with the support of the industrial foundation, liaoning's digital transformation has developed rapidly. shenyang has become a new highland for the development of industrial internet in northeast my country. he suggested that liaoning should further leverage its industrial advantages in the future, make bold attempts and achieve new breakthroughs in pilot projects.
there are earnest expectations and fruitful results. at the opening ceremony, the guests praised liaoning's achievements in accelerating the digitalization, networking and intelligent transformation of traditional manufacturing industries, and were eager to further integrate with liaoning in the future, and were full of confidence in the huge potential of liaoning's industry. everyone is looking forward to taking advantage of the "foundation" in the liaoshen land and taking advantage of the momentum.
the fusion of "digital" and "physical"
integration is a distinctive feature of this industrial internet conference.
a strong industrial foundation is an advantage for liaoning's revitalization. the industry has been thinking about how to expand its advantages, take advantage of the "internet" to take off, and deeply integrate the "digital economy" with the "real economy".
"six or seven years ago, people could not imagine what kind of changes digital technology would bring to the manufacturing industry, but now no one doubts the role of digitalization," said gao meiping, supply chain director of dandong clone group co., ltd. this company, which has been established for more than 30 years, specializes in the production of mechanical seals for pumps. from design to production, most of them are customized. just the paperless design drawings and the non-differential issuance have improved the company's efficiency by more than 30%.
at the conference, chen ouwen sometimes recorded the wonderful speeches of experts and sometimes took photos to preserve cutting-edge technical information. as the person in charge of security information of liaoning sunshine tianze packaging co., ltd., he frankly admitted that the integration of "digital" and "physical" will only go deeper and deeper. taking their digital workshop as an example, the introduction of a set of intelligent software has invested 24 million yuan, but it has opened up the production process and achieved full monitoring of the production status. the stability of product quality has been significantly improved, which is deeply favored by customers.
integration is also reflected in the interaction between supply and demand.
at the opening ceremony, our province released the "liaoning province manufacturing industry digital transformation scenario security selection and demand list", including 110 typical scenario cases on the supply side and more than 1,000 scenario construction needs on the demand side.
it is worth noting that the 110 typical supply-side cases cover the important practices of digital transformation in various links and fields of 22 key industrial clusters in the province, which can provide valuable samples and experience for the construction of digital scenarios for more enterprises. more than 1,000 demand-side cases come from clusters such as equipment manufacturing, electronic information, and consumer goods industries, reflecting the current real needs of many enterprises in the province for digital transformation.
win-win cooperation is leading liaoning's industry towards a "new" track.
at the meeting, shenyang and the china industrial internet research institute jointly launched the shenyang industrial data asset registration pilot action; the shenyang municipal people's government and china unicom signed an agreement on "intelligent connected vehicles - vehicle-road-cloud integration"; the dalian municipal people's government and china unicom signed an agreement on "industrial enterprise digital transformation industrial park"...
dialogue between "present" and "future"
the event is a dialogue between the "present" and the "future". embracing the future, digital transformation is gaining momentum in liaoshen.
"in serving the digital transformation of liaoning enterprises, we increasingly feel our customers' eager desire to improve their competitiveness through transformation." he feng, director of the r&d center of aerospace new changzheng avenue technology co., ltd., said that through engineering practice, they combine real-time monitoring, optimization analysis, and closed-loop control of production process data, which can greatly change the control capabilities of traditional manufacturing production quality and help promote the high-end development of industrial enterprises.
the collision of internet technology and industrial scenarios will eventually produce a wonderful chemical reaction. the role of the industrial internet as an engine will lead industrial enterprises to create a development path that reduces costs, increases efficiency, improves quality, and is safe and green.
"the development space for the industrial internet is beyond imagination. for example, we are now connecting to ai and other related technologies based on the large models professionally developed for factories and mines. looking to the future, both the current expanded application of 5g and the 6g in the near future will promote the industrial internet to a higher level. relying on technological upgrades, we will better serve the mining, nuclear power and manufacturing industries in liaoning." said hu kaiwei, deputy general manager of zte's ran product line.
technology is climbing higher and new trends are surging. the industry believes that the development of artificial intelligence has entered the second half, and "artificial intelligence +" drives industrial innovation and new quality productivity is ushering in the "groundbreaking time". to grasp the "future", we must not only focus on the "big" but also not abandon the "small".
in the view of zhao zhiguo, chief engineer of the ministry of industry and information technology, liaoning, as a traditional industrial province, has achieved remarkable results in promoting the development of the industrial internet. shenyang, dalian and panjin have been approved as pilot cities for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises. it is necessary to focus on the digital transformation needs of small, medium and micro enterprises, actively cultivate inclusive industrial internet platforms that serve them, and promote the "hundred flowers blooming" in all walks of life.
the future has arrived. riding on the momentum of the industrial internet, liaoning enterprises will "go beyond the circle" through the internet and gain a broader space for development.
(liaoning daily reporter sun dawei and hu hailin)