
public welfare action warms the grassroots: qingdao station digestive tract tumor screening technology promotion was a complete success


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the "national digestive tract cancer screening appropriate technology promotion project" sponsored by the beijing integrative medicine society and hosted by the gastrointestinal ultrasound branch of the beijing integrative medicine society has been launched for more than a year since april 2023, and the results have been remarkable. on this basis, the "grassroots ultrasound capacity improvement public welfare training action" has also set sail. in september, when the golden autumn brought coolness, the shandong station of the training action was enthusiastically carried out at the qingdao lianchuang community health service center. this event was sponsored by the beijing integrative medicine society, hosted by the gastrointestinal ultrasound branch of the beijing integrative medicine society, and co-organized by the joint research center for liver diseases.

the activity gotprofessor li jianguo, honorary president of the chinese society of ultrasound in medicine and engineering, gastrointestinal ultrasound branch of the beijing society of integrative medicine, and professor of ultrasound department of peking university people's hospitalprofessor li not only gave hands-on instruction in the morning, but also personally guided primary care doctors in the actual operation of abdominal and gastric ultrasound. he also elaborated in detail in the lecture on the "significance of abdominal ultrasound in the diagnosis of the digestive system", which was unanimously praised by doctors and patients on site.

professor li jianguoseveral key points were also emphasized in the lecture. first, he emphasized the importance and urgency of gastrointestinal ultrasound technology in primary medical institutions, pointing out that this is a key measure to respond to the country's call to promote the sinking of medical resources to the grassroots level under the current background of uneven distribution of medical resources. with the continuous advancement of ultrasound equipment technology and the country's continuous investment in primary medical equipment, the use of ultrasound technology for early gastrointestinal cancer screening has achieved remarkable results, which is not only effective but also in line with my country's actual situation. secondly, professor li emphasized the importance of standardized ultrasound operation and put forward a series of specific suggestions to enhance the ultrasound diagnosis ability of primary medical personnel, thereby further improving the early detection rate of tumors and gradually narrowing the gap between my country and the world in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer. he also paid special attention to the combination of ultrasound diagnosis and clinical treatment of diffuse liver and spleen lesions, especially the synergy with traditional chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment, and believed that this is an important direction for future research and practice. third, professor li reiterated the importance of gastrointestinal tumor screening and called for the establishment of a holistic gastrointestinal ultrasound examination system covering the gastrointestinal, liver, spleen, and pancreas and gallbladder to more comprehensively and systematically respond to the challenges of gastrointestinal cancer, grasp the timing of treatment, and improve patient survival.

during the event, experts and scholars in related fields also gave wonderful presentations.

zhang yinqiang, chief physician, department of hepatology, xiyuan hospital, china academy of chinese medical sciencesin-depth sharing was conducted on the topic of "liver and gallbladder diseases and gastrointestinal dysfunction". director zhang believes that gastrointestinal dysfunction is often closely related to liver and gallbladder diseases. he particularly emphasized the importance of this disease in primary medical care, and gave a detailed explanation of the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and integrated chinese and western medicine treatment of gastrointestinal diseases caused by liver and gallbladder diseases. director zhang also shared typical clinical cases and treatment experience of integrating chinese and western medicine, providing valuable practical guidance for primary medical care. at the same time, director zhang also emphasized the importance of chinese medicine conditioning and lifestyle adjustments, and put forward suggestions to help patients achieve better treatment effects and quality of life in the primary medical environment. this sharing brought new perspectives and coping strategies to primary medical colleagues.

cai jinbin, director of clinical department of joint liver disease centerthey shared the future plan of the research center, which is to further deepen the research on the topic of yishen liver protection oral liquid. they are committed to widely applying this research result to primary medical diagnosis and treatment, especially in the fields of oncology and psychiatry. they hope to achieve the effect of increasing efficacy and reducing toxicity through the use of yishen liver protection oral liquid, and give full play to its clinical application value in drug-induced liver injury. in addition, for the treatment of diseases such as liver fibrosis and cirrhosis where traditional chinese medicine has advantages, the research center will also rely on the unique value of traditional chinese medicine to provide strong support for the overall prevention and treatment of digestive system diseases.

with the successful conclusion of the qingdao event, this event further consolidated the solid foundation of the national promotion activities.zhu bo, executive president of the gastrointestinal ultrasound branch of the beijing integrative medicine societythe host concluded: "the small probe scans the condition and protects the patient's health. the branch will continue to actively organize experts to go down to primary medical institutions and work with primary doctors to provide abdominal and gastric ultrasound services to patients to improve the screening capabilities of primary medical institutions. we will also continue to call on more grassroots forces across the country to participate in the training action and work together to build a solid defense line against gastrointestinal tumors."

【event background】in recent years, the incidence of digestive tract tumors in my country has continued to rise, posing a serious threat to people's health. in order to actively respond to the policy requirements of the national cancer center's 2022 national cancer report and the outline of the "healthy china 2030" plan, improve the capacity of primary medical services, and ensure that people can enjoy fair and continuous health services nearby, the "national digestive tract tumor screening appropriate technology promotion project" hosted by the beijing integrative medicine society and undertaken by the gastrointestinal ultrasound branch of the beijing integrative medicine society has been launched since april 2023. it is understood that the "promotion project" aims to promote gastrointestinal ultrasound appropriate technology, cover grassroots ultrasound doctors across the country, and improve the clinical level of grassroots ultrasound. empower the grassroots through training, census, health education and other forms to improve the ability and awareness of grassroots medical personnel in gastrointestinal tumor screening. the action will carry out the "gastrointestinal ultrasound to help the grassroots'three early' action", that is, early inspection, early detection, and early diagnosis, adhere to the combination of prevention and treatment, and prevention as the main focus, to help the prevention and control of gastrointestinal tumors at the grassroots level. at the same time, explore the digestive tract tumor screening model suitable for grassroots medical institutions to provide reference and reference for future public health undertakings.