
taiwan affairs office of the state council refutes lai ching-te's statement that "communism wants to annex taiwan"


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[global times report] on september 14, 2024, chen binhua, spokesperson of the taiwan affairs office of the state council, answered reporters' questions.

q: on september 12, when attending the 60th anniversary seminar of the "taiwan people's self-saving movement declaration", lai ching-te declared that the threat of "communism wanting to annex taiwan" still exists and is even stronger than before, and that he would continue to promote the "taiwan people's self-saving movement" for taiwan's "democracy and freedom" and the next generation of descendants. what's your comment?

a: the so-called "taiwanese people's self-saving movement declaration" was launched under the banner of opposing the dictatorship of the authorities, and threw out separatist fallacies such as "establishing a nation through constitution-making" and "joining the united nations in the name of taiwan". it is an out-and-out "taiwan independence declaration". lai ching-te highly praised it, and attempted to use it to "clean up people's hearts" to once again prove his true colors as the "golden grandson of taiwan independence", which fully exposed his sinister intentions of seeking "taiwan independence" to split and escalate cross-strait confrontation. under the guise of "democracy and freedom", lai ching-te and the dpp love to force the "taiwan independence" ideas of a minority to the vast majority of taiwanese people. if it is allowed to develop, it will only push taiwan into a dangerous situation of war, bring serious disasters to taiwan compatriots, and let the people and even future generations bear the evil consequences of "taiwan independence" leading to war.

since the lai ching-te administration came to power, it has abused public resources for private purposes and used all means to pursue "taiwan independence". it has wantonly carried out political persecution and judicial persecution, blatantly suppressed the anti-"independence" camp and patriotic unification forces on the island, and carried out "green terror" on the island. its actions are considered by public opinion on the island as "democratic regression", "the death of the judiciary" and "freedom is worrying".

taiwan's future lies in national reunification, and the well-being of taiwan compatriots depends on national rejuvenation. different systems are not an obstacle to reunification, nor are they an excuse for division. i hope that the majority of taiwan compatriots will truly understand the true meaning of democracy and freedom, recognize that "green terror" is a trampling on democracy and freedom, and recognize that "taiwan independence" secession is a threat to peace in the taiwan strait and their own security. they must resolutely oppose "taiwan independence" secession and external interference, firmly protect the common home of the chinese nation, and work together with mainland compatriots to create a bright future of national reunification and national rejuvenation, and truly realize their desire to be masters of their own house.