
the ministry of social affairs carries out pre-service red education to inspire new recruits to be patriotic and strengthen the army


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it is another conscription season, and it is time for new recruits to join the army. in order to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs and continue the red bloodline, on september 14, the social affairs department of jinan high-tech zone organized the new recruits who will join the army in the second half of 2024 to carry out the "remembering the revolutionary martyrs and strengthening the belief in joining the army" education activity, and learn the first lesson before joining the army. 100 new recruits took a bus from the training base and came to the jinan battle memorial hall. "stand at attention, look to the right, look forward..." in front of the revolutionary martyrs' tomb, the new recruits lined up neatly, took the oath of enlistment and presented flowers to the martyrs' tomb, remembering the revolutionary martyrs, strengthening the belief in joining the army, and determined to make contributions to the military camp.
under the guidance of the tour guide, all the recruits visited the jinan battle memorial hall, read the documents carefully, and listened to the revolutionary stories attentively. the photos, letters, and objects, accompanied by the explanations, made the red history clearer little by little, which deeply moved and inspired the recruits. they felt the glorious journey of the revolutionary martyrs' struggle for the revolutionary ideals, deeply realized the revolutionary martyrs' firm belief of "unswerving determination and sacrificing their lives for the country" and the revolutionary spirit of hard struggle, and received a profound ideological baptism and vivid red revolutionary education.
in the next step, jinan high-tech zone will continue to carry forward the fine tradition of supporting the military and caring for the families of soldiers, strictly implement the "four cares, five respects, and six must-visits" work, actively create a strong atmosphere of "one person serving in the army, the whole family is honored", and continue to encourage the enthusiasm of young people of appropriate age to sign up to join the army.