
anxiang county wuyi middle school held a canteen open day event


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huasheng online news (correspondent: chen lihe) in order to strengthen the management of school canteens, improve service quality, ensure that students can eat well in school and grow up healthily, allow parents to better participate in school management and help students grow, on september 13, anxiang county may 1st middle school held a student canteen parent open day event, inviting parents, people's congress representatives, and people from the surrounding society to enter the campus, the restaurant, and the kitchen to experience the students' campus life up close.
at 10:30 a.m., parent representatives walked into the campus. the school’s party branch secretary huang shengping, principal of the school of finance and economics huang daqui, and logistics director guo hongjun had a brief exchange with the parent representatives. party branch secretary huang shengping introduced the school’s situation and development plan, and principal of the school of finance and economics huang daqui introduced the school’s cafeteria situation and the arrangements for the cafeteria open day.
afterwards, the parents were led on a tour to see and understand the work process from the staff entering the operation room to the purchase, storage, cleaning, rough processing, finished product production, finished product storage, tableware washing and disinfection, food sampling, etc., so that parents can fully understand the school's catering management and food production process. through the on-site visit, the parent representatives felt the school's high standards for student meals.
then the parent representatives experienced dining and evaluated the canteen service. each parent carefully filled out the "canteen service satisfaction survey form", spoke highly of the school canteen, and put forward pertinent suggestions and hopes.
through this activity, schools and parents realized that while doing their jobs well, they should also attach importance to students' education, strengthen home-school cooperation, communicate with each other, and work together to create a good environment for students' healthy growth.
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