
there is new progress in the scout incident. edg filed for a second instance in july this year. what are lng and the agency doing?


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scout may not be able to participate in the september world championship due to a contract dispute. i believe everyone knows this. as a former edg ace player, since leaving edg to join lng during the transfer period, the relationship between him and edg has reached a freezing point. with the subsequent exposure of more contract information, the grievances between them cannot be explained in just a few words.

so the general situation now is that edg was dissatisfied with the result of the first instance, so it filed a lawsuit in the second instance, demanding that scout be prohibited from leaving the country. since scout will be participating in the global finals in september, the ban on leaving the country is obviously a blow to the aorta.

after this incident was exposed, many netizens accused edg of having to do this at this time? isn't this a stumbling block for the entire lpl region? as an lpl club, don't you have any regional honor at all? obviously, these words are intended to condemn edg from a moral perspective, but did edg really choose this time to cause trouble?

according to tianyancha's data, the second trial of edg's lawsuit against scout has already begun. the first trial was in july of this year. the case was a contract dispute.civil litigationthis also means that edg’s request to restrict scout’s exit from the country may have been put forward at that time. then from july to now, a full two months, why have neither lng nor scout’s agency taken any effective action?

now the interesting thing is that scout and edg have a contract dispute, so the simplest way is whoever breaches the contract should pay back. but the question is who should pay back? many people may say, of course scout should pay back, but scout feels that he did not breach the contract, and he should have won the first trial, but edg is not satisfied with the result of the first trial, so there is the second trial now, so what about lng? lng is not stupid, his contract with scout is short-term and expires this year, so who will fill the hole after i pay it back? the three parties are deadlocked.

the only way now is to negotiate, whether it is multiple parties sitting down to mediate peacefully or riot coming out to mediate, there must be a solution to this matter. lpl does not need to play in the world championship qualifiers this year, so the official competition time is in october. how this matter will be resolved in the end depends on the results of the next negotiations. the best case scenario is that scout continues to participate in the competition and edg gets what they want. the worst case scenario is that lng cannot be replaced by a substitute, and scout and edg will fight to the death. after all, at this juncture, you will lose the opportunity to participate in the world championship. if you were scout, what would you do?