
national computer virus emergency response center - building a solid barrier for network security


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original title: national computer virus emergency response center - building a solid barrier for network security

from september 9 to 15, the 2024 national cyber ​​security publicity week with the theme of "cyber ​​security for the people, cyber ​​security relies on the people" was launched nationwide. at the second cyberspace security (tianjin) forum, which closed earlier, nearly 800 heads of institutions, government officials, experts and scholars, and entrepreneurs from the field of cyber security gathered in tianjin binhai new area to discuss five topics, including the safe development of the information and innovation industry, the governance of the mobile application security ecosystem, the rule of law for network and data security, advanced threat defense for cyber security, and large models and data security. they discussed the cyberspace security situation, shared cyber security concepts, and discussed cyber security countermeasures.

the national computer virus emergency response center is one of the main organizers of the two cyberspace security (tianjin) forums. in recent years, focusing on the responsibilities of the national center, it has made every effort to promote the integrated development of "production, learning, research and application", launched the national computer virus collaborative analysis platform, integrated well-known domestic and foreign commercial and open source computer virus detection and analysis engines, and provided high-quality products for global internet users. at the same time, it has accelerated the promotion of international cooperation in computer virus governance and promoted the establishment of a multilateral, democratic and transparent global internet governance system. the center recently released the "cyberspace security situation analysis report (2024)" and the "mobile internet application security statistical analysis report (2024)", analyzing and sorting out the risks and threats in cyberspace and industry fields, and researching and proposing targeted defense measures and strategies, providing systematic, comprehensive and professional scientific information references for network security authorities, industry organizations and researchers, and jointly issued the mobile internet application developer self-discipline convention with more than ten leading internet companies to further regulate the behavior of mobile internet application developers and promote the healthy development of the mobile internet application industry.

in addition, based on the continuous participation in organizing and hosting two cyberspace security (tianjin) forums, five international anti-virus conferences, and two "skynet cup" cybersecurity competitions, the national computer virus emergency response center focuses on hot spots, focal points, difficult issues and risks and challenges in cyberspace, actively improves its own strength, and continuously improves the authority of network security special product detection, mobile internet security monitoring capabilities, and network security monitoring and disposal capabilities.

"in the next step, we will continue to leverage our resource advantages, monitor the risks and challenges facing cyberspace security from multiple dimensions, analyze new trends and threats in cyberspace security risks from multiple angles, and propose targeted countermeasures and suggestions to better provide decision-making support for national cybersecurity authorities, information reference for industry organizations and researchers, and actively enable the high-quality development of my country's cybersecurity industry." chen yudong, director of the national computer virus emergency response center, said. (wu shaomin, people's daily online reporter zhang guigui)

(people's daily overseas edition)
