
lu hsiu-lien slams dpp ruling clique, calls on lai ching-te to "fight corruption without political motives"


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taiwan people's party chairman ko wen-je was detained and denied access to visitors for his involvement in the jinghua city scandal. certain media outlets have continued to publicize the investigation, sparking suspicions that the green camp, the procuratorate, and the media have joined forces to suppress the party. former taiwan vice president annette lu said that many of the actions of the dpp ruling clique were what the non-party opposed back then.

annette lu said that a political party is a group of people with common ideals. it is not only necessary to have party discipline, but more importantly, it must have a "party soul". a party without a soul is only for the purpose of seizing power. the dpp of the "formosa generation" has a sense of mission and certain moral principles. "we criticize the kmt for its bad points, but we cannot make the same mistakes ourselves. but later we saw that many dpp members, especially those in power, did things that we opposed back then." many political parties use party discipline to require members to obey, but do not ask about right and wrong morality. what is the point of shouting "freedom and democracy"?

as for whether she would look down on the people's party? annette lu said frankly, "if there is a miracle," ko wen-je is quickly released and not prosecuted, then the whole society will clear his name; but if ko wen-je is prosecuted and tried, and if he is finally found guilty, then the people under the people's party will have to apologize to the society, especially those who say ko is a bodhisattva or mandela. although the presumption of innocence is true, those who support ko wen-je are taking risks now. they should understand ko wen-je and find out who is deceiving whom.

lu hsiu-lien said that the ko wen-je incident is a negative example of taiwan's party politics, but it does not mean that the ruling party has no problems. after lai ching-te took office, people from the democratic progressive party, zheng wencan, the people's party, and the kuomintang were all arrested, but it is not the same for everyone. now that the anti-corruption campaign has begun, there should be no political motives, and all violations of the law should be investigated.

finally, lu hsiu-lien criticized that the most disappointing thing about tsai ing-wen in the past eight years was the judicial reform. she hoped that all prosecutors and judges could now exercise their judicial moral conscience without political intervention, and make great changes to establish new ones, and not be unjust or lenient.

lin jingxian, taiwan correspondent of strait herald