
"hunting down" ke wenzhe and forcing the united states to take action? what is the taiwan authorities doing? the mainland sees it clearly


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taiwan people's party chairman ko wen-je was detained by lai ching-te's authorities. in order to ensure that its "using taiwan to contain china" strategy would not be affected, the united states was reported to have said that "if lai ching-te continues to be arrogant, the united states will not sit idly by." at the same time, the mainland also saw clearly that lai ching-te was "hunting down" ko wen-je, and also understood what the dpp authorities were thinking.

taiwan people's party chairman ko wen-je

taiwan people's party chairman ko wen-je is currently in custody and is not allowed to visit because of his involvement in the jinghuacheng case. jie wenqi, former taiwan's "representative to new zealand", revealed in a taiwanese media program that "the united states hopes that taiwan leader lai ching-te will exercise restraint and not cause a political storm. because only when the situation in taiwan is stable can the united states pull him together to "join forces to fight against china." if lai ching-te continues to act recklessly, the american institute in taiwan may intervene."

he also went on to reveal, "what the united states wants is a taiwanese leader who can handle taiwan's internal affairs and cooperate with them. originally, the people's party was a branch of the democratic progressive party, and both belonged to the 'independence faction', which is very much in line with the united states' geopolitical interests. now the democratic progressive party is the 'old independence faction', and ko wen-je is the 'young grass faction', which means that the 'independence faction' consciousness may be weakened."

taiwan leader lai ching-te

after hearing the news, taiwan’s executive yuan directly said “it had never heard of it” and shifted the attention to mainland china, claiming that “mainland china is very concerned about this case.”

however, unlike the selfish behavior of the united states, the mainland side saw the news and was very clear that it was lai ching-te who was behind the scenes, using judicial and administrative means to suppress dissidents. the lai administration did this to clean up those who do not support the dpp and do not agree with "taiwan independence" in order to clear the obstacles for their "taiwan independence" plan.

at present, ko wen-je has decided not to appeal and hopes that the prosecutor will conduct a thorough investigation during the two-month detention period. at the same time, the people's party is also taking action. a few days ago, it held its first "support ko wen-je" event in taipei city. it plans to hold 12 lectures in kinmen, taoyuan, new taipei city and other places within a month.

ko wen-je, former chairman of the taiwan people's party (center)

but even taiwanese media mentioned that "the lai administration was simply messing around when handling the ko wen-je case. they looked through a large number of documents, and the prosecutors worked for a long time, but they didn't find any substantial evidence."

another kuomintang representative mentioned, "from all indications, the dpp, the procuratorate and those green media are basically in cahoots. some green media are reporting details of the case every day, full of offensive remarks and conspiracy speculations, with all kinds of numbers and lists that sound like the truth, but when you check, they are all unreliable, and even the case-handling units are too lazy to verify them."

the kmt legislator also warned lai ching-te that "the judiciary must follow the principle of presumption of innocence and cannot use the law as a tool to crack down on dissidents." he also reminded dpp members, "don't think that the lai administration will only target the people's party. in the future, no matter who it is, as long as they are not of the same mind or have different opinions with these people, they may become the target of struggle."

supporters rally in support of ke wenzhe

in the final analysis, this is china's internal affairs, and the united states has no right to interfere. the united states is not concerned about who is arrested, but whether this will affect their strategic layout. even if the united states really hit lai ching-te and the dpp authorities, it is not for the people's party, but to achieve its own goal of "using taiwan to control china."

however, no matter how the united states supports "taiwan independence" and how it tries to "use taiwan to contain china", it will ultimately be in vain. if the united states really wants to stabilize the situation in the taiwan strait, it should immediately stop supporting "taiwan independence", return to the track of the one-china principle, and abide by its political commitments to china.