
top of the list! fujian wechat influence ranking for the 36th week of 2024 is here


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the fujian wechat communication index list is guided by the propaganda department of the fujian provincial party committee, hosted by the fujian daily, released by the new fujian client, and provided with data support by qingbo intelligence.
everyone is welcome to recommend their favorite or operated wechat public accounts to be included in the list. wechat public accounts that want to be included in the list can send the public account name and wechat id to [email protected] to participate in the evaluation.
the weekly ranking statistics are from september 1 to september 7, 2024. the evaluation indicator wechat communication index (wci) is calculated by qingbo index based on various wechat data indicators collected.
fujian wechat influence rankings of this issue
which public accounts are on the list?
this issuecounty influence, the top accounts are still in style, and 1 account is newly listed. "home in gulou", "jinjiang economic news", "siming express", "jinjiang tv station", and "huli headlines" hold the top five positions; "shishi media" and "the most beautiful cangshan" rise one place, ranking sixth and seventh in this period; "anxi media" and "huian express" run fast, from the 15th and 19th in the previous period to the 12th and 17th in this period respectively; "today's haicang" and "watch fengze" climbed significantly, from the 16th and 14th in the previous period to the 8th and 9th in this period respectively; "xianyou radio and television station" and "today's jin'an" ranked 10th and 18th, the same as the previous period; "wuping release" made the list just on the line, ranking 20th in this period.
hot articles, there are 3 articles with more than 100,000 views in this issue, "today's haicang" received 1 article, and "home in gulou" received 2 articles. "today's haicang"'s "breaking news! a student in xiamen suffered a cardiac arrest, and his classmates performed a "textbook" first aid" ranked first in the hot articles list, and "home in gulou" took the second and third places in the hot articles list, respectively "just now! typhoon "lipi" formed! heavy rain warning in fujian!" "typhoon "makar" changed its path and is expected to land on the 6th! heavy rain and rainstorms in fujian"; "cancelled! the latest notice from the xiamen municipal education bureau" ranked first in the number of likes, and "jinjiang economic news"'s "full capping! jinjiang's major project welcomes new progress →" ranked first in the original hot articles list.
this issuemedia (province, city) list, nearly half of the accounts have stepped forward. "xiamen daily" and "haixia herald" seized the advantage and ranked first and second, "haixia metropolis daily" moved up one place and won the third place in this issue; "guan bamin" and "minnan daily" overtook the curve, from the ninth and fourteenth in the previous issue to the fourth and eighth in this issue respectively; "zhangshi news" rose three places and ranked seventh in this issue; "putian news", "zhangzhou news network" and "minnan network" all moved up two places, ranking eleventh, fourteenth and eighteenth respectively in this issue; "southeast morning post", "xiamen evening news" and "quanzhou evening news" all rose one place in the ranking, ranking tenth, sixteenth and seventeenth respectively in this issue.
hot articles, this issue has a total of 40 articles with more than 100,000 views, 11 of which were from the strait herald, 6 from the news wide angle, 4 from the strait metropolis daily, 3 from the xiamen daily, fuzhou evening news, and fm1007 fujian traffic radio, 2 from the xiamen evening news, and 1 from the zhangzhou news network, zhangshi news, minnan daily, guanbamin, southeast morning post, and 987 private car radio. "big s claims 400 million yuan from wang xiaofei!" took the top two spots, from the xiamen evening news and fuzhou evening news respectively; "bytedance is reported to be seeking a $9.5 billion loan" from the strait herald ranked third on the list of hot articles; "breaking news: moscow attacked" from the strait herald ranked first in the number of likes, and "the incident happened in fuzhou! a woman died in a hotel, and the police have intervened in the investigation" from the strait metropolis daily ranked first on the list of original hot articles. among the 100,000+ hot articles, 4 focused on "sports information", 7 focused on "digital products", and 11 focused on "international hot spots".
this issuegovernment affairs list, the top four retained their seats, the ranking of the central accounts improved, and 3 accounts re-entered the list. "fujian communist youth league", "fujian traffic police micro release", "fuzhou traffic police", and "fuzhou micro civilization" retained the top four, "fujian discipline inspection and supervision" and "xiamen federation of trade unions" climbed 7 places and won the fifth and tenth place in this period; "quanzhou traffic police micro release" moved up 4 places and won the ninth place in this period; "fuzhou public security" rose 1 place and ranked 15th in this period; "shishi court" performed steadily and ranked 20th in this period; "zhangzhou public security", "fresh fujian cultural tourism voice" and "youthful quanzhou" were newcomers in this period, and won the seventh, eleventh and eighteenth places in this period.
hot articles, this issue has 5 articles with more than 100,000 views, all from the "fujian communist youth league". the "fujian communist youth league" took the top three hot articles, "excellence × 3! fujian triplets admitted to the same university" won the top spot in both hot articles and likes, and "what will happen if you sleep less than 6 hours a day for 30 consecutive days?" and "the global champion was born in fujian!" ranked second and third on the hot article list.
the county, media (provincial and municipal), and government rankings are published weekly. the top 20 wechat public accounts in each category are selected, and the number of posts per week by the listed accounts is not less than 7. the monthly analysis of the county, tourism, health, education, and campus wechat communication index is published monthly. the county wechat communication index analysis is selected from the top 20 public accounts, and the tourism, health, education, and campus wechat communication index analysis is selected from the top 10 public accounts in each category. the number of posts per month by the relevant accounts is not less than 20. for the time being, only provincial subscription accounts are included, and service accounts are not included.
among them, the county list uses the wechat public accounts of government releases, media, county-level integrated media centers, etc. in 88 counties (cities, districts) across the province as samples. the monitoring samples of the media (provincial and municipal) list are media at or above the municipal level; the monitoring samples of the government list are government accounts of provincial units, municipalities, and county (city, district) units, but do not include county-level government releases. if there are any omissions, please leave a message to contact us.
the "qingbo index" collects data from each wechat public account twice a day, at 0:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon every day. the data collected are all data from the previous day for the account, and preview post data are not counted.
the comprehensive data is calculated using the industry-recognized wci index.qingbo index is a third-party new media big data query platform and a "two microblogs and one terminal" new media big data platform. its unique wci, bci, and tgi algorithm formulas have been cited by many central enterprises and fortune 500 companies. fujian daily is one of the most influential and credible mainstream media in fujian. the fujian wechat public account influence ranking list, published by fujian daily new fujian client and supported by qingbo intelligence, is committed to creating the most authoritative and fair wechat influence evaluation list in fujian province.
source: fujian daily·new fujian client data research room
editor: chen meihong
reviewed by: liu guojun, fu yu