
houtang yao ethnic township school holds the opening ceremony of the second semester of 2024


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huasheng online news (correspondent zhai caixiu) a new semester, a new journey. on september 13, the opening ceremony of the houtang yao ethnic township school in chenxi county, huaihua city kicked off in an atmosphere full of hope.
vice principal liang changbing emphasized the importance of school safety education. he clearly pointed out that we must do our utmost to prevent campus bullying and sexual assault, and strictly prohibit students from bringing dangerous items into the campus; resolutely prohibit students from eating "three no" products and riding "three no" vehicles; warn students not to climb trees or walls, and boarding students not to go out at night; put an end to students' bad behaviors such as wearing strange clothes and littering, and encourage students to be civilized and polite, take the initiative to greet teachers and be polite, and hope that students can compare with their past selves, make continuous progress, and pursue excellence.
then, the school commended the outstanding students, excellent class cadres, excellent league members and excellent league cadres. these outstanding students are like bright stars, lighting the way forward for the students and inspiring everyone to work hard and strive for progress in the new semester.
finally, principal shu dahei delivered an enthusiastic speech. he emphasized that teachers should care for students, have a deep understanding of students' family conditions, actively implement home visits, and give full play to their leading role. in terms of dressing, teachers should meet professional standards, strictly demand themselves, and set a good example for students.
the horn of the new semester has sounded. all teachers and students of houtang yao ethnic township school will work together to write a new glorious chapter with full enthusiasm, rigorous attitude and unremitting efforts.
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