
hengdong no. 1 middle school held the 6th "langfeng award fund" award ceremony


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new hunan client, september 14 (correspondent ma jinghe zheng) on the morning of september 12, hengdong county no. 1 middle school took the opening ceremony as an opportunity to hold the 6th "langfeng reward fund" award ceremony. the conference awarded a total of 100,000 yuan in awards to commend teachers and students who have achieved outstanding results in teaching and academics.
this time, the "langfeng award fund" selected 16 outstanding teachers, 21 outstanding class teachers and 73 outstanding students as winners. outstanding teachers and outstanding class teachers each received a reward of 1,000 yuan, while outstanding students received 3,000 yuan (special prize), 1,000 yuan (first prize) and 500 yuan (second prize) according to the award level.
it is reported that the "langfeng reward fund" was generously established by peng xinqun, an outstanding alumnus of the 1993 class 202 of hengdong no. 1 middle school and chairman of guangzhou langfeng motorcycle parts co., ltd. in june 2019. the fund is used to commend and encourage outstanding class teachers, teachers and students of the school through a fixed annual award of 150,000 yuan (50,000 yuan of which is allocated to yangshan experimental middle school under the no. 1 middle school education group).