
"if you don't work hard, your daughter will be hugged by her peers"? huatu education, founded by yi dinghong, is embroiled in controversy over insulting girls


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produced by radar finance | edited by mo enmeng | deep sea

"if you don't work hard, your daughter may be held by her peers; if you work hard, you will hold the daughter of your peers." this slogan, which made many people feel uncomfortable, pushed huatu education to the center of the whirlpool of public opinion.

in response to various questions from the outside world, huatu education responded that the so-called "bad advertisements" were inappropriate online jokes quoted by the company's teachers in their teaching ppts, and were not the company's promotional advertisements. the company expressed its deep apologies for this and has now instructed the parties involved to conduct a thorough inspection and take serious action against them in accordance with relevant regulations.

in fact, this is not the first time that huatu education has been involved in similar controversies. as early as 2020, the slogan "pass the civil service exam, you can rule the country and choose your wife" attracted a lot of criticism for huatu education. in addition, related companies under huatu education have been punished by relevant departments for violating relevant provisions of the advertising law.

apart from the turmoil, huatu education, which has tried many times to enter the capital market but failed for a long time, has now basically achieved a backdoor listing with huatu shanding. due to the addition of non-academic training business compared with the same period last year, huatu shanding's revenue and net profit attributable to the parent company have achieved significant growth in the first half of this year. however, compared with its peers zhonggong education and fanbi, huatu education does not have a clear leading advantage in the industry.

as the founder of huatu education, yi dinghong does not currently serve in the management of the listed company huatu shanding, but he and his wife wu jingyu, as actual controllers, still play a crucial role in the company's development.from 2016 to 2020, the two appeared on the hurun rich list for many consecutive years, but since 2021, their names have "disappeared" from the list.

it is worth mentioning that in june this year, yi dinghong added a new information of the person subject to execution, and the amount of execution was as high as 254 million yuan. this incident undoubtedly added some uncertainty to the stable development of huatu education.

the slogan was accused of "objectifying women", and huatu education "turned over" again

recently, some netizens reported on social media that the promotional slogan of huatu education classroom uses the gimmick of "if you don't work hard, your daughter may be hugged by her peers; if you work hard, you hug the daughter of your peers", and the content is indecent and has distorted values, and there is suspicion of "objectifying women" and "consuming women".

some netizens said they couldn't believe it: "this is actually an advertisement for an educational institution." some netizens commented, "what kind of ideology does this institution have? they even have a civil service exam." some netizens questioned, "is the purpose of taking the civil service exam so that you can hold someone else's daughter? what kind of values ​​are these?" some netizens even expressed their concerns, "if such a person with incorrect values ​​gets admitted, you can imagine how terrible it would be."

regarding the above rumors, some media asked huatu education to verify the authenticity of the picture content and the relevant review process. the relevant person in charge of huatu education said, "the incident has been promptly fed back to the leadership, and the advertisement was taken offline as soon as possible."

as public opinion continued to ferment, on the afternoon of september 13, huatu education released a statement on its official weibo account to respond to the controversy. huatu education stated that after investigation, the so-called "bad advertisement" circulated on the internet was an inappropriate online joke quoted by the company's teacher zhang (female) in her lecture ppt on september 7, and was not the company's promotional advertisement. the company deeply apologizes for the adverse social impact caused by this incident. the party involved, zhang, has been ordered to conduct a thorough inspection and will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the company's relevant regulations.

radar finance found that this is not the first time that huatu education has fallen because of a slogan. as early as 2020, the yingshan branch of huatu education in huanggang city, hubei province, had aroused public dissatisfaction by hanging a controversial slogan on the street that read "if you pass the civil service exam, you can decide the country and choose your wife."

at that time, a staff member of huatu education yingshan campus responded in an interview with the media, "this is a propaganda slogan of our huatu. it means that if you pass the civil service exam, everything will be fine. because the candidates for civil service exams are young, college students or fresh graduates. we made some very interesting slogans to give people a sense of freshness."

later, the propaganda department of yingshan county party committee said that it had asked the yingshan branch of huatu education to rectify and remove all slogans. according to jiemian news, the propaganda banner was not unique to the yingshan branch. as early as 2015, a weibo user posted a picture of a banner of huatu education with a similar slogan on it.

in march 2022, beijing huatu hongyang education culture development co., ltd. was fined 8,000 yuan by the lubei district market supervision administration of tangshan city for suspected illegal advertising.according to qichacha, beijing huatu hongyang education culture development co., ltd. was also included in the blacklist of off-campus training institutions by the harbin education bureau.

before becoming the focus of public opinion this time, the sichuan provincial market supervision bureau and the chongqing municipal market supervision bureau released a batch of typical cases of false and illegal advertising in the sichuan and chongqing regions in august this year, among which the dazhou branch of beijing huatu hongyang education culture development co., ltd. was on the list.

tianyancha shows that the dazhou branch of beijing huatu hongyang education culture development co., ltd. was established in april 2014. the beneficial owner is yi dinghong, the founder of huatu education, whose ultimate beneficial shares in the company are 37.68%.

it is reported that in this advertising violation case, the education and training advertisements published by the party concerned at its business premises contained content such as "every year, more than 6 million students experience and learn huatu's various courses through huatu's stores, books, websites, mobile applications and other platforms; every year, more than half of the employees who enter the public service system such as civil servants, teachers, public institutions, finance, and medical care have received huatu's services", and they also used promotional bags to print content such as "pass every exam, get ashore, the end of the universe is a system, and the end of a system is a civil servant".

because the aforementioned advertising content of the dazhou branch of beijing huatu hongyang education culture development co., ltd. made explicit or implicit guarantees on the effectiveness of the training, it violated the relevant provisions of the advertisement law. the tongchuan district market supervision bureau of dazhou city finally fined the company 200,000 yuan.

some internet marketing professionals pointed out that the incident involving huatu education has once again sounded the alarm for the entire industry. while pursuing marketing results, educational institutions must adhere to social ethics and the bottom line of laws and regulations to ensure that the content of advertising is healthy, positive and constructive.

the above-mentioned person also pointed out that in order to avoid similar problems, educational institutions urgently need to strengthen internal management from the root and build a complete and efficient supervision mechanism. for example, strengthen employee professional quality training, establish a stricter advertising review system, strengthen corporate culture construction, and establish a more effective feedback and supervision mechanism.

after the curve listing, the performance soared, but huatu shanding's industry advantages are not yet obvious

apart from the storm, huatu education technology co., ltd.'s parent company huatu shanding handed in its latest mid-term report at the end of august. in the first half of this year, huatu shanding achieved revenue of 1.506 billion yuan, a year-on-year surge of 4601.26%, which is in sharp contrast to the 32 million yuan in the same period last year.

while revenue soared, huatu shanding's net profit also achieved rapid the first half of last year, huatu shanding recorded a net profit of -0.04 billion yuan attributable to shareholders of the listed company. in the first half of this year, huatu shanding not only turned losses into profits, but also achieved a net profit of 122 million yuan attributable to shareholders of the listed company.

the reason why huatu shanding's performance has achieved such strong growth in the first half of this year has a lot to do with the non-academic training business in the field of vocational education that the company launched through its wholly-owned subsidiary huatu education technology co., ltd. in november last year. after this adjustment, huatu shanding, which originally belonged to the architectural design industry, changed its main business activities to architectural engineering design and related consulting services and non-academic training services.

affected by this, huatu shanding's revenue structure has also undergone a huge change, and non-academic training business has quickly become the company's core growth point. in the first half of this year, non-academic training business contributed 1.488 billion yuan in revenue to the company, accounting for nearly 99% of the total revenue, while architectural engineering design and related consulting services only earned 18 million yuan in revenue during the same period, contributing just over 1% to the total revenue.

as the company's previous revenue base, huatu shanding's architectural engineering design and related consulting services business is still facing severe challenges. in the first half of 2024, the real estate market continued to adjust, and indicators such as real estate development investment and new commercial housing sales area did not show significant improvement, and the industry's prosperity remained at a low level.

the low prosperity of the real estate industry has caused architectural design companies to face multiple challenges, including reduced design business, slowed project progress, longer collection cycles, and intensified market competition. facing the market environment in which the industry is located, huatu shanding seeks development while adapting and controls operating risks by strengthening management.

as for the non-academic training business, huatu shanding continued to exert its strength during the reporting period. in the first half of the year, recruitment examinations were carried out intensively, providing market guarantees for the company's performance. at the same time, the company not only improved its operational efficiency but also strictly controlled costs through scientific management, process optimization and resource integration, thus ensuring the profitability of the non-academic training business during the reporting period.

among the 1.488 billion yuan in revenue from non-academic training business, the revenue from related transactions realized by huatu hongyang's entrusted stock courses reached 171 million yuan. after deduction, the company's revenue from non-academic training business was 1.317 billion yuan. further divided, face-to-face training realized revenue of 1.242 billion yuan, and online training and others realized revenue of 74 million yuan, accounting for 94.36% and 5.64% of the operating income after deduction, respectively.

by the end of the first half of the year, the company had established more than 500 branches across the country to carry out training business, and trained more than 190,000 trainees in total. huatu shanding revealed that national and local civil servant recruitment examination training is an important source of the company's operating income, especially from henan, shandong, guangdong and other provinces, the most prominent contribution to revenue.

although huatu shanding's performance has increased dramatically compared with the same period last year, its advantages compared with its peers are not particularly the first half of this year, offcn education's revenue decreased by 16.23% year-on-year to 1.448 billion yuan, but its net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies increased by more than 40% year-on-year to 116 million yuan. judging from the above data, huatu shanding's performance slightly beat offcn education.

compared with the other player in the "three giants of public examinations", huatu shanding is in a relatively backward position. in the first half of this year, fanbi recorded a revenue of 1.63 billion yuan, and during the same period, fanbi realized a profit attributable to the owners of the company of 278 million yuan, which means that in the fiercely competitive industry war, huatu shanding still needs to continue to work hard to maintain and expand its market share and competitive advantage.

yi dinghong, the helmsman behind huatu education, was fined 254 million yuan in june

looking back at the development of huatu education, it is inseparable from the leadership of its founder yi dinghong. born in 1969, yi dinghong grew up in hebo township, shaoyang county. when he was a little older, yi dinghong studied at the local hebo middle school, which is remote and inconvenient for transportation. it is one of the poorest towns in shaoyang county.

faced with a poor growing environment, yi dinghong knew that the light of education could illuminate the road to the future. with this belief, he overcame many difficulties with extraordinary perseverance and unremitting efforts, and successfully entered central south university. he then studied at sichuan university and hunan agricultural university, and then entered the cheung kong graduate school of business and tsinghua university school of finance, and finally received a doctorate degree.

after graduation, yi dinghong was assigned to teach at guangdong university of finance and economics. according to his original life trajectory, yi dinghong had the opportunity to enjoy a stable and decent teaching career at guangdong university of finance and economics, but his inner passion and exploration of the unknown world drove him to make a bold decision - to give up comfort, devote himself to the business world, and start his entrepreneurial journey.

in 2001, yi dinghong went north alone and founded huatu education in beijing, a land full of opportunities and challenges, specializing in book publishing and civil servant recruitment examination training. after more than 20 years, huatu education, under the leadership of yi dinghong, has grown from nothing to a leading brand in the field of civil service examinations and vocational education in china.

as the soul helmsman of huatu education, yi dinghong not only witnessed the rise of the company, but also appeared on the 2016 hurun rich list with his wife wu jingyu with a wealth of 2.8 billion yuan. by 2020, their wealth had risen to 4 billion yuan. but since 2021, their names have not appeared on the hurun rich list.

although huatu education is an education brand founded by yi dinghong, yi dinghong himself does not currently serve in the management of the listed company huatu shanding.radar finance learned from huatu shanding’s official website that wu zhenggao is currently the chairman of huatu shanding.

however, this does not mean that yi dinghong has no say in huatu shanding. tianyancha shows that yi dinghong currently serves as the chairman of beijing huatu hongyang education and culture development co., ltd., which is a shareholder of huatu hongyang investment co., ltd., the major shareholder of huatu shanding.

according to the 2023 annual report previously released by huatu shanding, yi dinghong and his wife wu jingyu are the actual controllers and persons acting in concert of huatu shanding. yi dinghong controls the actual control of huatu shanding through relationships such as beijing huatu hongyang education and culture development co., ltd., huatu hongyang investment co., ltd., and jiaxing lifeng equity investment partnership (limited partnership).

according to huatu shanding's 2024 interim report, as of the end of the first half of the year, huatu hongyang investment co., ltd. held 71.65 million shares of the listed company, and its shareholding ratio remained at 51%.

in addition, yi dinghong's family members and many "old huatu people" with huatu education background are currently holding important positions in the listed company huatu shanding. for example, yi dinghong's sister yi xiaoying is currently the general manager and director of huatu shanding.

after years of accumulation, yi dinghong's business empire has become very large.tianyancha shows that yi dinghong currently works for 47 companies. however, among these 47 companies, 26 are still registered, and the remaining 21 have been deregistered.

it is worth noting that in june this year, yi dinghong also added a new information about the person to be executed. tianyancha shows that the execution target is 254 million yuan, and the executing court is the shenzhen futian district people's court.